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published in(发表于) 2016/9/3 8:56:28
2 emergency aid flood into the territory of China by China North Koreans



2 emergency aid flood into the territory of China by China North Koreans (photo) | North Korea _ news

CCTV News: continuing heavy rains in recent days, located across the Tumen River in North Korea are equally affected. 3rd, two on the shore of the North Korean people have been flooding into the territory of China, one of them seriously. Rapid rescue China aviation units, the injured safely to hospitals in Yanji for medical treatment.

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3rd, Nan ping Zhen XING Hua Cun, a man and a woman found near two North Korean masses flood into the territory of China in urgent need of rescue. Due to the to and outside connected of highway has was flood washed away, is Jilin Yanbian implementation flood rescue rescue task of 39th set mission army a land airlines Brigade received command, quickly sent helicopter to incident locations expand rescue action, helicopter group fast determine rescue route and and Yanbian military a border mission made contact, however, helicopter took off soon air on Xia up has rain, unit personnel overcome adverse weather brings of effect, calm calm driving helicopter in Valley in the looking for was trapped masses and can for landing of locations, Landing in the vicinity of XING Hua Cun on the riverbank.

Relief troops after the plane quickly get in touch with local villagers and found the two trapped people of North Korea. Due to one of the masses seriously has been unable to act, officers and men of simple equipment to be transported on the aircraft, the entire rescue lasted more than 30 minutes. Unit then took off immediately, and return to the airport in Yanbian, waiting in the medical and health care personnel to transfer the injured to a local hospital for treatment. (Li Jian Wu Xusheng CCTV journalists Li Chang-Ming)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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  3日上午,南坪镇兴华村附近发现一男一女两名朝鲜群众被洪水冲到中国境内,亟待救援。由于该地与外界相连的公路已经被洪水冲毁,正在吉林延边执 行抗洪抢险救援任务的第39集团军某陆航旅接到命令,迅速派出直升机前往事发地点展开救援行动,直升机组快速确定救援航线并与延边军分区某边防团取得联 系,然而,直升机起飞不久空中就下起了大雨,机组人员克服不利天气带来的影响,沉着冷静驾驶直升机在山谷中寻找被困群众和可供起降的地点,最终降落在兴华 村附近的河堤上。

  救援官兵下机后迅速与当地村民取得联系并找到了两名被困的朝鲜群众。由于其中的一名群众伤势较重已无法行动,官兵们采用简易的救援工具将其运送 到飞机上,整个救援过程持续了30多分钟。随后机组马上起飞,并返回延边机场,等候在这里的医护人员及时将伤者转移到了当地医院进行救治。(央视新闻记者 吴旭升 李畅鸣 李剑)

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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