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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:40:57
Millennium drug Xiang cried: drought in Weiyuan County, Gansu province, codonopsis near-total destruction



Millennium drug Xiang cried: drought in Weiyuan County, Gansu province, near-total destruction of radix codonopsis | | | dangshen in Weiyuan County, Gansu province _ news

Flakes of dangshen root rot

Weiyuan County, dry

Flakes of dangshen root rot

Flakes of dangshen root rot

Flakes of dangshen root rot

Codonopsis pilosula

On the market of codonopsis pilosula

Farmers in arid codonopsis almost total destruction

Codonopsis pilosula

Weiyuan County, Gansu province is located in Central Gansu province, is the ancient birthplace of the Weihe River, bounded by the Weihe River, Weiyuan County is divided into the North and the South. Loess ridges and ravines in the North area, droughts and lack of rainfall, sparse vegetation, but it is very suitable for cultivation of codonopsis pilosula. Weiyuan County, known as "Millennium rural medicine" "hometown of dangshen" reputation, is the famous town of codonopsis pilosula. However, this year the codonopsis plant in Weiyuan County suffered the rare drought in history, codonopsis cut severely, codonopsis prices soaring ...

  "This piece of land is dead, dead ... "" Hometown of dangshen "tortured by drought in near-total destruction

Wang last year planted 15 acres of codonopsis pilosula, when excavation more than 12 acres, left it more than two acres of dangshen without excavation. Originally intended to stay this year, crops would have been better, but they did not expect, this year's worst drought in decades, many codonopsis dry dead.

In another piece of home grown dangshen, Wang digging with a shovel down, most dried codonopsis pilosula leaves nothing, if not dried codonopsis pilosula, is also very small.

Wang told CCTV reporter for finance and the economy and a half hours, and when times are good, she yield of codonopsis pilosula, capable of producing about 400 pounds per acre. But this year's planting dangshen, per acre on the estimated production of even 100 pounds are produced.

"Rain in previous years when we are good, jiong in two and a half acres, you can dig for 1000 pounds, now in this case, jiong 100 pounds are no, dozens of pounds, actually dozens of pounds, this difference, pure one-tenth, right." New Zhai Zhen Xin Zhai Cun village of Weiyuan County, said Wang told reporters.

Wang took the CCTV reporter for finance and the economy and a half hours, planting dangshen and other villagers this year, almost every family, in addition to shaded from the Sun places will grow well beyond has almost dried up.

Codonopsis long very small this year, villagers can't even the capital is recalled, but Wang said the dang Shen had to dig out this year, is out next year no kind.

  Pain indeed! Flakes of dangshen root rot yaonong hard one year or lose money

Weiyuan County, Gansu province, Zhai Zhen Li Jia Wan Yang Xin are drying in the yard of the home in the village of dangshen digging just came back, the codonopsis plant last year for two years, then no excavation this year.

Yang Xin told reporters that two years longer in the fields of codonopsis pilosula, there was no increase in yield, on the contrary because of dry weather this year, codonopsis pilosula was burnt to death, the roots rotted in the ground has

In one room, Yang Xin's family is a wire worn codonopsis pilosula, which this morning, it was just back from ground excavation. Yang Xin told reporters that dig Dang Shen, wearing dangshen in previous years when, to hire some villagers came to help, but the low production this year, he simply did not please a man.

"Do not make one this year, because of the high wages, something small, the things sell for enough money to make people, not wages. ”

In accordance with normal years, codonopsis excavation season is generally 10 to November, but recently rained for several days, some villagers fear the Sun died of drought because of increasing rain and codonopsis pilosula root rot occurred, afraid of even the existing harvests are not. Coupled with dangshen good price, in order to sell at a good price, so began excavation and hung out for more than a month earlier. However, for this year's planting dangshen, Yang Xin did not expect it.

"This is not last year dug two years of codonopsis pilosula, there's a little thing, in the field this year, on an acre of land to dig, crops, better dug dozens of pounds, although the high prices, selling down to lose. 50 kg dry medicine to dig an acre this year, sold 30 yuan price 1500 Yuan, enough investment capital. ”

Yang Xin Jia planting dangshen in the neighborhood this year, reporters saw most of the codonopsis has dried to death. Yang Xin made some in the fields, dense planted seedlings, now dig out only a sparse number of radix codonopsis, a vast place they dug out a few root of codonopsis pilosula, and he was very small.

Yang Xin told CCTV reporter for finance and the economy and a half hours, according to such growth, basically even if there. He also has no standby artificial excavation, when not busy when tractors plough the land.

"Two pounds of codonopsis pilosula, selling 30 yuan a catty, two pounds of 60 Yuan, not artificial, dug two people making 60 dollars a day. ”

In a households villagers of dangshen field, reporter met has new Zhai town Secretary of the Yang Youping, he told reporter, new Zhai town is Weiyuan County dangshen core planting district, is China dangshen of Xiang, dangshen of planting area accounted for full town arable land of 80% around, perennial keep in 50000 acres above, normal year of dangshen production are in 10000 tons around, but this year of production is expected to will production 70% above.

Sustained drought this year causing dangshen in Weiyuan County large areas of production, most farmers planting dangshen harvest of the year, according to learn in an interview with reporters, although prices are higher this year, but there are many drug farmers does not intend to dig out that year's codonopsis, ready to wait until next year to dig. In an interview, reporters found that some individual villagers against the water, keep a portion of the production.

New Zhai Zhen San he Cun Feng Xuenong codonopsis pilosula, the reporter saw, this year's planting dangshen in his house grows lush, almost can not see the dry leaves, after digging up the soil, following codonopsis pilosula roots stout a lot, like other dead dangshen in sharp contrast because of the drought.

Widespread drought conditions this year, can grow so strong, fully benefit from Feng Xuenong family's hard work, in the nearly two months of drought, Feng Xuenong ravine and family farm vehicles from a distance a car is a car in the water, to clinch the codonopsis no cometh.

Feng Xuenong's House were two agricultural vehicles, a tricycle, a little bread truck, who at the time was to use the two cars, took 1.5 tons of water buckets from the ravine lire.

The barrel is 3000 kg, this barrel with a small keg filling, about 100 barrels, filling in the County back pain does not stand up.

Feng Xuenong home not far from the place that they pull the bottom of the ravine. Feng Xuenong here my family dug more than more than 20 bunkers, seepage water their three acres of codonopsis pilosula. Feng Xuenong and the family split into two groups, a group of people in the County with small barrels of barrels of water to the car, a group of people pulling water into the ground water. Two-month period, is relying on family from the ravine lira water Feng Xuenong codonopsis watered this four times. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart, now the lush growth of codonopsis pilosula, almost not affected by the dry weather, after more than a month digging harvesting.

Although the high cost of irrigation water, hard to pay more, but Feng Xuenong think it's worth it, at least to ensure that the family has an income this year.

"If this continues, these will be 200 kg, with (a) 100 kg, 300 kg, 300 kg 600 kg, catty if you sell 40, 4,620,004, 20,004, which maintain a life can be, for students to row. ”

Finance and the economy and a half hours of CCTV reporter in the interview that, water like Feng Xuenong of codonopsis pilosula is rare. Codonopsis plant in Weiyuan County is mainly concentrated in the mountainous north, the place never had dry weather, encountered the extreme dry weather this year, many without water in the rivers, it was therefore limited water resources are used on the seedlings.

Chen Peng, Deputy Director of the Office of traditional Chinese medicine industry in Weiyuan County told reporters that recently visited their countryside home to farmers also learned when research, although this year's codonopsis devastated, but seedlings was not affected, so you can reduce the cost of farmers planting dangshen next year.

The severe drought in July or August, Weiyuan County Government departments at all levels are positive ways to reduce the loss of codonopsis pilosula farmers to increase their income.

Weiyuan County, Chen Peng, Deputy Director of the Office of Chinese herbal medicines industry: "can't really carry out self-help production, we are encouraging them to do the export of labor services, encourage them to work to increase their income. There is another way we are, the County added the increase of fiscal transfer payments, make an appropriate increase of farmers ' income. ”

  Millennium drug Xiang cried: codonopsis price sat on the rockets soared all the way to double

Codonopsis production, from the end of July, codonopsis prices way up, either in agriculture or as vendors, codonopsis pilosula is expected prices will rise again, codonopsis market exactly how?

28, Deng learned early this year began a few years ago the business of codonopsis pilosula, and each day he drove his pickup truck to the acquisition of radix codonopsis farmers home, but after the recent price increases, it becomes difficult to do business. The day he heard one villager selling codonopsis pilosula, and quickly drove to buy.

How much money do I sell, you're, you're, you want me to give you a counteroffer, cargo is a cargo.

Get 40 Yuan (half a kilo).

Wow, 40 Yuan (half a kilo), in accordance with the market selling up.

Minimum selling price? At least 38 Yuan (half a kilo), less is not for sale.

I give you get 34 Yuan (half a kilo). 34 Yuan (half a kilo) is not for sale.

34 Yuan (half a kilo) can sell kg 68 Yuan.

Be able to sell, you big medicine is not much, in your small goods, goods in, goods.

Get 36 Yuan (half a kilo), too much. 36 trillion yuan (half a kilo), 36 anywhere.

Deng wanted to purchase the codonopsis pilosula, but still cannot agree. After several rounds of bargaining, Deng gave up in the end.

Deng Xuebing told CCTV reporter for finance and the economy and a half hours, for now, villagers are generally not willing to sell fresh dangshen, most take a wait-and-see attitude, hoping for some time, codonopsis did after the price again. The families home and last year's dried codonopsis pilosula, but too few in number, with only dozens of pounds.

Codonopsis market opening day, Liu Bing, head of the Gansu one pharmaceutical factory will arrive at the city of dangshen in Weiyuan County market, understand codonopsis the latest market prices. He found that the market there is no city of codonopsis pilosula, on the one hand some time ago large price fluctuations of codonopsis pilosula, and various pharmaceutical companies can't easily purchase, on the other hand, because radix codonopsis price future uncertain, everyone is still in wait-and-see process.

Codonopsis do primary processing of traditional Chinese medicine, Liu Bing, awkward. Codonopsis pilosula in the high price they can't buy, at a lower price, they dare not take orders, are in a quandary.

From July this year codonopsis prices started to rise, price has more than doubled to now 1 time. Recent market price has come down and stabilized, but who do not know how the codonopsis prices go.

Weiyuan County, Chen Peng, Deputy Director of the Office of Chinese herbal medicines industry: "certainly this year takes the inventory up, to see how next year, if next spring, large acreage, then rain, and people's expectations of dangshen price will decrease, prices will have to fall if next spring, there were signs of drought, there must be a process of rising. ”

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Codonopsis pilosula in Weiyuan County, Gansu province drought

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