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published in(发表于) 2016/8/25 16:23:12
XI met with the Chinese Olympic delegation: cheer



XI met with the Chinese Olympic delegation: _ cheer | XI news

XI met with the Chinese sports delegation

On August 25, XI Jinping, Li keqiang, Zhang dejiang, and Yu zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, and Wang Qishan, Zhang gaoli met in Beijing's great Hall of the 31st Olympic Games Chinese sports delegation. Duo Zhang Xinhua photo

On August 25, XI Jinping, Li keqiang, Zhang dejiang, and Yu zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, and Wang Qishan, Zhang gaoli met in Beijing's great Hall of the 31st Olympic Games Chinese sports delegation. Duo Zhang Xinhua photo

CCTV News (news feeds): CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met in Beijing's great Hall of XI 25th 31st Olympic Games Chinese sports delegation, welcomed the Chinese athletes from the Arc de Triomphe, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, China Sports delegation to China all the athletes, coaches and staff extend our sincere condolences and our warmest congratulations, and expressed cordial greetings to the comrades of the national sports front.

XI stressed, China sports athletes in in about games Shang of excellent performance, vivid interpretation has Olympic spirit and Chinese sports spirit, for country race has light, for national race has gas, for Olympic increased has Hui, for life added has color, inspired has national people of patriotism and World Chinese children of national pride, enhanced has Chinese of cohesion, and centripetal force, and self-confidence, is China spirit of a important reflected.

Li of the Politburo, Zhang dejiang, and Yu zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, and Wang Qishan, Zhang gaoli attended the meeting.

In the Golden Hall of, full of laughter, full of festive atmosphere. 3:30 P.M. Xu, XI and other party and State leaders came to delegation members, shaking hands with you.

Pictures taken with you XI and other party and State leaders.

Amid warm applause, he gave a warm speech. He said at the just concluded Olympic Games in Rio, your hard work, race, the competition task well done, won 26 gold medals, 18 silver and 26 bronze excellence, the highest in the medals, medal lists, achieving performance and sportsmanship, sports, China has continued to write new glory.

He pointed out that, during the Olympic Games in Rio, people across the country worried about you, the world is watching you, so happy for you every. You dare to challenge and surpass themselves, showing high spirits and tenacious style, superb skills. You carried out extensive exchanges with athletes, international organizations, as Envoy of friendship from the Chinese people. In the game, you follow the rules, respect for the opponent, respect for the referee, respecting the audience, showing good sportsmanship and accomplishments of civilization. Your heroic on the Court, outside the competition style, showing the style of contemporary Chinese people, especially the young people in contemporary China. These achievements obtained result is strongly supported by the party, the State and the people, are the result of national unity on the sports front, you train hard, hard results.

XI stressed that the US road system of theory of confidence, self-confidence, self confidence, confidence. We do not win hero and hero will dare to scrambling, and for the first. At such a high level of competition, first, gold medal is not easy, get the gold medal, worthy of respect and praise. Meanwhile, as long as the courage to overcome themselves, beyond the self, even if it didn't win the gold medal, as worthy of respect and praise. So I would like to say that the teams and athletes won the gold medal, are good. Didn't get the gold medal this time, but did the best in the game their teams and athletes, are also good. Chinese women's volleyball team, and despite the strong struggle, playing style, played level, Olympic gold medal after 12 years, fully demonstrated the spirit of the women's volleyball team, people across the country are very exciting. The performance of Chinese athletes in the Olympic Games in Rio, show a strong positive energy, shows "life can have several return to fight" spirit. Realize "two 100 year" goal dreams, China and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we need this spirit. Wide publicity in the whole society of Chinese athletes at the Olympics to show fighting spirit, making it into the whole party and people of all ethnic groups unite and fight powerful spiritual strength.

XI noted that sports is an important indicator of social development and human progress, is the embodiment of power and soft power. "Development of sport, enhance people's Constitution" is the fundamental task of China's sports work. Hope that comrades continue to carry forward the Olympic spirit and Chinese sports spirit, further enhancing the overall strength of Chinese competitive sports and athletics make better, faster, higher, stronger, improve the ability of winning glory for the country in major international competitions, strong impetus of mass sports development. Hope the comrades fully understand the significance of sports to improve the health of the people, implementation of the national strategy for fitness, universal fitness, health promotion, China construction. Hope that comrades to speed up its reform pace of innovation, updated sports ideas, learning from foreign experience, better nationwide system to play an important role in the climb, mass better play the important role of sport in the thick Foundation of physical education, and inject new vitality into the development of sports undertakings in China and motivation. Hope that comrades organizing the Beijing Olympic Winter Games and Winter Paralympic Games to promote the development of sports undertakings in China great opportunities, full planning for a "wonderful, extraordinary, remarkable" winter games and Winter Paralympic Games, China ice-snow sports development.

XI Jinping stressed that sports there is a saying: "stepped down from the podium, everything from scratch. "Hoped that comrades remember the mission, guard against arrogance and rashness, continue efforts to win greater honor for the motherland and people, sports for the realization of" two 100 year "goals, for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream adds powerful Chinese forces.

Finally, XI Jinping of the Rio Olympic Games people often shout slogans during the end of his speech: we cheer athletes! Cheer! Go China!

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Xi Jinping

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  央视网消息(新闻联播):中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平25日下午在北京人民大会堂会见第31 届奥林匹克运动会中国体育代表团全体成员,欢迎中国体育健儿凯旋,代表党中央、中国国务院向中国体育代表团全体运动员、教练员、工作人员致以诚挚的慰问和热烈 的祝贺,向全国体育战线的同志们表示亲切的问候。

  习近平强调,中国体育健儿在里约奥运会上的出色表现,生动诠释了奥林匹克精神和中华体育精神,为祖国争了光,为民族争了气,为奥运增了辉,为人生添 了彩,激发了全国人民的爱国热情和全世界中华儿女的民族自豪感,增强了中华民族的凝聚力、向心力、自信心,是中国精神的一个重要体现。





  习近平指出,里约奥运会期间,全国人民时刻牵挂着你们,世界也关注着你们,为你们取得的每一个成绩感到高兴。你们敢于挑战和超越自我,表现出了高昂 的斗志、顽强的作风、精湛的技能。你们同各国运动员、国际组织开展了广泛交流,成为中国人民的友好使者。在赛场上,你们遵守规则、尊重对手、尊重裁判、尊 重观众,表现出了良好体育道德和文明素养。你们在赛场上的英姿、在赛场外的风范,展现了当代中国人特别是当代中国青年人的风采。这些成绩的取得,是党、国 家、人民大力支持的结果,是全国体育战线团结奋斗的结果,也是你们刻苦训练、辛勤付出的结果。

  习近平强调,我们讲道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。我们不以胜负论英雄,同时英雄就要敢于争先、敢于争第一。在奥运会这样高水平的竞争场 合,争第一、拿金牌奖牌很不容易,拿到金牌奖牌的,值得尊敬和表扬。同时,只要勇于战胜自我、超越自我,即使没有拿到金牌奖牌,同样值得尊敬和表扬。所以 我要说,这次拿了金牌奖牌的队伍和运动员,都是好样的。这次没拿到金牌奖牌,但在比赛中做了最好的自己的队伍和运动员,也都是好样的。中国女排不畏强手、 英勇顽强,打出了风格、打出了水平,时隔12年再夺奥运金牌,充分展现了女排精神,全国人民都很振奋。中国体育健儿在里约奥运会上的表现,展示了强大正能 量,展示了“人生能有几回搏”的奋斗精神。实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,就需要这样的精神。要在全社会广泛宣传中国体育健 儿在奥运会赛场上展现的拼搏精神,使之化为全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的强大精神力量。

  习近平指出,体育是社会发展和人类进步的重要标志,是综合国力和国家软实力的重要体现。“发展体育运动,增强人民体质”是中国体育工作的根本任务。 希望同志们继续弘扬奥林匹克精神和中华体育精神,进一步提升中国竞技体育综合实力,把竞技体育搞得更好、更快、更高、更强,提高在重大国际赛事中为国争光 能力,有力带动群众体育发展。希望同志们充分认识体育对提高人民健康水平的积极意义,落实全民健身国家战略,普及全民健身运动,促进健康中国建设。希望同 志们加快推进体育改革创新步伐,更新体育理念,借鉴国外有益经验,更好发挥举国体制在攀登顶峰中的重要作用,更好发挥群众性体育在厚植体育基础中的重要作 用,为中国体育事业发展注入新的活力和动力。希望同志们把筹办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会作为推动中国体育事业发展的重大机遇,全力筹办一届“精彩、非凡、卓 越”的冬奥会、冬残奥会,加快中国冰雪运动普及发展。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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