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published in(发表于) 2016/9/12 19:11:09
“Golden age of ants“: why good people is again relentless consumption



"Golden age of ants": why good people once again, Yang Gailan _ news by relentless consumption in Gansu | |

Watching Yang Gailan committed suicide after killing four young children's news reporter mood difficult to calm. The case is tragic whenever conscience somewhat, for a family of six died, Ouch.

This year will be three mother meant to be remembered: chicken legs for seriously ill daughter mothers daughters lost their lives to save Tiger's mother, as well as Yang Gailan, the despair of life, buried with the mother and the whole family.

Journalists thought that love child is mother nature, and even if their biological mother of, have no right to deprive their children of the right to life--this should be common sense, that is the bottom line of human nature, it is then the mainstream. But when one of the ants in the spirit when turned, reporters have been very surprised and angry. At this point, "poverty leads to despair", "institutions should be responsible for" brushing a reporter's screen.

There is sufficient heat of public opinion, journalists to see facts, stories, rumors of the tripartite.

Truth, is the truth; stories, is after all, see dog blood, in fact, but began to deviate from the fact that part of the surface; rumors surface, purely rumors. Yang Gailan was fortunately not many rumors surface, its hype of fermentation depends on the story.

The event was initially published in local Lanzhou on the Western business daily newspaper, titled the leisure of a family of six have been poisoned and killed. Manuscript made no mention of family poverty status, but did not mention later became widely questioned "Lo was cancelled." That afternoon, there will be a review of the investigation: 6 deaths due to poverty in Gansu tragedy, generation mothers forced to drink poison in the flesh and blood to circulate online. Yang buildings were mentioned in the article, and removed the low.

Thus, Yang Gailan events were concerned, the appearance of ants in the spirit is making it a public event. "Deaths from poverty" such a rich story plots of the impact has been magnified, eventually move public opinion, won a lot of praise, comments, tears and crowding the screen.

But some friends later found that of the ants in the spirit, but a financial investment, and powder, and implementing financial recruitment and financial plans, to create a marketing paper. Its "outrage" is to live my life in the investment community widely spread his "social care" in order to attract potential customers for myself in this heavy calculations, our emotions, became a commercial copy of the play. At a press conference, marketing of life is tantamount to selling human blood bun, it is both evil and shameless!

Sold of the ants in the spirit of confrontation and conflict, consumption is about the poverty of imagination-as long as it's in line with expectations, can sell as long as it can give vent to their feelings, some people, just facts.

Suicide is a very complex social problem in rural areas, have been kidding, how many sociologists explain the theory that the question on how many. Yang Gailan reasons for committing such atrocities, may be poor, may have mental illness; perhaps family conflicts ... ... 10,000 step back and say, even if it is, and "Lo-cancelled", then who can prove that there is a connection? It is a fact that can't be explained by, so the story becomes the main character.

Yang Gailan event facts, enough to explain a word: she's living conditions are too poor and she committed suicide after killing their children, reason is not clear.

But it isn't popular, more markets, story, and poetic language.

"A crime about money, the person guilty; a man bread crime, society is guilty!"

"For them, the poor is not terrible, more terrible than the poor are losing hope and confidence. ”

"From Yang Gailan, life and death, is not selected questions, as required, but one for eating and sleeping options. On this, He Xi, death He Ai! "


Beautiful, and most readers could not say these words in the wrong, but it is Yang Gailan events regardless of the fact.

When some people say "Yang Gailan killed four children, she was forced by the desperate" when journalists are more likely to agree with today's another statement: "while Yang Gailan is desperate, but she killed four children."

You this human tragedy can be attributed to the suffering, grief and despair, but it won't change the fact that she killed her four children. Young children die, even without a struggle. They may not have thought of, the mother should have unconditional trust, would personally help them choose this netherworld.

Compassion, tears, curse of the Internet, full of righteous, as if in person at the scene, but in vain: who really see the horror lay there that four children? There are too many people only drank pesticide Yang Gailan's words: you don't understand.

Is that journalists do not understand, do not understand why some people can "understand" Yang Gailan behavior. Does a weak, right arms waving to weaker weaker? Poor, desperate, can a murderer reasons?

If this logic was established, then any of the bus fire, hold the bombs into the Metro, take chopper go to kindergarten, can be called "golden age ants" in this sign, all illegal and unscrupulous are washed and understanding, and pay a terrible price, will be the whole society!

Man Ant classes.

Our laws and regulations, primary provision, that is, a person's life, physical security should not be subjected to any kind of aggression. Moreover, the killing of children and should not be forgiven the world.

Gangster movies, even children with gusto roles, must really have no bottom line; during the war, knives to children, will be nailed to the pillar of shame never turn over history. "Over-population is easy to eat" is a big miracle, but don't forget, most parents sell their children when famine, get enough to live, but the children move away from her, we might live.

After all, not poison the child's life, is the bottom line of the bottom line!

Death cannot be resurrected, a family of six died, was to mourn. But if Yang Gailan vulnerable, while ignoring her crimes because sympathy, at least do not distinguish right from wrong, reporters feel that such values will make us pay a terrible social cost: the criteria of our social events without sound, deviation, thus ignoring the correct way to solve social problems.

Spirit and ants, poverty and Yang Gailan, created the concept of this confrontation, and emotional interpretation of the mosaic, is not conducive to construction and the mitigation of social problems in the countryside.

So where are our true way? There way early.

General Secretary XI Jinping pointed out: "to adhere to precise, accurate poverty for poverty alleviation, focusing on improving the effectiveness of storming out of poverty. Key is to find the way, building a good institutional mechanisms, precision application on the strategy confess, in precise advance practical work, accurate left laying on the ground. To solve ' who support ' problems, ensure clear real poverty, population, poverty, poverty-induced causes such as clear, in order to achieve by applying policy, one policy. ”

If we're willing to let emotional to rational, so precise and effective implementation of pro-poor policies, and more is that we eventually reached a consensus, rather than continue to dispute it.

Rather, we think, is the same as Yang Gailan, poverty and never read one book, of people in difficult situations, their material and spiritual double problem of poverty, in which the precise measures to be addressed? And our rule of law, and how they become rich on the road in their escort on the road to literacy?

Yang Gailan, reporter grief, journalists to pursue nature of the event, and then try to do something, so as to avoid the emergence of the next Yang Gailan. Golden Ant did write in the minds of some people, but it does not have, and never write a method to solve the problem, because he wants to, just public resonance.

We can sympathize with the weak, but should not be wrong; empathy is good, but love is not a generator.

Source: Changan sword

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Gansu province, Yang Gailan

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责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

甘肃 杨改兰


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