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published in(发表于) 2016/8/14 18:43:10
Juveniles sentenced to life online simulation gun controversy, Court has given a lighter punishment



Introduction Court of juveniles sentenced to life online simulation gun: light punishment simulation guns | | | life imprisonment _ the crime of smuggling of arms news

Juvenile shopping replica gun sentenced

Recently, an illegal sale of firearms are lenient suspended sentence news caused concern. Shop air gun 1, bullet leaves a 964, applicable since July of this year's "confession renfa broad" system, was sentenced to three years probation for four years.

Liu wondered is why his son Liu Dawei has bought 24 replica gun, was sentenced to life.

On July 16, 2014, at age 18 Sichuan dazhou guy Liu Dawei, spent 30540 bought these imitation guns. 22nd of the month, that the gun-shaped objects were Lions customs anti-smuggling Bureau in Quanzhou, Fujian province, seized in a logistics company. On August 31, Liu Dawei, was detained on September 29, was arrested for smuggling weapons.

On April 30 last year, Quanzhou city intermediate people's Court sentenced Liu Dawei to life imprisonment on charges of weapons smuggling. Said in a judgement of first instance were identified, a total of 24 support "firearm" has 21 powered by compressed gas weapon, which has 20 injured, identified as firearm. On August 25, the Fujian Provincial higher people's Court rejected Liu Dawei's appeal and upheld.

Today, Liu Dawei, Zhangzhou city, were detained in prison.

  More than 30,000 yuan shopping 24 replica gun

On August 31, 2014, the harvest season, Florida Liu Hangzhong villagers in Dazhu County of Sichuan and his wife go out early in the morning to find the Reaper, son Liu Dawei lying in snored in the House. "Wanted to call him down, and dismissed the idea. Not only, it was goodbye between father and son. "Liu said.

At noon the same day, Liu received the County Public Security Bureau said, his son was taken away. After rushing home, Quanzhou customs of local police and handed him a warrant that says, Liu Dawei for "arms smuggling."

Couple stunned: "my son playing little like toy guns, but cannot do anything but arms smuggling. "Two people aren't only can think of" doubt ", is the son of July 16 in line to" Taiwan seller "buy imitation guns.

Liu said Liu Dawei grew up loving toy guns, head hanging had more than 10, ranges from more than 10 to more than 100. On the ground, elders Yang will send the boys remote control car or a toy gun, this is not surprising. In addition, my son two years ago and had worked at a toy factory in Shenzhen, the factory also produced toy gun.

Net purchase imitation guns, the couple knows, "son and we grind many geniuses are allowed. I went with him on the day of Bank, 24, more than 30,000 more. "Liu Dawei's mother says stifle any other inquiry that followed, the money to buy a gun, is the son of jobs saved.

"The son was only imitation guns, power is very small, no difference with the usual collection of, harmless. Expensive, because the ' fine '. "In the eyes of Liu, son has been sensible obedient and never as toy guns and people unhappy.

  Court with smuggling weapons and sentenced to life

Liu said Liu Dawei the previous collections of guns a lot, but are plastic bullets, playing out, even House birds on a telephone pole out of reach.

"Change occurs after the son to a toy factory in Shenzhen. "Liu recalled, one day in 2012, son picked up an advertising card near the plant, said replica gun collectors call. Liu Dawei curiosity, they played in the past. Say "imitation guns sold, factory work better than you. ”

July 2014, the other to Liu Dawei calling. He was at home waiting for conscription in Dazhu County, wanted to buy two collections, but says "20 put up for sale. "Liu Dawei saw imitation guns from the other pictures on the Web, more like, just ask parents advice.

Liu said, his son explained many times, "this is some fine imitation guns, used for collection. ”

The Court sentenced on charges of smuggling weapons, "life imprisonment" sentence, Liu Hangzhong couple hard to accept. He said, son just days after payment, the other person said "transaction cancelled", also points back to the money. "He doesn't even have this ' gun ' look see, how are characterized as ' smuggling '? ”

  Focus tracking

  A standard, gun

"Buy son confirmed just imitation guns, just fine, bring Collections. "Liu said imitation guns don't belong in connection with legal firearms, son, there is absolutely no smuggling deliberately.

Fujian province High Court judgement in second instance showed that non-standard about firing standard ammunition of firearms, in accordance with the provisions of the forensic science and identification criterion of firearm injuries, when the muzzle of the weapon than when the kinetic energy greater than or equal to 1.8 joules per square centimeter, are identified as firearm.

According to the procuratorial daily, March 1, 2008 implementation of the firearms injury force of forensic science and identification of criteria for establishing the "caused no casualties of non-standard firearm injury criterion into the muzzle than the kinetic energy of ≥ 1.8 joules per square centimeter" of standards. "Muzzle than the kinetic energy" refers to when the projectile out of the barrel, and around the muzzle kinetic energy and the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the projectile.

Similar firearm identification standard in Hong Kong is 7.077 joules per square centimeter, in Taiwan were 20 joules per square centimeter.

Well-known military columnist, international law from Renmin University Dr, military and international politics critic j. m. Zhu, said in 2001, "Tong Zi [2001]68" files found that the wood firing trials, has a wounded muzzle than the kinetic energy of the corresponding value should be more than 16j/cm2.

Specifically, 16j/cm2 is a scientifically validated cause penetrating injuries to the human skin's minimum standards. In other words, by this standard, any can penetrate the skin, following damage to the skin of arms, were identified as firearms. From the data, the current standard nearly 10 times higher than in 2001, developed based on the 1.8j/cm2 kinetic energy is the bare minimum of harm to the human eye.

In other words, selling a gun can't even shoot through skin-object, under the existing management systems constitute the crime of illegal trade of firearms and ammunition. "If the mere sale of lethal little imitation guns or toy guns, harmful to society as a whole is not large".

  Second, sentencing issues

Liu Dawei said at the time of Liu gang, adult, buy replica gun only as a favorite entertainment and non-profit, and did not receive the actual goods, as well as into social, minor, requested probation.

Fujian province High Court in second instance considered that, according to regulations, Liu gun as many as 20, are smuggling weapons, "particularly serious", and without any reduction, exemption from punishment, according to law shall be punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty. "The trial has taken full account of discretionary circumstances of mitigation factors, light sentence Liu to life imprisonment and the punishment is proper. "Eventually maintain a life sentence of first instance trial.

In recent days, according to media reports, through the network to buy air guns 1, bullet leaves a 964, was sentenced to three years, suspended for four years and before that for the sale of 20 replica gun was accused of illegally trading, transporting firearms the toy Peddler Wang Guoqi, finally has been found not guilty. In August this year, also won the State compensation for 430,000 yuan.

For this type of imitation guns case "treat different sentence" phenomenon, Professor at Beijing University law school, and defence counsel CU Xin Liu Dawei called "too wide". In his view, the verdict in such cases, it seems to depend on the discretion of judges.

"Impose a light other factors judges will give more consideration to the case, and sentenced to heavy mechanical ruling of the judge only in accordance with the relevant provisions. "Xu Xin said that the judiciary following the standard firearms out of common sense at the moment Liu Dawei was sentenced to" life imprisonment "clearly falls within the severe punishment meted out to be acquitted.

"Prior to the current standard is the reference standard 1/16 in accordance with this standard, toy guns cannot play. The fact remains to be proved and Liu Dawei purchased a gun. ”

Mo Xiaoyu, an associate professor of criminal law at Sichuan University law school believes that gun-related crimes from a criminal law perspective belongs to the "statutory Commission", and theft, homicide and other "natural crime". From the original sense, the "statutory Commission" was not necessarily criminal, is dedicated to the legal provisions, for example, apart from the acquisition, the firearms qualifications outside the State, and any acquisition, possession of firearms, criminal.

So from a criminal law theory, determined that "statutory Commission" must demand the perpetrator is the intent. In other words only the suspect knowingly smuggling guns, manufacturing goods, constitute a crime. In this case, the perpetrator did not perceive they buy guns, he lacks a smuggling guns out of criminal intent. Therefore, if you found out that he was knowingly purchased firearms, you can't label it a crime. Actors from beginning to end in this case think you buy online simulation toy gun, if he has been using in his chat with the seller "toy guns" and "simulation" to refer to Objects, so the prosecution accused him of smuggling of firearms evidence was insufficient. He purchased online behavior for a specific device alone, is not sufficient to identify which constituted the crime of smuggling of firearms.

Mo Xiaoyu pointed out that in criminal law there is a principle called "modesty". The principle holds that criminal law is the last barrier, so the use of criminal law to be in the final. In this case, if the punishment due warning to the party, the Penal Code should be as conservative as possible, should not readily intervene. In the absence of evidence to prove that the perpetrator was knowingly purchased genuine cases, the law should make a judgment in favour of perpetrators.

Li Ming, a Beijing News reporter Zhou Jiaqi

Editor Li Xiaojin Zhao Lei

Proofreading Guo Liqin

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Simulation of gun crime of smuggling weapons to life imprisonment

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The Beijing News
少年网购仿真枪判无期引争议 法院:已从轻处罚|仿真枪|走私武器罪|无期徒刑_新闻资讯



























  具体来说,16j/cm2是经过科学验证能对人类皮肤造成穿透性伤害的最低标准。也就是说,按此标准,任何能够穿透皮肤、对皮肤以下组织造成伤害的枪 械,均被认定为枪支。从数据上而言,目前的标准比2001年提高了近10倍,其制定依据是,1.8j/cm2的动能是对裸露人眼造成伤害的最低值。










  所以从刑法理论上讲,认定“法定犯”必须要求行为人是主观故意的。换言之只有犯罪嫌疑人明知走私、制造的物品是枪支,才构成犯罪。本案中,行为人并没有 认知到自己购买的物品是枪支,那么他缺乏一个走私枪支的犯罪故意。 因此,如果不能查明他是明知枪支而购买,就不能认定其为犯罪。本案的行为人至始至终认为自己在网上购买的是仿真玩具枪,如果他在与卖家的聊天记录中 一直用“玩具枪”“仿真枪”来指称购买对象,那么控方指控他走私枪支的证据是不足的。仅凭他在网上购买特定器械的行为,还不足以认定其构成走私枪支罪。

  莫晓宇指出,刑法上有个基本原则叫”谦抑性原则“。该原则认为,刑法是最后一道关口,因此刑法的动用要放在最后。就这个案子而言,如果一般的治安处罚条 例能对当事人起到警戒作用,刑法应尽量保守一些,不要动辄介入。在没有证据证明行为人是明知真枪而购买的情况下,法律应做出有利于行为人的判决。

  新京报记者 周佳琪 李明

  编辑 李骁晋 赵蕾

  校对 郭利琴

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

仿真枪 走私武器罪 无期徒刑


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