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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/9/3 8:58:11
SpaceX Falcon 9th explosive video: smoke and flames all over the sky,



SpaceX Falcon 9th explosive video: smoke, flame sky-SpaceX rocket-IT information

On September 3, 9:07 A.M. local time on September 1, SpaceX's Falcon, 9th is United States at air force base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, by routine pre-launch ignition testing, suddenly exploded. The accident was filmed by witnesses, a few km away.

It is reported that SpaceX Falcon 9th executive tasks of the secondary is for Facebook launched the first Internet satellite Amos-6,Facebook hope this satellite for providing Internet access services in parts of Africa. The satellite is part of Israel's Space-Communications Company, Facebook is also involved in research and development.

As for the cause of the blast, SpaceX claimed may be a failure on the rocket's oxygen tanks, pending the results of a formal investigation, however, all this is just speculation.

Fortunately, the explosion caused no casualties.

(IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭爆炸视频:浓烟起,火光漫天 - SpaceX,火箭 - IT资讯

9月3日消息,当地时间 9月1日上午9时07分,SpaceX公司的猎鹰9号火箭正在美国佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地进行发射前的常规点火测试时,突然发生爆炸。这一事故被几公里外的目击者拍摄下来。





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