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published in(发表于) 2016/9/6 8:31:04
Quarry landslide in Yuxi, Yunnan province, one death and one injury



Quarry landslide in Yuxi, Yunnan province, one death and one injury (photo) | | quarry _ a landslide news
The scene of the accident. Yuxi fire service provides
The scene of the accident. Yuxi fire service provides

CNS, Kunming, September 6 (reporter Hu Yuanhang)-reporters learned from the firefighting detachment in Yuxi city, Yunnan province, the afternoon of 6th, quarry in hongta district of Yuxi city of luohe Xiang Fa rush village mine job site landslide, killing one people and injuring a.

Reported, 6th 16:52 P.M., fire command Center received a report of Yuxi said in the village of Luo Xiang Fa rush mining quarry landslide, it was buried. After the alarm, hongta group da Ying Jie fire-fighting Squadron immediately went to the disposal. Site investigation, landslide landslide mass for about 50,000 cubic meters, 1 drilling machine, 2 yun shi truck were buried.

After about 30 minutes of rescue, excavator driver is found, there is no sign of life, confirmed the death. Being hit by a stone 1 truck driver, was taken to hospital for treatment.

At present, as collapse seriously, firefighters still digging in. (End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Landslides quarry

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China News Network
云南玉溪采石场发生山体滑坡,一死一伤(图) |山体滑坡|采石场_新闻资讯
事故现场。 玉溪消防提供
事故现场。 玉溪消防提供

  中新网昆明9月6日电 (记者 胡远航)记者从云南省玉溪市公安消防支队获悉,6日下午,玉溪市红塔区洛河乡法冲村矿山采石场作业现场发生山体滑坡,导致一人死亡一人受伤。




责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

山体滑坡 采石场


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