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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:47:53
Secret cyber crime dark industry chain, “the annual output“ over the hundreds of billions



Secret cyber crime dark industry chain "annual output of" Super billions | cybercrime _ news

The 37th meeting of the published statistical report on Internet development in China

Beijing: second Chinese and United States joint high-level exchange of dialogue were held today--the fight against cybercrime and related matters

Cybercrime gangs from China, in Europe, the United States set up a phishing site, fraud through a tight team returned to the Mainland. This crime has become the norm, the resulting black chain also started growing.

The economic information daily, 16th from the IV Congress of Chinese Internet security that, China, the United States, and Russia and the United Kingdom and other countries are actively promoting network security and international law enforcement cooperation, through broad international cooperation, actively create an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level and effect pattern of international law enforcement cooperation to combat cyber crime.

Rampant crime than half network are "transnational"

"Cybercrime presents trends in transnational organized crime in recent years, China has with the United States, and Russia and the United Kingdom and other countries in the area of cooperation in the fight against cyber crime reached a consensus. "Zhong Zhong, Deputy Director of China's Ministry of public security Network Security Council on the 16th at the fourth session of the Conference of the Chinese Internet Security made the remarks.

Released by the China Internet network information center, the 37th statistical report on Internet development in China showed that by December 2015, the size of China's Internet users reached 688 million, annual total 39.51 million new Internet users who. Internet penetration rate was 50.3%, an increase of 2.4%. Huge Internet population has become the target of cybercrime increasingly rampant and a transnational character.

"Transnational crime networks in order to hide their crimes. "The 360 company founder and President, Chairman and CEO of qihoo 360 Web God said that domestic hackers choose springboard for cross-border attacks on its own national network, it is characteristic of national cybersecurity coordination is weak, because each country takes place only in their own countries and evidence collection, tracing is very difficult. He told the economic information daily, journalist, transnational networks of crime increases in these two years, is now more than half, is expected to soon overtake 80%, or even 100%.

China Internet Security Conference Committee's Secretary-General, 360-seat anti-fraud expert Pei Zhiyong outlined to reporters the multinational chains operating mode, in order to avoid domestic surveillance, a growing number of criminal gangs, started using outside Server Board, supervision at home and abroad, "hollow" zone and commit a crime, so as to increase the difficulty of regulatory crackdown. To foreign service providers, because the victims were residents of China, I don't get any complaints, nor does it know who registered the Web site, inaccessible to perpetrators and victims, nor to combat phishing. Worrying is, currently organized by outside groups, the plans for international cyber attacks, focusing on areas such as education, research, energy, public utilities, has been a threat to national security.

It is understood that since April last year, the national public security organs launched a six-month special action to crack crime networks violations of citizens ' personal information. Up to now, the criminal case public security organs nationwide today to check more than more than 750 cases, suspects more than 1900 employees, information captured 23 billion to clean up illegal and harmful information over more than 352,000, shutting down a Web site, column more than more than 610.

Huge profits online fraud chain "annual output" over the hundreds of billions

Behind the growing cyber crime, forming an "annual output of" Super billions of Internet dark industry chain of crimes. The so-called "Internet dark industry chain" refers to the tool on a computer network, by means of computer and network technology to for-profit, organized crime gang-style, a clear division of labor. In this dark industry chain, upstream technology hackers, the middle reaches of the black gang, and raw materials are supported criminal gangs of black industries around.

According to reports, the black in cybercrime industry, all kinds of phishing sites, cell phone Trojan, most rampant crime and theft of personal information. In 2015, only around the cases related to the Chinese public security departments cracked more than thousand, involving more than 1 billion yuan. According to 360, Ali, the monitoring of companies such as Tencent, Baidu, black scale on cybercrime than outsiders imagine conservative estimate the entire industry chain in China more than million. 360 Internet Security Center released in November 2015 the modern Internet fraud industry chain analysis report shows that rough estimate online fraud chain only at least 1.6 million workers, "an annual production value of" more than 115.2 billion yuan. Black Internet crime as a whole industrial chain "annual output" is difficult to measure.

In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, this dark industry chain is also a clear division of labor, organized, transnational implementation of new features. For example, in network ten crime stories of the Chinese Ministry of public security announced in November 2014, Network Security Department of Liaoning province smashed an illegal invasion of Korea Web site to steal Korea Internet users Bank mega-gangs, arrested 34 suspects, the amount of money involved is equivalent to more than 10 million Yuan. In the King case, hackers Korea Bank website, after implantation in stealing Trojans, victims of cyber theft black gangs to steal online banking user ID and password are all linked, through the lower reaches of money laundering gangs and gangs will Korea territory of the victim's bank account in cash. According to statistics, only half a year, the gang has more than more than 100 Korea website intrusion, infected computers of thousands of units, theft of Korea bank account passwords of more than more than 4,000 groups of Internet users.

Chinese public security departments in China, similar cases in recent years is a high trend, case number, case number, the amount of money involved in the rising. The economic information newspaper from 360, Tencent, Internet companies, such as Ali learned that cybercrime is not just for individual users, commercial companies and organisations have also been targeted.

360 Chief Security Officer Tan Xiaosheng introduced, both at home and abroad to monitor cybercrime organization listed companies in a country of cyber attacks. "By giving companies the network settings ' back door ', criminals can know in advance listing the company's business strategy, financial position and other core information. "Tan Xiaosheng think obtain such information, criminals can target listed companies, further implementation of all kinds of crime, including shares.

Another unnamed insiders, criminals can take advantage of technology to attack the Stock Exchange Server, by slowing down the speed of the server, criminals can obtain a stock transaction information in real time, and the server before processing the transaction "cheats", realize the benefit or affect the normal trading a stock.

Combat force in global collaborative governance

In the Internet Security Conference, professionals and heads of national security services said States should establish transnational governance mechanism of international cooperation, jointly prevent and combat transnational organized crime networks.

Zhong Zhong introduced since last year China has with the United States, and Russia and the United Kingdom, many countries in the area of cooperation in the fight against cyber crime reached a consensus, actively promote safety network international law enforcement cooperation, through broad international cooperation, and actively create all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level, efficiency and structure of international law enforcement cooperation in combating cybercrime.

United States Vice President, Palo Alto Networks, Chief Security Officer, John a. Davis also emphasized that must be addressed through global cooperation, to defense of modern threats to combat cyber crime. In his view, the Government, between companies, and between Governments and businesses should work in transparency, trust and team spirit of cooperation to jointly respond to network security threats. By sharing cyber threat intelligence to enhance transparency and share these information should be regarded as "public good", rather than hoarding the commodity.

Russia security Internet Union Director-General Denis Davydov said: "Russia's view of Internet security is all mankind needs a unified, there is no separate and secure Internet, therefore requiring a new, fair and truly international Internet governance. ”

Qi Xiangdong said global cooperation including data cooperative, intelligent synergies and industry cooperation at three levels. Collaboration and sharing of the data, is the key cornerstone of the data-driven security systems. From security events happening around the world right now, and need security intelligent cooperative, that is, high-performance computing systems, artificial intelligence expert, loophole mining experts, security experts, highly collaborative, need more experts in the field of security cooperation, different areas, different equipment, different industries need to be between different dimensions of synergy. This synergy is more than the enterprise level, the industry level and field level, collaboration at the regional level, even beyond the coordination at the national level.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Cyber crime

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揭秘网络犯罪黑色产业链 “年产值”超千亿|网络犯罪_新闻资讯





  猖獗 超半数网络犯罪现“跨国性”


  中国互联网络信息中心发布的《第37次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2015年12月,中国网民规模达6.88亿,全年共计新增网民3951 万人。互联网普及率为50.3%,同比增长2.4%。如此庞大的网民群体已经成为攻击目标,网络犯罪日益猖獗,且出现跨国化特征。

  “跨国进行网络犯罪是为了隐藏自己的犯罪行为。”360公司创始人兼总裁、360网神董事长兼CEO齐向东说,国内的黑客选择通过跨国式的跳板对自己的国 家网络进行攻击,正是利用国家之间的网络安全协同较弱的特点,因为各个国家只能在自己国家内进行取证,溯源难度高。他告诉《经济参考报》记者,这两年跨国 网络犯罪率逐年攀升,目前已经超半数,预计将很快超过80%,甚至达到100%。

  中国互联网安全大会筹委会秘书长、360首席反诈骗专家裴智勇向记者勾勒出这条跨国链条的运营模式,为了规避国内网络监管,越来越多的犯罪团伙,开始利用 境外服务器进行跳板,利用国内外监管存在“中空”地带而实施犯罪,从而增加监管打击难度。对于境外的服务商而言,因为受害者都是中国居民,接不到任何投 诉,也不知道是谁注册的网站,无法接触到施害者和受害者,便也不会对钓鱼网站进行打击。令人担忧的是,目前境外团伙有组织、有计划进行国际网络攻击,集中 在教育、科研、能源、公共设施等领域,已经威胁到国家安全。


  暴利 网络诈骗产业链“年产值”超千亿

  在愈演愈烈的网络犯罪背后,形成了一条“年产值”超千亿元的网络犯罪黑色产业链。所谓“网络黑色产业链”,是指以计算机网络为工具,运用计算机和网络技术 实施的以盈利为目的、有组织、分工明确的团伙式犯罪行为。在这条黑色产业链上,上游为提供技术的黑客,中游为黑色产业犯罪团伙,下游则是支持黑色产业犯罪 团伙的各种周边组织。

  据介绍,在网络犯罪黑色产业中,各类钓鱼网站、手机木马,以及窃取用户个人信息的犯罪最为猖獗。2015年,仅各地中国公安部门破获的相关案件就超过千起,涉 案金额超过10亿元。据360、阿里、腾讯百度等公司监测,网络犯罪黑色产业规模远超外界想象,保守估计整个产业链从业人员超过百万。360互联网安全 中心2015年11月发布的《现代网络诈骗产业链分析报告》显示,粗略估计,仅网络诈骗产业链上至少有160万从业者,“年产值”超过1152亿元。整个 网络犯罪黑色产业链“年产值”更是难以估量。

  近年来,随着互联网技术的不断发展,这条黑色产业链也呈现分工明确、组织严密、跨国实施等新的特性。例如,在中国公安部2014年11月公布的网络犯罪十大案 例中,辽宁网安部门成功瓦解一个非法入侵韩国网站盗取韩国网民银行存款的特大团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人34名,涉案金额折合人民币1000余万元。在这一特大 案件中,黑客入侵韩国银行网站、植入盗号木马后,网络盗窃黑产团伙进一步窃取受害人的网银账号和密码,环环相扣,最后通过下游的洗钱团伙和提现团伙将韩国 受害人的银行存款在境内变现。据统计,仅半年时间内,该犯罪团伙就先后对100余家韩国网站实施入侵,感染计算机达千余台,盗窃韩国网民银行账号密码 4000余组。


  360首席安全官谭晓生介绍,国内外均监测到有网络犯罪组织针对某国上市公司进行网络攻击。“通过给相关公司网络设置‘后门’,犯罪分子可以提前知晓上市 公司经营战略、财务状况等核心信息。”谭晓生认为,得知这些信息后,不法分子可以针对上市公司,进一步实施包括操作股价在内的各类犯罪。


  打击 倒逼全球协同治理



  美国Palo Alto Networks副总裁、首席安全官John A。 Davis也强调,必须通过全球合作,才能防御现代网络威胁,打击网络犯罪。他认为,政府之间、企业之间以及政府和企业之间应本着透明、信任和团队合作的 精神进行合作,共同应对网络安全威胁。通过分享网络威胁情报提高透明度,分享时应将这些信息视为 “公共财富”,而不是囤积的商品。

  俄罗斯安全互联网联盟总干事Denis Davydov表示:“俄罗斯的互联网安全观是全人类需要一个统一的、没有割裂的和安全的互联网,因此需要新的、公平的、真正国际化的互联网治理机制。”

  齐向东表示,全球协同包括数据协同、智能协同和产业协同三个层面。数据的协同和共享,是数据驱动安全体系里最关键性的基石。从现在世界范围内发生的多起安 全事件来看,需要安全智能协同,也就是高性能运算系统、人工智能专家、漏洞挖掘专家、安全防护专家的高度协同,还需要更多领域的专家参与到安全协同里来, 不同的领域、不同的设备、不同的行业之间都需要进行不同维度的协同。这个协同,是超过企业层面、行业层面、领域层面、区域层面的协同,甚至超越国家层面的 协同。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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