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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:36:17
Kunming 5 years 80-meter-long road renovation, media remains a bad road



80-meter-long road repairs in Kunming 5 media is still bad road Kunming | a | roads _ news
Information: in December 2011, spring road wall of bad road conditions. Journal of Kunming-Kunming port Xiaoqin Wang photography

Original title: a 80-meter-long road in Kunming 5 years are still "suck" pothole water common

"Sunny days in a gray, rainy day with mud, and pavement have pits, regularly, the car had been ' his ' turn. "Who lives in Kunming, Lee said of the wall is the wall of Chengdu-Kunming Kunming Shi an Gong Lu Che family a 80-meter-long road under the railway bridge. Here is one of the most easy to damage and standing water road, Kunming, and complaints about one of the largest sections of the public. From December 2011, refurbishment of 5 years, there is still a bad road.

On August 18, the reporter in the wall of the car under the railway bridge, saw a gets m long section of jagged, of which there are many large pits. Cars pass through here, when to slow down. After a large hole, the car will continue to pitch, some vehicles will be scraping the bottom of the lower chassis.

"The road repairs from last year, most of the places are better left, is a few sections as well as obstruction, particularly difficult, we hope that management will take a trim. "The driver said Mr tea.

It is understood that the car home wall when the highway opened to traffic in the early 90, cost 6 million yuan per kilometer, cost per kilometer of Highway at the time when only seven hundred thousand or eight hundred thousand Yuan, is gorgeous. This record was not broken until after 6 years. However, since December 2011, walled section of road is often under the railway bridge repairs. Nearby villagers gave the area a new name, called "grey walls", or "black wall".

"This link is currently broken in the city of Kunming large sections of the public complaints, to address the road repair issues, we applied to the Highway Bureau of Yunnan province, has allocated 2 million Yuan special maintenance funds for a major overhaul, focusing on solving issues of potholes and water. "Kunming Shi Shaobin, Director of management section of highway maintenance and management said.

Shi Shaobin, told reporters that this section back and forth took more than 10 times, shortly after each time and was run over. Above the road is the railway bridge, road, there is no way to improve the surface height, otherwise the cars cannot pass; plus here in low areas, drainage is blocked, stagnant water during the rainy season. "There's a reason, there are many vehicles to avoid the abandoned highway tolls and the choice of stone road, increasing the traffic on this road. Previously when the road repair, curing period sometimes not, to protect the passage opened, resulting in long road, was run over. ”

Another problem afflicting the road is "money". Yunnan Province Highway Bureau, said Chen Yue, the crowd has for many times bad roads on this road. Used to be when the toll road, the road maintenance funds to custody, cancellation charges, very tight in the capital. "This is a difficult situation, the road takes a lot of money, no money to fix roads. "Public College of Yunnan University professor said on condition of anonymity," but the problem is, this road back in rotten before they stop charging for almost 3 years, money and didn't see, Ah, took years of crossing fees in place. ”

Source: the daily worker Huang Yu

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Kunming road

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China News Network
昆明80米长道路整修5年 媒体称仍是烂路一条|昆明|修路_新闻资讯
资料图:2011年12月,春雨路车家壁段糟糕的路况。昆明日报-昆明信息港 王小琴 摄

  原标题:昆明一条80米长的道路修5年仍“很烂” 坑洼积水时常见




  据了解,车家壁公路上世纪90年代初建成通车时,每公里的造价达到600万元,在当时一般公路每公里造价只有七八十万元时,可谓风光无限。这个 纪录直到6年后才被打破。然而,自2011年12月以来,车家壁铁路桥下的一段路就经常整修。附近的村民给这个片区起了个新名字,叫“灰家壁”,或是“烂家壁”。


  史绍斌告诉记者,这段路前前后后修过10多次,每次修后不久又被碾坏。路面上方是铁路桥,修路时没有办法提高路面高度,否则车就无法通过;加上 这里处于低洼处,排水也不畅通,一到雨季就积水。“还有一个原因,很多车辆为免通行费放弃高速路而选择石安路,增加了这条道路的车流量。以前这条路修补时,有时养护期不到,为保障通行就开放了,致使才修不久的路很快就被碾坏。”

  困扰这个路段的另一个问题是“钱”。云南省公路局局长陈跃说,群众已经多次反映这条路路况不好了。以前是收费公路时,这条路有养护资金来管养, 取消收费后,资金非常紧张。“这是一个困局,修路需要大量的资金,没钱当然修不好路。” 云南大学公共事业学院不愿透露姓名的教授却说,“但问题是,这条路早在停止收费之前就烂了近3年,有钱的时候也没见修啊,收了多年的过路费用在哪儿了。”

  来源:工人日报 黄榆

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

昆明 修路


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