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published in(发表于) 2016/8/21 9:41:33
Basic-level cultural relics protection in China is in trouble: lack of money, and people, of crows



Basic-level cultural relics protection in China is in trouble: lack of money, and people, of crows | heritage _ news

Grass-roots into a corner of the inverted pyramid structure lies in China's cultural relics administration, compiled the most complete and largest, funding most of the State cultural relics Bureau, provincial, city and County, gradually shrunk. Only change this institutional structure, to the grass-roots level to assume difficult tasks

-Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

Cottage into an empty Hall, when Hu bed; that will not endure Ku Yang, song and dance.

Right in one's hand in the Ming dynasty eunuch Wang Zhen in his hometown built a temple, however, hundreds of years later, this has been included in the national cultural relic protection units of yuquan Temple has become a "Temple", faced collapse at any time. Reporter for the legal daily analysis shows that in recent years, due to the lack of effective repair protection, grass-roots heritage progressive failure or even suffered vandalism occur frequently. In fact, just in the yuquan Temple is located in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province, such news is a common feature.

Experts said, because of weak grass-roots power, cultural relic protection related laws and regulations encountered a "soft landing", while "Twilight" the protection of historical and cultural relics in urgent need of repair, grass-roots conservation increasingly serious situation, on the grass-roots work fell short of money and people's plight. In the case of related legislation does not follow, needed a place to absorb social forces to increase the intensity of cultural relics protection.

  Heritage grave of crows

In 2013, China's State Council approved list of the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units, new projects in Wei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province, up to 12, the County only "State security" units total would reach 21. Unfortunately is, Zhangjiakou became "large city" and it does not become "cultural relics protection."

Is located in the territory of yuquan temple this year, Wei selected national cultural relic protection units. Is, despite the temple roof has holes, but Hall murals are still spectacular. However, labeled "country" label the yuquan Temple had not been repaired. Today, the hole in the roof remained, Temple in the courtyard houses, covered with cracks in the wall, murals in the Hall was covered with mud.

As early as in 2010, due to the lack of protection, with Wei as a national key cultural relics protection units of the southern Temple was stolen, criminals-dug tunnel into the base of the Tower Dungeon, save up to thousands of years of cultural relics looted in the underground Palace.

"State security" units like this, other cultural relic situation worse. 2011, is located in County, Zhangjiakou City, Huai ' an of Hebei provincial heritage protection units a large Han Tomb group suffered crazy theft, left dense of stolen hole; has near 800 years history of Zhangjiakou Hua city wall great damaged of while, was illegal take soil, and excavation, and garbage siege, human damage; this year July, a men in County, Zhangjiakou City, Huailai camp disc wall kick played residual wall, and broke played off two block wall brick......

Similar events have occurred elsewhere in Hebei. Is located in Shijiazhuang city jingxing of Hebei provincial focus heritage protection units thousand Buddha ya Grotto, from Shang century 90 generation began frequently was stolen; 2014, Baoding City level heritage protection units virtues Temple of logo sex stone was damage, Tablet body and mountain winds careen through the separation, mountain winds careen through the became garbage pool part; 2010, Shijiazhuang city zhengding level focus heritage protection units Wang Shizhen House was transformation into hotel foreign business, related heritage in Smokey in the.

Cultural relics are unrenewable cultural resources, but at stake in the natural wear and tear and vandalism. Statistics show that nearly 30 years, the country has lost more than 40,000 number of unmovable cultural relics, more artifacts without effective protection, especially in the fields of grass-roots heritage has long been neglected.

  Grassroots strength is weak money small

Yuquan Temple issue, Wei Li Xinwei, curator in charge of heritage conservation work, Wei told the media that in 2014, local maintenance project applications submitted to the State Bureau of cultural relics protection. At present, the conservation and renovation project has not been approved by the State administration of cultural heritage, in accordance with national laws and regulations for the protection of cultural relics, Wei has no right to repair the yuquan Temple protection. Expect approval next year will come down and the middle of next year probably will be able to start repairs.

However, the Museum staff, Wei Liu Wei said the funding is not in place is one of the causes of yuquan Temple difficult to repair. Wei is currently a tight financial, all heritage conservation is funded by the State, but compared with key cultural relics, Wei too much, it is difficult to cater for all.

There is no denying that, lack of financial resources has become an important issue affecting the work of grass-roots conservation. In January 2014, Shangri-La County, diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, du kezong city suffer a serious fire, 246 houses were destroyed and burned more county-level cultural relics. In this regard, the historic relic administration He Dongmei, Deputy Director of diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to the media: "national key cultural relics protection units is specifically protected by the State, provincial-level unit is to put money in the province, and so on. County-level cultural relics, there is no money to protect them. This can't be helped. ”

Protection of the great wall in Hebei province proves this point. Xinhua learned from the Hebei provincial Bureau of cultural relics, existing section 268 of the great wall, the great wall in Hebei more than 3,000 kilometers, but only full-protected persons, 118 people, mass conservation of the great wall more than 1000 people, many recruited the great wall are faced temporary shortage of problems because of low pay.

Financial quantification, in charge of key issues such as rules for the case where no legislation explicitly, cultural relic protection related laws and regulations at the grassroots level but eventually "idling". In territorial management mode, there is a rather absurd phenomenon: only financially well-off and strong conservation awareness of individual counties and cities, in order to establish conditions and capacity to protect cultural relics and in more counties, if you can't find an existing monument better approach to tourism development, we can only let wild defeat and destruction.

"No staff, no one tube funding hard to enforce and cannot prevent wall collapse beyond repair. For superior Insurance Department, and sometimes can only be anxious. "The head of the Hebei provincial cultural heritage Bureau, who asked not to be named, said one aspect of the conservation of the great wall is the primary text, lack of money and people become the largest grass-roots issues.

  Opening civil force

"Cultural relics protection, focusing on grassroots. "In June this year, the State Bureau of cultural relics and Hebei provincial Government hosted the 2016 City Chinese cultural heritage day home activities, the Director of the State Bureau of cultural relics, said Liu Yuzhu. The cultural heritage day theme is "cultural heritage into modern life." However, for lack of money and people of the grass-roots sector, is not simple.

Some experts believe that grass-roots into a corner of the inverted pyramid structure lies in China's cultural relics administration, compiled the most complete and largest, funding most of the State cultural relics Bureau, provincial, city and County, gradually shrunk. Only change this institutional structure, upgrade grass-roots conservation funding, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies set up in China, the number and degree of specialization to make grass-roots take on difficult tasks.

However, institutional change cannot be expected overnight. "Cultural relics protection units are not closing the door, is a kind of cultural relics protection. If the heritage is not a good use of it, was caught in a dead end. Cultural relics protection for the introduction of a variety of ' living ' elements. "Shijiazhuang Academy of social sciences researcher Liang Yong said.

Liang Yong believes that in order to avoid State funding that is live, no funding situation of death, should introduce business models. "Heritage conservation can be protected on the basis of local conditions, integrating elements of tourism, explore various use models, under the guidance and supervision of the relevant departments, formation and development of the industrial chain. "Liang Yong said.

However, the introduction of the business model must have a degree, otherwise there will be development of destruction, even without changing the State-owned cultural relics protection units use of illegal and criminal acts. In addition, many visitors are not adequate, do not have commercial value; some local development potentials, is responsible for the development of the tourism sector, Conservation Department is responsible for protection, but has not yet clearly developed into mechanisms; protection of cultural relics must pay attention to overall protection, try to save a whole style around the historical and cultural heritage, historical and cultural heritage rather than just keep monomers. Need to face these problems.

In recent years, to understand grass-roots funding thirst quwo County, linfen city, Shanxi province, Anhui Province, Yixian County, Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province, and other places have been introduced allowing civil "adopt" object-related documents, trying to defeat.

In June this year, Hebei province, General Office of the Hebei provincial government issued the opinions on further strengthening the work of the people's Governments, which clearly, social voluntary investment of conservation and renovation of municipal and county-level cultural relic protection units and has not yet been approved and announced as a cultural relic protection units of unmovable cultural relics, law and rules without changing the title and premise of protecting the safety of cultural relics, given a certain period of use.

Back in 1997, China's State Council on establishing and perfecting "the State protects, and mobilize the whole society to participate in" the new system. Hebei and other parts of civil power of grass-roots conservation measures can be used as a measure of protection of cultural relics, but to get standardized and normalized in this way, and looks forward to future legislation.

Source: legal daily

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Protection of cultural relics

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  □ 本报记者 周宵鹏


  明代权倾朝野的大太监王振在自己老家修了一处家庙,然而,几百年后,这座已被列入全国重点文物保护单位的玉泉寺已经成为一座“破庙”,随时面临 倒塌风险。《法制日报》记者梳理发现,近年来,由于缺乏有效的修缮保护,基层文物逐渐破损甚至惨遭人为破坏的现象频频发生。事实上,就在玉泉寺坐落的河北 省张家口市,这样的新闻已屡见不鲜。






  “国保”单位尚且如此,其他文物处境更加不堪。2011年,位于张家口市怀安县的河北省级文物保护单位一大型汉墓群遭遇疯狂盗窃,留下密密麻麻 的盗洞;有近800年历史的张家口宣化古城墙极大破损的同时,遭到非法取土、开挖、垃圾围城等人为破坏;今年7月,一男子在张家口市怀来县大营盘长城踹踢 残城墙,并掰踢掉两块墙砖……

  类似的事件在河北其他地方也屡有发生。位于石家庄市井陉县的河北省级重点文物保护单位千佛崖石窟,从上世纪九十年代开始频频被盗;2014年, 保定市级文物保护单位贤良祠的标志性石碑遭到破坏,碑身与碑座分离,碑座沦为垃圾池一部分;2010年,石家庄市正定县级重点文物保护单位王士珍故居被改 造成饭店对外营业,相关文物处于烟熏火燎中。



  对于玉泉寺的问题,负责蔚县文物保护工作的蔚县博物馆馆长李新威向媒体表示,2014年当地向国家文物局提出保护维修的立项申请。目前,保护修 缮工程方案尚未得到国家文物局批准,按照国家文物保护方面的法律法规,蔚县方面无权对玉泉寺进行修缮保护。预计明年批复会下来,明年中旬大概就能开工修 缮。


  不可否认的,缺乏资金已经成为影响基层文保工作的重要问题。2014年1月,云南省迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县独克宗古城遭遇严重火灾,246栋 房屋被毁,被烧毁的文物多为县级文物。对此,迪庆藏族自治州文物管理所副所长和冬梅向媒体直言:“国家重点文物保护单位是由国家专门保护,省级文保单位就 是省里投钱,以此类推。县级的文物,根本就没有资金对其进行保护。这个没办法。”


  在经费量化、主管细则等关键问题没有立法明确的情况下,文物保护相关法律法规在基层最终无奈“空转”。在属地管理模式下,出现一个颇为荒诞的现 象:只有财力上相对宽裕又有较强文物保护意识的个别县市,才能具备保护文物的条件和能力;而在更多县市区,如果找不到将现有的文物单位旅游开发的较好办 法,就只能任其荒败及人为破坏。




  有专家认为,基层文保陷入困局的根本在于中国文物行政机构的倒金字塔结构,编制最完整、人员最多、资金保障最充分的是国家文物局,省、市、县逐 级缩水。只有改变这种体制结构,提升基层的文物保护经费投入、管理机构和执法机构设置、从业人员数量和专业化程度,才能使基层承担起艰巨的文保任务。



  但是,这种商业模式的引入必须有一个度,否则就会出现过度开发的破坏,甚至出现擅自改变国有文物保护单位用途的违法犯罪行为。此外,很多文保单 位游客量并不充足,不具备商业开发价值;一些有开发潜质的地方,旅游部门负责开发,文保部门负责保护,但分成机制目前尚未明确形成;文物保护要注意整体性 的保护,尽量保存历史文化遗产周边的整体风貌,而不是仅仅保留下历史文化遗产单体。这些都是需要直面的问题。


  今年6月,河北省政府办公厅发布《河北省人民政府关于进一步加强文物工作的实施意见》,其中明确,对社会力量自愿投入资金保护修缮市、县级文物 保护单位和尚未核定公布为文物保护单位的不可移动文物的,可依法依规在不改变所有权和保障文物安全的前提下,给予一定期限的使用权。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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