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published in(发表于) 2016/9/7 8:30:50
Hundreds of telecommunications fraud were brought back to China from abroad, including Taiwan 78 people



Hundreds of telecommunications fraud were brought back to China from abroad, including Taiwan and 78 | Telecom fraud _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 7-7th reporters from China's public security Ministry that, recently, the 129 suspects fraud telecommunications network (city, 51, Taiwan 78) take the Charter flights by the public security authorities in China from Armenia back involves more than 10 provinces in mainland China a number of cross-border telecommunication network fraud successfully cracked. This is the Ministry of public security deployment against Telecom fraud crimes Initiative achieved another major success.

This year, the Armenia law enforcement found a large number of mainland China and Taiwan entry, prices of local rental homes, rental homes and closed the Windows, the walls are soundproof, suspected of engaging in illegal and criminal activities, Armenia law enforcement this briefing by Chinese police. On August 20 this year, Armenia law enforcement raids have mastered 6 den, seized 51 criminal suspects from the Mainland, 78 Taiwan criminal suspects, as well as a large number of computers, smart phones, tablets and other instrumentalities, successfully destroyed a telecom network fraud criminal gangs. On August 26, the Chinese Ministry of public security sent a work team to Armenia to work. After investigation, the gang in Armenia to establish multiple fraud dens, from Guangdong, Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jilin, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other 13 provincial residents call city, judicial organs, posing as wantonly commit fraud, network fraud and the initial checks over more than 50, amount of more than 7 million Yuan.

Because the victims were people on the Mainland, and the case is gang crime, in order to facilitate case investigation, recovery of stolen money, punish crimes according to law, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, 129 suspects were all taken back to China to handle, Guangdong Province, China's Ministry of public security, assigned public security organs are responsible for investigation of the case. In accordance with the consensus reached by the cross-strait consultations, the spirit to fight crime and contribute to the protection of victims interests and conducive to the realization of the principles of Justice, Mainland public security authorities have been informed through the channels of cross-straits cooperation in combating crimes.

China's Ministry of public security official said, Telecom fraud serious crime against property and legitimate rights and interests of the people, has become a serious social problem, the broad masses hate, must severely punish according to law. No matter who the network suspects fraud, no matter where you run to, the public security organs will have an attitude highly responsible to the people, tracing, cracked down, continue to take high pressure crackdown on Telecom fraud crimes, strongly fighting the arrogance of criminals, and earnestly safeguard the safety of people and property and legal rights. (End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Telecom fraud

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Xinhua News Agency
百余名电信诈骗犯被从国外带回中国大陆 包括台湾78人|电信诈骗_新闻资讯

  新华社北京9月7日电 记者7日从中国公安部获悉,近日,129名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人(大陆51人、台湾78人)乘坐中国民航包机被公安机关从亚美尼亚 带回,涉及中国大陆10多个省份的一批跨境电信网络诈骗案成功告破。这是中国公安部部署开展打击电信网络诈骗犯罪专项行动取得的又一重大战果。

  今年以来,亚美尼亚执法部门发现大批中国大陆和台湾人员入境,以高价租住当地民宅,并对租住民宅窗户进行密闭,对墙面进行隔音处理,涉嫌从事 违法犯罪活动,亚美尼亚执法部门将此情况通报中国警方。今年8月20日,亚美尼亚执法部门对已掌握的6处窝点进行突击检查,查获51名大陆犯罪嫌疑人、 78名台湾犯罪嫌疑人,以及大量电脑、智能手机、平板电脑等作案工具,成功打掉一个电信网络诈骗犯罪团伙。8月26日,中国公安部派出工作组赴亚美尼亚开展工 作。经查,该团伙在亚美尼亚设立多个诈骗窝点,向广东、辽宁、河北、河南、青海、山东、吉林、陕西、浙江、福建、湖北、江苏、江西等13省居民拨打电话, 冒充大陆公检法机关大肆实施诈骗,已初步核实50余起电信网络诈骗案件,被骗金额700余万元。

  由于受害人是大陆民众,且此案是团伙作案,为便于整案侦办、追缴赃款,依法惩处犯罪,切实维护受害人合法权益,129名犯罪嫌疑人被全部带回 中国大陆依法处理,中国公安部指派广东省公安机关负责案件侦办。按照两岸协商达成的有关共识,本着有利于打击犯罪、有利于保护受害人利益、有利于实现司法公正 的原则,大陆公安机关已通过两岸共同打击犯罪渠道将有关情况通报台方。

  中国公安部有关负责人表示,电信网络诈骗犯罪严重侵害人民群众财产安全和合法权益,已经成为严重的社会公害,广大群众深恶痛绝,必须依法严厉打 击。无论电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人是谁,无论跑到哪里,公安机关都将以对人民高度负责的态度,追查源头,重拳打击,持续对电信网络诈骗犯罪采取高压严打态 势,坚决把犯罪分子的嚣张气焰打下去,切实维护人民群众财产安全和合法权益。(完)

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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