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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:56:39
Wikileaks private Saudi gay information: who would face the death penalty,



Wikileaks private Saudi gay information: who would face the death penalty-Wikileaks, Assange-IT information

IT the information Wikileaks (WikiLeaks) founder and recently began to blast hard, and in the past is, the explosive material was reckless. In this revelation, has private information about Saudi gay men, while "gay" in Saudi Arabia is punishable to death, this fact is likely to put the Party on the guillotine.

? Photo: Julian Assange

According to the associated press, Saudi diplomatic cables published Wikipedia contains information potentially can cause serious consequences: a Saudi man's paternity dispute files are open, the man said that if his wife's family to see the parties, the consequences would be disastrous, said WikiLeaks to publish such personal data will destroy a person. In addition, a Saudi man was arrested because they are gay, and that will be facing the death penalty punishment in Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the above information relating to ethics, and Nayef al-Fayez a brain cancer patient of the doctor's personal information from being exposed, doctors say this information is nothing to do with politics or corruption; other published information are the victims of rape, HIV and hepatitis c patients ' names, as well as social security and credit card numbers.

And snow is different, Assange broke the news seems never to consider whether it might be implicated others, from this fact, judging by the, not clearly whistle-blowers have disputes with Assange or someone else, that was against him, Assange, which so far have not yet truly be legal action.

维基解密公开沙特同性恋者私人信息:后者将面临死刑 - 维基解密,阿桑奇 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 维基解密(WikiLeaks)创始人阿桑奇近日又开始大爆猛料,和以往相同的是,这位爆料人是不顾后果的。在这次爆料内容中,有关于沙特同性恋男子的私人信息,而“同性恋”在沙特是以死罪论处的,因此这则爆料很可能会将当事人送上断头台。



除了上述涉及道德伦理的信息之外,还有Nayef al-Fayez医生的一位脑癌患者的个人信息被公开,医生称这些信息与政治或腐败毫无关系;其它公布的信息还有强奸受害者,HIV和丙肝患者的名字,以及社保和信用卡号码。


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