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published in(发表于) 2016/9/23 9:27:54
Trump: the United States should never have handed over rights to the Internet domain name administration,



Trump: the United States should never have handed over management of Internet domain names Internet domain names, domain names, Trump-IT information

On September 22, according to Reuters, United States have agreed on October 1 to formally handed over the rights to the Internet domain name administration Internet name and number of distribution companies (referred to as ICANN), however, it was United States United States Republican party presidential nominee, Donald Trump (Donald Trump) violent opposition.

Trump national policy on campaign masters shidifen·mile (Stephen Miller) said in a statement: "the United States Congress should stop the Government from October 1, transfer of rights to the Internet domain name administration, otherwise they will lose freedom of the Internet. Once you lose this freedom, there is no way to ensure that the active use of the Internet. ”

Taide·keluzi Trump primary rival, Texas Senator (Ted Cruz) Although he refused to endorse Mr Trump, but he has already initiated action in Congress, hopes to organize the transfer rights to the Internet domain name administration. Cruz believes that giving up government control of the Internet, which would endanger the freedom of the Internet.

But technology experts believe that Trump and Cruz claims unfounded. Delayed or refused to surrender rights to the Internet domain name administration will have the opposite effect, in Internet security and the standards of international negotiations in the future, United States lost credibility.

United States in March 2014, decisions, agreed to hand over the rights to the Internet domain name administration to the Internet Corporation for assigned names and numbers. Unless the United States Congress voted to block has to be according to the provisions of this resolution.

特朗普:美国绝不应该移交互联网域名管理权 - 互联网域名,域名,特朗普 - IT资讯

9月22日消息,据路透社报道,美国已经同意将于10月1日把互联网域名管理权正式移交给互联网名称和编号分配公司(简称ICANN),不过,此举遭到美国美国共和党总统提名人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的激烈反对。

特朗普竞选阵营的全国政策主人史蒂芬·米勒(Stephen Miller)发表声明称:“美国国会应该阻止政府于10月1日移交互联网域名管理权,否则将失去互联网自由。而一旦失去这种自由,就没有办法再确保互联网被积极利用。”

特朗普初选的竞争对手、得克萨斯州参议员泰德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)尽管拒绝背书特朗普,但他已经在国会发起行动,希望能够组织移交互联网域名管理权。克鲁兹认为,放弃政府对互联网的控制,这会危及互联网自由。



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