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published in(发表于) 2016/9/2 9:35:50
Hebei Yanjiao 1 tower crane collapsed to 1 passers-by injured



Hebei Yanjiao 1 tower crane collapsed to 1 passers-by were injured (photo) | Yanjiao | cranes _ news
Crane collapse site. Eyewitness photo

Beijing News newsletter (reporter Wang Yulin accomplished) today (September 2) at 8 o'clock in the evening, Hebei Yanjiao a construction crane overturning caused by passing vehicles damaged. Beijing news reporters from three rivers municipal party Committee propaganda Department was informed that the accident injured a pedestrian, the specific reasons are still under investigation.

Today evening, Twitter users said Hebei Yanjiao CNOOC Street junction with Yan Ling Road, a tower crane collapsed. Video from the scene, passing vehicles are crushed.

An eyewitness told the Beijing News reporter, next to the site of a construction site, when the crane collapsed, down below the wire, part of the line is exposed, not far from the traffic lights began blinking irregularly. Another witness said Mr CAO, rush, a scene of jam. The time of the incident, he was at a distance of approximately 50 metres of a bus stop near the East side of suddenly like thunder "Duang" sound, then saw the tower crane collapsed, several cars affected by this wave, "one of these vehicles was photographed next to the tower crane, another five or six slabs of concrete fell on a vehicle. "He said, when at least 2 poles were down and broken spark scattered after passers-by shouted ran to the middle of the road under the cement board, trying to find the wounded, and someone dials the emergency call, more than 10 minutes later, police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene.

Beijing news reporters learned from the Hebei Sanhe municipal party Committee propaganda Department, September 2, at 20 o'clock, Sea oil Street and Yan Jiao Zhong Zhao Fu Yan Ling Road, Yanjiao, Sanhe engineering crane overturning of Lunda construction company, which left a woman injured, have been sent to hospital, four motor vehicles damaged and three tricycles in varying degrees. After the incident, Yanjiao high-tech leaders have arrived at the scene and deal with related issues.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Yanjiao crane

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The Beijing News

  新京报快讯(记者王煜 林斐然)今日(9月2日)晚8点,河北燕郊一在建工程塔吊倾覆,致多辆过路车辆受损。新京报记者从三河市委宣传部获悉,事故造成一名路人受伤,具体原因仍在调查中。


  一名目击者告诉新京报记者,事发地系一座建筑工地旁,塔吊倒塌后,压住下方电线,部分线路裸露在外,不远处的红绿灯也开始不规则闪烁。另一名目击者曹先 生表示,事发正值下班高峰期,现场一片拥堵。事发时,他在距离现场东侧大约50米左右的一个公交站附近,突然像雷声一样“duang”的一声,此后就看到 塔吊垮塌下来了,几辆私家车受此波及,“其中一辆车被塔吊拍到了旁边,另外有五六块水泥板砸在了一辆私家车附近。”他说,事发时有至少2根电线杆被拦腰折 断了,现场电火花四溅,此后有路人跑到路中央往水泥板底下喊话,试图寻找伤员,同时有人拨打了报警电话,十几分钟后,警车和救护车赶到现场。

  新京报记者从河北三河市委宣传部获悉,9月2日20点,燕郊中赵甫海油大街与燕灵路交口,三河市燕郊隆达建筑工程公司承建项目工程塔吊倾覆, 造成一名女士受伤,目前已送至医院,四辆机动车及三辆三轮车不同程度受损。事发后,燕郊高新区相关部门领导已到达现场调查和处理相关事宜。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

燕郊 塔吊


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