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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:18
Inventory of CCTV industry bosses “earn 100 million“ time: 41 implementation at the latest,



Inventory of CCTV industry bosses "earn 100 million" time: 41 implementation at the latest-Wang, the richest man, MA-IT information

Related reading: the Wang will teach you how to do the richest man: set small goals, earned 100 million

IT information for most famous businessman, compared to make money, pay more attention to social status and social charitable action, after all, can easily "make a million" is all the more true for billionaires. Recently, in South-Eastern TV, the latest issue of Shandong, Henan and some cafes rows programme a day, think about wealth, Mr Wang said on the show: "I'm not the pursuit of wealth, I can pursue a goal, the pursuit of a feeling." Young people struggle, it is best to set a goal, for example, earned 100 million, could see a few years can achieve the goal, which instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

By contrast, can make a billion is hard to imagine things be successful people say so lightly was too hammered. However, according to CCTV statistics, successful people, including Wang, there is the capital.

Wang from the 34 years since the creation of the Wanda, 40, becomes a billionaire, the current wealth of us $ 30 billion; competed with Wang before richest MA 31 years of entrepreneurial, 35, founded the Alibaba, 38, became a billionaire. In addition, include musk, MA is during middle age, completed the original accumulation of capital--of course, Mark Zuckerberg is an exception, became a billionaire when he was 23 years old, Wang seemed to be audience to the small bar-line.

Significance, if it wants to be a eligible billionaire Wang advice provided indeed Yes, but I think most people are missing some opportunities.

央视盘点行业大佬“挣一个亿”时间:最迟41岁就实现 - 王健林,首富,马云 - IT资讯


IT资讯讯 对于大多数成名商人来说,相较于赚钱,其更加注重社会地位以及社会慈善行动,毕竟对于能够轻松“赚到一个亿”的富翁来说更是如此。近日,在东南卫视最新一期《鲁豫有约大咖一日行》节目中,对于财富的看法,王健林在节目中表示:“我现在不是追求财富,我是追求一种境界,追求一种情怀”。年轻人奋斗,最好先制定一个目标,比如说先赚1个亿,看看能用几年可以达到目标,这也瞬间在网上引起了轩然大波。




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