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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:13:21
Qian Renfeng for wrongful imprisonment awarded 1.72 million, claimed to have a boyfriend want to live,



Qian Renfeng miscarriage of 1.72 million say they have awarded a boyfriend want to live well | Qian Ren | grievance _ the wind news

In late July, Qian Renfeng participating in the company's new hire training to expand in a good mood.

Original title: Qian Renfeng today, 1.72 million compensation award

Legal evening news (reporters Li case Studio) this morning, the Yunnan Provincial higher people's Court held a press conference, said Qian Renfeng reached a compensation agreement on State compensation, payment of State compensation of 1723857.30 yuan to Qian Renfeng.

Men in connection with 13 after his release, Qian Renfeng to the Yunnan province High Court apply for State compensation of about 9.55 million.

Today at noon, Qian Renfeng said in an interview with the legal evening news reporter, taking into account his time and energy on "afford" life difficult, received State compensation agreement. But disappointed with the amount that this sum of money "too little", more than 10 years in Exchange for the money is "friction".


  Why does the country taken as more than 1.72 million yuan of compensation?

The legal evening news reporter noted after Qian Ren winds in Yunnan province High Court bid for more than more than 9.55 million Yuan compensation. Contains violations of liberty national compensation 5846699; mental damage compensation of 2046344.65 Yuan and nearly 14 years their cost of 1660000 Yuan.

Worth noting is that in terms of compensation for violations of liberty national, the applicant should be calculated according to the daily 24-hour compensation, not provided for in the law on State compensation to work 8 hours a day.

Yunnan province High Court and ultimately to the Qian Renfeng national award was paid more than 1.72 million Yuan, according to what?

According to Yunnan province High Court issued (2016), national compensation law 22nd that decision, High Court of China's Supreme People's Court of Yunnan 2015 State workers average daily subject 242.30 calculation of damages for personal freedom, Qian Renfeng detention imprisonment for 5,051 days of innocence, need to pay 1223857.30 yuan.

In addition, the Yunnan province High Court finds it suffered severe mental damage, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law on State compensation, ren Feng were wrongful convictions and sentencing, considering the money, long-term deprivation of physical liberty, Qian Renfeng to pay moral damages compensation of 500,000 yuan. Two compensation totalling 1723857.30 yuan.

"From the application to the present two months early. "Yang Zhu Qian Renfeng case lawyer said compensation compensation and spiritual damage compensation of personal freedom, are part of the national compensation project, which previously claimed loss fee due has not been clearly defined, is not supported.

Yang Zhu told the legal evening news reporter, although he thinks that the compensation amount is so small, but after Yunnan province High Court and of a number of communications, taking into account the judicial status and family circumstances, reluctant to spent too much energy on this matter, the parties finally confirmed more than 1.72 million over the amount of compensation, and signed the relevant instruments.


  Get a compensation trip going to learn something doing little business

Legal evening news: when does damages it can get its hands?

Qian Renfeng: I am now working in Guangzhou, will not pass. Lawyer Yang in Kunming, compensation amounts ruled book to submit to his hand. May still have some programs, it is estimated that it may be a month before my hands.

Legal evening news: want to hand over more than 1 million compensation how to spend it?

Qian Renfeng: not extravagant flowers. Home, after all, a lot of people to give me, in their own conditions are very difficult cases to borrow a lot of money, will give priority to real or relative's debts.

In addition, I would like to go out, my heart, really tired. Sometimes want to go hiking, want to go to sea, feels there will be in a good mood. If people don't go out a lot of things in my heart will never be able to let go.

And then wanted to use the time to learn something, do something small businesses take into account in this process. If when the time comes, or should we marry.

Legal evening news: now do to adjust to life outside the prison?

Qian Renfeng: just out of jail time at home, now in the big cities like Guangzhou. Feeling in Guangzhou in life than rural and small, mostly less friends, afraid to go out, and now go out to spend money, every day in this moving around a bit.

Now every month normal to work with one of the 3000 block of upper and lower wages, to send home part of the debt.

Fortunately, there are many girls after the company, fun, and a few months, we all became friends, occasionally for fun.

  Micro boyfriend has learned after his release from prison for six months

Legal evening news: I heard you got a boyfriend?

Qian Renfeng: Yes, he now works in Guangzhou, is a police, 85, half years old than I am. We know each other in January 2016, was introduced, first app to chat in February, met at the beginning.

He came to Guangzhou with his family for more than 10 years ago, in reading the book, working in Guangzhou for 5 years. He's off every Sunday, would sit for an hour to see me, buy some fruit and show me around.

I will use the app, online shopping is a bit afraid to try, the old fear of being cheated. Pinyin is not very good, now have time to learn.

Legal evening news: have you seen parents, to marry?

Qian Renfeng: see. My dad said he was old, and make my own things themselves, he said, "I recognize who you who came back." Also reminded me of my family would meet a bad person, let me be careful to be cheated. But when we first met I said State compensation, and get married if it came to that step, I wanted to do a pre-marital property notarization, he promised to not want my money.

Falling in love is happy, and he was very good to me at this stage, what can tolerate me. I've been through so many things, is looking for a willing to accommodate my people.

He also said that I was not easy, life takes care of me, make me happy the day after.

  Qian Renfeng case schedule

The year February 2002

Qiaojia County of Yunnan province "Star core baby Park" kindergarten poisoning case, a 2-year old girls "intake of tetramine" died. That night, kindergarten 17 nannies Qian Renfeng is locked for crime suspects and the loss of liberty.

The year December 2002

Yunnan province High Court to "release hazardous substances offences" sentenced Qian Renfeng to life imprisonment.

The April 9, 2010

Yang Zhu took over Mr Qian Renfeng, began to defend court case, evidence-gathering, invited expert analysis.

The December 21, 2015

Yunnan province High Court declared Qian Renfeng innocent, release.

The June 1, 2016

Qian Ren winds in Yunnan province High Court for compensation of its men in prison 13 years 10 months amounted to apply for national compensation of 9553043.65 Yuan.

The July 8, 2016

Yunnan province High Court shall organize public hearings and heard the claimant Qian Ren wind observations.

The August 9, 2016

Yunnan province High Court State compensation agreement with Qian Renfeng, served on the wind lawyer Qian Ren official award of compensation, compensation in the amount of more than 1.72 million Yuan.

  Want to let go of a good life too much injury compensation cannot make up for

Legal evening news: you still have to learn some skills.

Qian Renfeng: computers want to learn, I simply want to do some small business, cost is very low. From a small start, slowly learning in the process. Now if I want to do business, not invest a lot of money to, such as 1.0002 billion to do, now up to invest tens of thousands of go for some small businesses, get some small shops. What reality is not as good as imagine, in reality achieved something really difficult.

Legal evening news: before I tell you the amount of compensation is still a great deal of difference in the application, ruling that what do you think of the results?

Qian Renfeng: in fact from my own heart said, 9.55 million I have too less! I think it's unfair, so long lose me so little.

This time, the mood is not good. I do not know how to adjust, big drop in my heart, even if I am given 9.55 million, I'm not quite happy, plus pay so little now, not quite happy.

Compensation Commission and I say they have their own concerns, I promised them at first, but when the real results, my heart is still difficult to accept with calm and smooth.

But I can be free without justice progress and kind of help. I understand the province High Court staff also tried to adjust their mentality to accept this reality. I would like to put down a good life.

  Case "bottom" mother ill for many years before I

Legal evening news: hunting this one, anything you want to say?

Qian Renfeng: now pay for this or a suspected crime without being judged, I hope those people who gave up their share of responsibility, I need a bottom right now, what is the matter.

Legal evening news: Yang Zhu lawyer is the first trust your people?

Qian Renfeng: he was the first to believe me. Received at least three times before legal aid, I and other lawyers said, they all think I'm ridiculous, some lawyers don't want to hear.

April 9, 2010 is the day I will never forget in my life. Meet young lawyers because, the first people who believe in me. Complaint for so many years, I finally have a person stand up and believe me, and are willing to help me for free.

Legal evening news: parent gives you maximum support.

Qian Renfeng: inside my biggest hope is that MOM and dad well, anyway I went back. But let me down is that my mother is gone, then really feel the sky falls ... ...

Meet Yang after the lawyer, my mother on the phone, told her lawyer that I should soon be back. During that time and phoned his mother, knew her spirit is very good, but wait for three or four years, and will not go back ... ...

Plus we compare the difficulties, mother was sick, didn't have the money to the hospital for treatment, doctors finally diagnosed, she is stomach cancer, dragged this disease, bite the bullet and I went back. Later learned, mothers eat a meal for three years, had not eaten for three years is basically a drop of oil, are basically chibaifan, foam with water, was three years before I. Mother waiting for me back ill stick, I was sad.

Wen/Li case Studio

Trainee journalist Ming Tingbao reporter Ding Xue

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Qian Ren wind of injustice

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Legal evening news
钱仁风因冤狱获赔172万 称已有男友想好好生活 |钱仁风|冤案_新闻资讯



  法制晚报讯(记者 丽案调查工作室) 今天上午,云南省高级人民法院召开新闻发布会,称与钱仁风就国家赔偿问题达成赔偿协议,向钱仁风支付国家赔偿金1723857.30元。













  拿到赔偿要去散心 学点东西做点小生意





  另外,我想出去散一下心,心里面真的好累。有的时候好想去爬山,好想去大海边,感觉去那里心情会好一点。人要是不出去 心里面的好多东西永远无法释怀。






  出狱后学会用微信 男友已处了半年






  钱仁风:见了。我爸爸说,他年纪大了,让我自己的事情自己做主处理,就说“你带谁回来我就认谁”。家里人也提醒我,会不会遇到一个不好的人,让 我小心被人骗。但是我们俩第一次见面的时候我就说了国家赔偿的事,如果真走到结婚那一步,我想要做一个婚前财产公证,他也答应不会要我的钱。


















  想放下好好生活 太多伤害赔偿无法弥补


  钱仁风:计算机想学,我还想简单地做点儿小生意,成本很低的那种。从很小的起步,在这个过程中自己慢慢提高学习。现在我要是想做生意,不可能一 下投资很多钱去,比如十万二十万去做,现在最多投资几万块去弄点小生意,弄点儿小铺子做一下。有的东西现实不像想象那么好,在现实中实现一些东西真的好 难。






  案件需要“水落石出” 母亲患病多年没等到我








  遇到杨律师之后,我就和母亲通电话,跟她说有律师帮助我应该很快可以回去了。 那段时间和母亲打电话,能听得出她精神还是挺好的,但是等了三四年都等不回去……

  加上我们家比较困难,母亲那时候就有病,没有钱去大医院治,医生最后诊断,她是胃癌,拖着这个病,咬牙等我回去。后来才知道,母亲三年都吃不下 去一口饭,三年基本上没吃过一滴油,基本上都是吃白饭,用白开水泡,挺着三年还是没等到我。想起母亲为了等我回去拖着病坚持,我就难过。


  实习记者 明廷宝 记者 丁雪

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

钱仁风 冤案


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