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published in(发表于) 2016/9/2 9:35:32
China’s Air Force Commander General Ma Xiaotian: China is developing a new generation of long-range bombers



China's Air Force Commander General Ma Xiaotian: China is developing a new generation of long-range bombers (map)

Photo: the PLA corporate Twitter
People, September 2, according to the PLA corporate micro-blogging news, China Ma Xiaotian, Commander of the air force confirmed that the air force is developing a new generation of long-range bombers.
On September 1, the Chinese Air Force Commander General Ma Xiaotian to Changchun attended the open air force aviation activities. Air force Aviation University new students when the precepts, Ma pointed out that China's air force currently has entered the transition phase to build up a strong offensive and defensive air. When asked about the future bomber development, Ma said, long-range strike capability now than in the past, China has been greatly improved. "There will be a larger increase in the future, we are now developing a new generation of long-range bombers, you will see in the future. ”
Last year 93 parade, bang -6K aircraft of the air force appeared in public for the first time in July, when tensions in the South China Sea, the Chinese air force the most advanced bomber to huangyan island cruise. In the air force this year in open air activities, h -6K for static display.
H -6K is the h-6 bombers completely redesigned the latest improved model, with Russia D-30KP-2 new engines and avionics and equipment. New engine and fuselage, the use of composite materials, the bomber's range increased significantly. The bombers first as a medium-range cruise missile "sword-10" carrier, a total of 6 pylons under the wing.
New fighter production project in China under the background of extensive publicity, bang -6K program has been more low-key. Meanwhile, the boom -6K bombers would ensure China has the unique ability to use cruise missiles, mass attack against from any place in the Asia Pacific region. In 2015, the Chinese air force bombardment -6K bomber 4 times to Western Pacific sea training.
On July 6 this year, shipped 20 official Chinese air force, which is an important symbol of China's air force have a strong strategic projection capability. Xu Yongling, a military expert pointed out that with remote delivery capability and long-range strike capabilities are important indicators of country air force, in the absence of prior to games-20, the remote delivery capability of the Chinese air force has obvious weaknesses and defects, and transport-20 is very timely to fill this gap. Next, China will focus on improving its long-range combat capability of the air force, and may even direct development beyond United States B-2 stealthy long-range bombers. China really realized the power of the air force, strategic, global. (Source: people's daily online-military channel)
(Editors: Zhu Pengying UN603)
2016-09-02 11:33:00
People's daily online

  人民网北京9月2日电 据《解放军报》法人微博消息,中国空军司令员马晓天证实,中国空军正在发展新一代远程轰炸机。
  今年7月6日,运20正式列装中国空军,是中国空军具备强大战略投送能力的重要标志。军事专家徐勇凌指出,具备远程投送能力和远程打击能力是大国空军的重要指标,在没有运-20之前,中国空军在远程投送能力方面存在明显的短板和缺陷,而运-20非常及时地填补了这一空白。下一步中国空军一定会着力提高其远程打击能力,甚至可能直接发展超越美国B-2的隐身远程轰炸机。届时中国空军才真正实现了大国化、战略化、全球化。 (来源:人民网-军事频道)
(责任编辑:朱鹏英 UN603)
2016-09-02 11:33:00

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