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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:47:18
China’s food and Drug Administration notice 9 batches of unqualified food, raisins, calcium-containing



China's food and Drug Administration notice 9 batches of substandard raisin calcium-containing foods such as
Beijing, August 16, according to the food and Drug Administration's Web site, recently, the State food and drug administration of tissue sampling fruit and its products, health food and other 2 categories of food 174 batches, sample project samples, 165, 9 batches of unqualified samples.
Overall: 45 lots of fruit and its products, 5 batches of unqualified samples, 11.1%; 129 batches of health food, unqualified samples, 4, 3.1%.
  Substandard products as follows:
Beijing jingkelong business group Hui long Guan the nominal gold Orchard farmer store sales (Beijing) foods company limited production of raisin, mold detection value of 1500 CFU/g. Standard (up to 100CFU/g) 14 times higher.
Shun Feng Restaurant Group's e-commerce limited in optimization (website), nominal gaozhou Guangzhou Restaurant Group likofu food limited commissioned sumptuous gaozhou pulp, food production, mould detection value of 910 CFU/g. Than the standard (not exceeding 50 CFU/g) 17.2 times times higher.
Suzhou water baby food sales in nominal Suzhou saliva dried baby food co-packing kiwifruit, ethylene diamine tetracetic acid detection value of 0.32 g/kg. Standards shall not be used.
Yu Zi ye red foods limited sales of nominal Yu Zi ye red food production 1 batch of red chips and 1 ciziye red red chips, ethylene diamine tetracetic acid detection value is 0.47g/kg. Standard (up to 0.25G/kg) 88%.
Health pharmacy limited company Golden branch in Chongqing, Yunnan province Guangdong billion nominal of the story of a small town store sales of biotechnology produced by green forests of calcium lactate, calcium (Ca dollars) detection value is 3.8g/100g. Than the standard (2.7~3.5G/100g) top high 8.6%.
Ding Chang caiyuanba pharmacy sales of nominal, yuzhong district Guangzhou Fort Fisher medical technology company commissioned oz bio-tech (Zhongshan) limited production of Fort Fisher brand calcium Garvey d soft capsules, vitamin D3 detection value of 125 μg g/100g. Than standard (174.40~333.34 Mu g/100g) lower limit value 28.3%.
Hunan Sheng six nominal Harbin pharmaceutical group of the pharmaceutical sales pharmaceutical plant Lady kaoh Kert calcium, vitamin c-check out 4908mg/100g. Than the standard (1920~4320mg/100g) top high 13.6%.
Anhui public pharmacy chain limited high street shop sales of nominal South Coast biotech company limited, Fujian's South Coast multidimensional eel calcium, vitamin d detection value is 0.502mg/kg. Than the standard (0.85~1.9mg/kg) 40.9% lower limit.
On above sampling in the found of not qualified products, production enterprise location Beijing, and Heilongjiang, and Jiangsu, and Fujian, and Henan, and Guangdong, province (City) food drug regulatory sector has ordered Enterprise identified products flows, recalled not qualified products, and analysis reasons for rectification; business units location Beijing, and Jiangsu, and Anhui, and Henan, and Hunan, and Chongqing, province (City) food drug regulatory sector has requirements units immediately take Xia frame, measures, control risk, and law be investigation. Investigating the October 31, 2016, the State food and drug administration and announced to the public.
  Tip: on the part of the test project description
A, mold
Excessive mold may be due to mold contamination in the processing of raw materials, excessive mold may also be circulation pump sample, which control caused by improper storage conditions. Molds are very common in nature, mold can make food spoilage, destroy the color, smell and taste of food, reducing the value of food consumption, this excessive mold sampling products of fungal toxins, pathogens was not detected.
Second, disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetate
Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid as a food additive is widely used as a stabilizer, antioxidants, preservatives, metal ions, chelating agents, prevent discoloration caused by turbidity, metamorphism, and oxidation of the vitamin loss. GB 2760-2014 the standard of food safety standards for use of food additives allowed in candied fruits preserved in class (only preserved sweet potatoes) using ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium (maximum amount of 0.25G/kg), other types of candied fruit types may be used. Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium on mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract and eyes, skin irritation. A lot of excessive consumption of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium product may have certain adverse effects on human health.
C, vitamin D3, vitamin c, vitamin d and calcium
Vitamin D3, vitamin c, vitamin d and calcium for the effectiveness of nutrient supplements health food/signature component, is a substance with physiological activity, to regulate the body's functioning, have specific health functions, is the key to distinguish it from ordinary food. This sampling of the certified product is mainly of efficacy/logo element content does not meet the relevant departments for the record companies limits requirements of the standard, there may be manufacturers of raw material quality control and release control is lax, production process design standards, storage conditions, and so on.
(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-08-16 19:28:36
China News Network
中国食药监总局通告9批次食品不合格 含葡萄干钙片等
中新网8月16日电  据食药监总局网站消息,近期,国家食品药品监督管理总局组织抽检水果及其制品、保健食品等2类食品174批次样品,抽样检验项目合格样品165批次,不合格样品9批次。
  北京京客隆商业集团股份有限公司回龙观店销售的标称金果园老农(北京)食品股份有限公司生产的葡萄干,霉菌检出值为1500 CFU/g。比标准规定(不超过100CFU/g)高出14倍。
  酒家集团电子商务有限公司在顺丰优选(网站)销售的标称广州酒家集团利口福食品有限公司委托高州市丰盛食品有限公司生产的高州桂圆肉,霉菌检出值为910 CFU/g。比标准规定(不超过50 CFU/g)高出17.2倍。
  苏州口水娃食品有限公司销售的标称苏州口水娃食品有限公司分装的猕猴桃干,乙二胺四乙酸二钠检出值为0.32 g/kg。标准规定为不得使用。
  乙二胺四乙酸二钠作为食品添加剂广泛用作稳定剂、抗氧化剂、防腐剂、螯合剂、防止金属离子引起的变色、变质、变浊及维生素的氧化损失。GB 2760-2014《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》中允许蜜饯凉果中的果脯类(仅限地瓜果脯)使用乙二胺四乙酸二钠(最大使用量为0.25g/kg),其他类别的蜜饯凉果类不得使用。乙二胺四乙酸二钠可对粘膜、上呼吸道和对眼睛、皮肤产生刺激作用。长期大量食用乙二胺四乙酸二钠超标产品可能对人体健康产生一定的不良影响。
(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-08-16 19:28:36

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