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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:52:56
Chinese police responded to question: Shandong life why fraud can quickly solve? ,



Chinese police responded to question: Shandong life why fraud can quickly solve? -Telecom fraud, Xu Yuyu-IT information

On August 27, only two days, shocked the national Shandong University student Xu Yuyu Telecom scam cracked, although who died cannot be brought back, but fraud suspect to be brought to justice, and also to the victims ' family some comfort.

This deadly fraud in addition to arouse the nation Telecom fraud concerns, also suffered from the broad masses of netizens questioned by the police. Many demanded a say "deadly know pipe", "caused a sensation after police before real work", "usually less, attention was, solve the case so quickly" ... ... Now, @ Jiangning police published a lengthy online micro-micro-blogging, open response to a Netizen's question, we can look at.

Information IT believes that this long blog well worth reading. While it may not change your stance and viewpoints, but at least you can let you see way more open to think about some of the more meaningful aspects.

The long tweets from @ Jiangning police online

中国警方回应质疑:为啥山东夺命诈骗案能迅速破案? - 电信诈骗,徐玉玉 - IT资讯


这件夺命诈骗案除了引发全国人民对电信诈骗的关注外,警方也遭遇了来自广大网友的质疑。很多网友讽刺称“出人命才知道管了”、“引起社会轰动后,警察才会干实事”、“平时不干事,受重视了,破案才这么快”……现在,@江宁公安在线 官微发表了一篇长微博,开诚布公回应了网友的质疑,大家可以看一下。



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