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published in(发表于) 2016/9/15 20:15:15
I’m ready, 22:04 Temple on the second September 15, 2016 launch



Ready 22:04 Temple on the second September 15, 2016 launch Shenzhou 11th | Temple | second | aerospace _ news
Chinese temple on the second space laboratory will be launched on September 15, 22:04. For the temple on the second space laboratory with the long second f T2 has a vertical transport to the launch Tower. Sun Hao photography

Beijing, September 15, after "long seventh" after the first Chinese manned space laboratory in the second flight, awaited "temple on the second" will be launched on September 15, 2016 22:04. After "Tian Gong, second" space laboratory will conduct in-orbit testing and the establishment of autonomous operating mode, ready to meet the "Shenzhou 11th" manned spacecraft to visit preparation.

Soon to be launched "temple on the second" status? What are the technical breakthrough? Need to accomplish a task? What will achieve docking?

  Emitting region for the first time the system has been trained

"Temple on the second" heavy responsibility bears a validation of China's future space station technology. Now, Jiuquan launch site of the space application system and monitoring and communication systems, has completed the implementation of "temple on the second" space lab mission preparations, rockets and "temple on the second" technology has been identified.

On July 9, the "temple on the second" arrived in Jiuquan, final assembly and testing of the launching site. On September 9, the T2 launch vehicle and carrying a long second-f "temple on the second" space combination of laboratory activities launch platform vertical transport to the launch area. On September 11, "temple on the second" lasted 3.5 hours to the tasks of system-wide launch exercises. On September 12, the launch of "temple on the second" T2 's long second-f carrier rocket into the raise before the entire launching system in the 13th district-wide training for the first time.

It is worth mentioning that, used to launch manned rocket long second-f "arrow of God" in the world, 10 times the Shenzhou spacecraft and 1 "temple on the first" aircraft in 11 missions, the "arrow of God" maintained a success rate of 100%. Entry of the long second f T2 T1 with the long second-f, long second f tele-11 rocket with the remote 10 long second-f rocket technologies are basically the same, mainly in terms of safety and reliability, technical changes have been made.

F launch vehicle for the bundling of two long second-stage liquid rocket, core-level 3.35 meters in diameter, bundle 4 booster, booster diameter of 2.25 meters, and it uses the Assembly vertical test vertical and horizontal transport of three vertical mode, which can guarantee the rocket test and launch rockets vertically under.

Chinese temple on the second space laboratory will be launched on September 15, 22:04. For the temple on the second space laboratory with the long second f T2 has a vertical transport to the launch Tower. Sun Hao photography

  More luxury and more advanced equipment to the ground mail

Although they have the same shape, but "temple on the second" no "temple on the first" simple upgrade, it will carry out more "firsts". It is reported that "temple on the second" is the first with space added in space laboratory, 30 days to realize for the first time the astronauts reside, the first test of a propellant added technology and other important scientific experiments in space.

Wuping 14th, Vice Director of China manned space engineering office, briefing, "temple on the second" and "temple on the first", the mission is different. In contrast, "temple on the first" target aircraft, which is all part of the Shenzhou experimental spacecraft rendezvous and docking. "Temple on the second" is the real sense of the space lab.

Compared to "the temple on the first", "temple on the second" not only more luxury, better improve the loading capacity, internal environment, on-board equipment is more advanced. "Temple on the second" aboard a new complete set of scientific equipment for space application system, regardless of quantity and installation complexity, have created the longest previous manned spacecraft mission.

For example, it built a liquid circuit verification system for the first time, verify that the maintenance of the space station; equipped with a robotic arm operation Terminal tester for the first time, will be carried out for the first time the Chinese cooperative space on-orbit maintenance test for future space station missions providing technical reserves. "Temple on the second" system design is modular, which means that it can be quickly replaced when problems occur and in-orbit repair, this space also for the first time in the country.

In addition, from the altitude of 393 km from Earth to "mail" will also be "temple on the second" realized. Deputy Li Jianceng, Director of the Beijing Aerospace command and control center, the "temple on the first" target aircraft only e-mail "uplink function", and "temple on the second" space laboratory on the basis of increasing "down." In other words, the astronauts can "temple on the second" module to send and receive messages, if they have any comments, or would like to share with loved ones what, you can always send a message down, families will be able to see the ' letter ', which is convenient and user-friendly.

Chinese temple on the second space laboratory will be launched on September 15, 22:04. For the temple on the second space laboratory with the long second f T2 has a vertical transport to the launch Tower. Sun Hao photography

  Launch three major tasks will be carried out over more than 10 scientific experiments

"Temple second," was called is currently China manned flight time most long of spacecraft, it of main task natural is concern, space technology group five hospital "Temple second," space laboratory total designer Zhu Congpeng accept interview Shi had said, "it completed of task main is medium-term resides--astronaut from Shenzhou 11th, spacecraft rendezvous docking, then in Temple second, work and life 30 days. A second cargo ship docking is to follow next year, propellants in orbit added. Third is to some technologies for future space station experiments, including the maintenance of a number of related experiments. ”

"Temple on the second" has a very important task in the work, carrying out the mass of the space science and application experiments is, it also marks China's manned spaceflight entered the new phase of application development.

"Temple on the second" to conduct various experiments on 14 per cent, an unprecedented number of involving microgravity fundamental physics, space material science, space life science and other fields, such as "air-ground quantum key distribution with laser communications experiment" and "gamma ray bursts polarization detection" project, in which there are two items need to be directly involved in the operation of the astronauts. There is an international cooperation in joint research projects.

"Temple on the second" space laboratory will be carried out over more than 10 of the world's most cutting-edge experiment, including space science focuses on projects in the field of nuclear physics--space cold Atomic experiments, it is expected to reach the 30 million error ultra-high precision of one second, for satellite positioning, navigation and other production and gravitational-wave detection, space science research will have a significant impact.

Chinese temple on the second space laboratory will be launched on September 15, 22:04. For the temple on the second space laboratory with the long second f T2 has a vertical transport to the launch Tower. Sun Hao photography

  "The Shenzhou 11th" spacecraft will go into space to dock

"Temple on the second" space laboratory after the launch on schedule in mid-October "Shenzhou 11th" spacecraft will carry two astronauts into space, and "temple on the second" space rendezvous and docking, forming Assembly flight for 30 days.

According to public information, "Shenzhou 11th" mission astronauts by groups made up of 2 male astronauts, ongoing task intensive training, at present, the launch site facilities and equipment in good condition, all the preparatory work is proceeding according to plan in an orderly manner.

"Shenzhou 11th," manned spacecraft of main task is, for "Temple second," in rail operation provides personnel and material world roundtrip transport service, further assessment manned world roundtrip transport system of function and performance, especially station run track of rendezvous docking technology; and "Temple second," space laboratory docking Hou completed astronaut medium-term resides test, assessment group fit on astronaut life, and work and health of guarantees capacity, and astronaut implementation flight task of capacity.

Wu said, "temple on the second" and "Shenzhou 11th" manned spacecraft mission, with distinct characteristics and highlights, can be said to be "fly higher, test more, longer."

"This is China continued time most long of once manned flight task", wuping pointed out that, "Shenzhou 11th," task is China 6th times manned space flight task, astronaut will ride "Shenzhou 11th," spacecraft and "Temple second," docking Hou, in "Temple second," Shang life work 30 days, plus spacecraft independent flight of 3 days, total flight time will from "Shenzhou tenth," task of 15 days increased to this task of 33 days, this will is China currently weizhi continued time most long of once manned flight task. (End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
11th Temple on the second Shenzhou aerospace

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准备好了 天宫二号2016年9月15日22时04分发射|神舟十一号|天宫二号|航空航天_新闻资讯
  中国天宫二号空间实验室将于9月15日22时04分发射。图为天宫二号空间实验室与长征二号F T2火箭已垂直转运至发射塔架。 孙浩 摄

  中新网9月15日电 继“长征七号”首飞之后,中国载人航天工程空间实验室阶段任务迎来第二次飞行,期待已久的“天宫二号”将于2016年9月15日22时04分发射。之后“天宫二号”空间实验室将开展在轨测试并建立自主运行模式,做好迎接“神舟十一号”载人飞船访问的准备。




  7月9日,“天宫二号”运抵酒泉,开展发射场区的总装和测试工作。9月9日,承载着长征二号F T2运载火箭与“天宫二号”空间实验室组合体的活动发射平台垂直转运至发射区。9月11日,“天宫二号”任务进行了持续3个半小时的全系统发射演练。9月 12日,发射“天宫二号”的长征二号F T2运载火箭进入加注前准备,整个发射系统于13日进行了首次全区合练。

  值得一提的是,用于发射载人航天器的长征二号F火箭享有“神箭”的美誉,10次神舟飞船和1次“天宫一号”飞行器,在11次的发射任务中,“神 箭”保持着100%的成功率。此次进场的长征二号F T2火箭与长征二号F T1火箭,长征二号F遥十一火箭与长征二号F遥十火箭技术状态基本一致,主要在安全性与可靠性方面,做了部分技术状态更改。


  中国天宫二号空间实验室将于9月15日22时04分发射。图为天宫二号空间实验室与长征二号F T2火箭已垂直转运至发射塔架。 孙浩  摄

  装备更豪华设备更先进 可向地面发邮件




  例如,它首次搭建了液体回路验证系统,将验证空间站维修技术;首次搭载了机械臂操作终端试验器,将第一次开展中国人机协同太空在轨维修试验,为 以后空间站任务提供技术储备。“天宫二号”的系统设计是模块化的,也就是说它出现问题时可以快速更换和在轨维修,这在国内空间领域也属于首次。

  此外,从距离地球393公里的高空发来“邮件”也将在“天宫二号”上得以实现。北京航天飞行控制中心副主任李剑曾介绍,“天宫一号”目标飞行器 仅有电子邮件“上行功能”,而“天宫二号”空间实验室在此基础上增加“下行功能”。也就是说,航天员可以在“天宫二号”舱内收发邮件,假如他们有了任何心 得体会,或者想跟亲人分享些什么,可以随时发一封邮件下来,家属就能看到‘来信’,这样既方便又人性化。

  中国天宫二号空间实验室将于9月15日22时04分发射。图为天宫二号空间实验室与长征二号F T2火箭已垂直转运至发射塔架。 孙浩 摄

  升空后将进行三大任务 开展十余项科学实验

  “天宫二号”被称作是目前中国载人飞行时间最长的航天器,它的主要任务自然备受关注,航天科技集团五院“天宫二号”空间实验室总设计师朱枞鹏接 受采访时曾表示,“它完成的任务主要是中期驻留——航天员从神舟十一号飞船交会对接,然后在天宫二号工作和生活30天。第二个就是要跟明年的货运飞船对 接,进行推进剂在轨补加。第三个就是为今后空间站开展一些技术实验,包括维修性的一些相关实验。”


  “天宫二号”上要进行的各类实验达到14项,数量之多史无前例,涉及微重力基础物理、空间材料科学、空间生命科学等多个领域,比如“空—地量子 密钥分配与激光通信试验”和“伽马暴偏振探测”项目等,其中,有两项需要航天员直接参与操作。有一项是国际合作联合研究的项目。


  中国天宫二号空间实验室将于9月15日22时04分发射。图为天宫二号空间实验室与长征二号F T2火箭已垂直转运至发射塔架。 孙浩 摄




  “神舟十一号”载人飞船的主要任务是,为“天宫二号”在轨运营提供人员和物资天地往返运输服务,进一步考核载人天地往返运输系统的功能和性能, 特别是空间站运行轨道的交会对接技术;与“天宫二号”空间实验室对接后完成航天员中期驻留试验,考核组合体对航天员生活、工作和健康的保障能力,以及航天 员执行飞行任务的能力。


  “这是中国持续时间最长的一次载人飞行任务”,武平指出,“神舟十一号”任务是中国第6次载人航天飞行任务,航天员将乘坐“神舟十一号”飞船与 “天宫二号”对接后,在“天宫二号”上生活工作30天,加上飞船独立飞行的3天,总飞行时间将从“神舟十号”任务的15天增加到这次任务的33天,这将是 中国目前为止持续时间最长的一次载人飞行任务。(完)

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

神舟十一号 天宫二号 航空航天


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