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published in(发表于) 2016/9/8 11:41:01
Shandong environmental protection Bureau officials Education Secretary continued: 2 people working to change



Shandong environmental protection Bureau officials Education Secretary continued: 2 people working to change beat Shandong _ | | officials news
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On August 24, the binzhou Boxing County environmental protection Bureau Deputy Director Wang Zuxue as his wife song in "County School hired" elected, Wang Zuxue, song, Yang and other people's Congress education, and Education Secretary Shi Weishan fights. Later, Shi Weishan zhanqi, was released through the boxing education platform insult his recording, aroused social concern. Boxing discipline Committee involved in the investigation, Wang, Yang, song three on August 22, according to administrative detention.

In recent days, people have been about, boxing has been on Wang Zuxue, Shi Weishan two people to handle the results of discussion, but no official release. On September 7, the reporter obtained from Boxing County Education Bureau official news, Shi Weishan no longer served as Secretary for education post by Teruo served.

  Boxing boxing education of Education Bureau official news release said online August 31, August 30, Deputy Secretary of the County party Committee, County Magistrate Yin Meiying, boxing, Deputy County head Gong Hongmei, Party Secretary of the County Education Bureau Director Shi Weishan, Deputy Director of the County Education Bureau Liu Aiqing to dissolve large amounts works Lv Yi Zhen advances research and implementation of football on campus.

However, on September 7, boxing online education on teachers in the party County leaders on the eve of the visit in the message of condolences to some excellent teachers, the morning of September 6, County Clerk and county people's Congress Director Jiao Benqiang, Deputy County head Gong Hongmei, and County Education Bureau director Li Kuang, accompanied by the third visited the condolences of some excellent teachers in middle school, teachers sent congratulations to teacher's day in advance. In the message, sed had by Teruo, boxing term, that is, Shi Weishan was dismissed from the post of Secretary for education. Teruo worked as Secretary for sport, boxing.

EPA Deputy Director, zhanqi, boxing, boxing Commission for discipline inspection was in August 23rd said, Wang Zuxue, song, Yang Mou are three people being held in administrative detention. As of September 7, after 17 days, according to Wang Zuxue, who under normal circumstances have been released. Boxing reporter called the environmental protection agency calls Wang Zuxue one thing, Kings Secretary Office staff on leave. But anecdotal Wang Zuxue also be exempt from all duties, has not yet been officially confirmed.

  Event review:

≫>8 19th afternoon Boxing Boxing County Environmental Protection Bureau Deputy Director Wang Zuxue was serving the third elementary school teacher wife and song in the County's "County School hired" reform, has not been appointed in schools, the need for a cross-school competition. Song so, Yang (another teacher at the school), who does not comply with the result, refused to link after the competition, both times for Bureau staff name-calling, shoving, affecting normal office. Meanwhile, Wang Zuxue to education, educational Bureau Director Shi Weishan stopped at the door, swearing and a bidding war, rioted after the song so people abused staff, called Shi Weishan in the corridor. Zhihou, Wang Zuxue several times called Shi Weishan insults.

≫>8 21st, people such as Shi Weishan qibuguo, Boxing County Education Bureau official letter "boxing education online" posted a message, said the afternoon of August 19, Boxing County Environmental Protection Bureau Deputy Director Wang to the County Education Bureau to make trouble, the County Education Bureau Chief Shi Weishan is abusive, and fights. Moments in crazy app platform, website communications. Published 3 hours, over 40,000 hits. That night, the official micro-delete this message.

≫>8 22nd, the journalist to the Boxing Boxing County Education Bureau, environmental protection agency, the third primary school, Bureau for interviews, boxing, boxing, to no avail. Later, the reporter learned that, on the afternoon of August 19 to entrust the Commission for discipline inspection, boxing, boxing or County Public Security Bureau a comprehensive investigation, survey results and comments will be held for the first time to the public.

≫>8 23rd, informed of the situation, boxing, involved Wang, Yang, song, and other three boxing Education Bureau disrupt order, investigation by the public security authorities on August 22 being held in administrative detention

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

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Officials hit Shandong

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  >>8月19日下午,博兴县环保局副局长王祖学因任职博兴县第三小学老师的妻子宋某某在该县实行的“县管校聘”改革中,未被校内聘 任,需进行跨校竞聘。宋某某、杨某(该校另一名老师)等人不服从这个结果,也拒绝以后环节的竞聘,两人多次对教育局工作人员谩骂、推搡,影响了正常办公。 其间,王祖学来到教育局,在门口拦住教育局局长石卫山,破口大骂并大打出手,之后又到宋某某等人闹事现场辱骂工作人员,在楼道内大骂石卫山。之后,王祖学 数次给石卫山打电话进行辱骂。

  >>8月21日,由于石卫山等人气不过,博兴县教育局官方微信“博兴教育在线”发布了一则消息,称8月19日下午,博兴县环保局副 局长王某到县教育局闹事,对县教育局局长石卫山进行辱骂,并大打出手。瞬间在各大微信平台、网站疯狂传播。发布3小时,点击量突破4万。当晚,官方微信将 此消息删除。



责任编辑:张淳 SN182

官员打人 山东


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