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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:01:13
Chinese peacekeepers in South Sudan in the Mid-Autumn Festival for two dead comrades on the table



Chinese peacekeepers in South Sudan in the Mid-Autumn Festival for two dead comrades on the table (photo) | | peacekeepers in South Sudan _ news

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays the next day, you will miss your family when it is a Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival is the basic feelings of reunion.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, for as far away as South Sudan for Chinese peacekeeping infantry troops on peacekeeping missions, is very special, this was their first mid-autumn day in a foreign country. In the fighting in South Sudan in July, peacekeeping battalion lost Li Lei, Yang Shupeng two comrades, in time for the reunion, and soldiers die for two comrades on the table, their grief.

The afternoon began to tense cookhouse for evening dinner ingredients, altogether eight dishes, make soldiers feel the festive atmosphere. Most prominent in the front row on the table, put a two pair of chopsticks, and two seats are vacant. That is everybody's for Lei Yang Shupeng two comrades.

  China's peacekeeping battalion instructor Lu Chengjun : take two comrades in our heart, always maintain their position, he is our joys and sorrows, live and comrades, his spirit will always inspire us to move forward, we must not forget that this holiday season, I think in our hearts, we would like to pay tribute to the heroes.

China's peacekeeping battalion instructor Lu Chengjun: so in this special holiday, I propose a toast, tribute tribute to pay tribute to the heroes and their loved ones, our great Motherland, cheers!

In July, the South Sudanese Government forces and rebels clashed, a rocket hit camp mission Chinese peace-keeping battalion of infantry, killing two Chinese peace-keeping soldiers to sacrifice. Zhou Jianchao and sacrificed martyrs Yang Shupeng ally for years, the two men lived in the same dormitory, although Yang Shupeng has been away for more than two months, but he managed to sleep every night.

  China's peacekeeping battalion Sergeant Zhou Jianchao : ever since he left, the bed has been empty, every night I sideways, looking at the bed, Miss him, thinking he did not leave, thinking he might have to perform the task.

After the dinner ended, the company held "mid-autumn harvest moon, and peacekeeping" tea party, family of big-screen playback pre-recorded video, was very cordial and warm by the presence of soldiers.

  Peacekeepers Yang Hai father : Yang Hai, your mother and I are pretty good at home, you don't worry, rest assured that good service in the army.

  Corporal infantry battalions for peacekeeping operations in China Yang Hai : you will miss your family when it is a Festival, and then saw his father says those words to myself, and then saw long time no see my father again, and see that video of the father, not taste.

At the end of the tea party, according to Yang Gensi force tradition, collectively named the company.

Point to Li Lei, Yang Shupeng name, all comrades, in the Mid-Autumn Festival night, answered for them in chorus: come!

"Our soul is: always adhere to the small high collar, we are ready, don't believe in can't complete the task, do not believe that we cannot overcome difficulties, do not believe defeat enemies, salute! ”

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
South Sudanese peacekeepers

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  下午,炊事班就开始紧张准备晚上会餐的食材,一共八道菜,让官兵了感受到了节日的气氛。在前排最显眼的桌子上,摆了两副碗筷,两个座位却空着。那是大家为李磊 杨树鹏两位战友留的位置。

  中国维和步兵营教导员 鲁成军:把两名战友放在我们心里,永远保持他们的位置,他是我们同甘共苦、同生共死的战友,他的精神永远激励我们前行,我们时刻不能忘记,所以在这个节日,我想在我们心里,我们要向英雄致敬。

  中国维和步兵营教导员 鲁成军:所以在这个特殊的节日里,我提议让我们共同举杯,致敬英雄、致敬亲人、致敬我们伟大的祖国,干杯!


  中国维和步兵营一连上士 周建超 :自从他走后,那张床一直空着,每天晚上我都侧着身,看着那张床,非常想念他,总想着他没有离开,一直想着他可能去执行任务了。



  中国维和步兵营一连下士 杨海:每逢佳节倍思亲,然后看到自己的父亲对自己说的那些话,然后再看见很久没有见的父亲了,然后看到父亲的那个视频,挺说不出的滋味吧。




责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

南苏丹 维和士兵


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