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published in(发表于) 2016/9/30 8:54:18
China’s existing security devices on the human body affected? Experts say that



China's existing security devices on the human body affected? Experts say _ | | | health screening instrument news

Modern Express (reporter Liu Weijuan/Ma Jingjing/photo) yesterday at the airport and subway security are you hesitant? Modern Express Reporter, the shuangliu airport in Chengdu "weak photon human security instrument" alleged x-radiation effects or health, which makes everyone was worried about the security of radiation and cause for concern. And we are most worried about, it is a large number of places in public, with their exposure to higher frequencies of parcel x-ray security check equipment.

  Press enquiries

  Nanjing airport useless "weak photon human security instrument"

Yesterday, in the micro-brushes in the circle of friends "in Chengdu shuangliu airport security ' radiation '" post, many people's first reaction is: Nanjing airport has no such security instrument? Modern express reporter found that Nanjing airport security equipment currently in use is parcel x-ray security instrument and metal safe doors, useless weak photon human security instrument.

So, existing security devices on the human body affected? Nanjing airport staff said information such as airport security model and parameters used to say, to prevent malicious individuals exploit, pose a security risk. But what is certain is, the security instrument used is consistent with the provisions of the national civil aviation authority. In this regard, the civil aviation industry insiders quipped: "passengers a year to several airport security, was still working at the airport. ”

Jiangsu Province, according to the Director of the National Institute of metrology of ionizing radiation detection Wang introduced, airport x-ray screening apparatus is mainly used to check baggage, passengers through the security door was metal, making no x-ray, which did is to detect passengers carrying prohibited items such as metal.

  121 station of Nanjing Metro security instrument testing

Compared with the airport security, exposure to high frequency of subway security even more attention. Yesterday, user "@ smiling of Tom potatoes" post said: line of Nanjing subway security, security instrument Pack at least 2 times a day, does the backpack will have residual radiation harmful to humans? Is there proof?

Modern Express Reporter, is mainly used by x-ray machine in Nanjing subway security instrument, and hand-held metal detectors, hazardous liquids detector. According to Wang Peng introduced x ray security instrument by the train station and the airport, issued by the x-ray is used to detect luggage luggage inside the channel. Armed with metal detectors, hazardous liquid detector, detection will not send out x-rays.

Wang said that since mid-August this year, Metrology Institute in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, part of the city's public security instrument for testing, including machine performance, graphic resolution, penetration, and material resolution, leaking radiation.

Early detection, only 23 key station of Nanjing Metro has a security instrument. Starting from September, 121 station in full security. To this end, the Nanjing Metro added 209 security instrument. Currently, the National Institute of metrology in Jiangsu Province and Nanjing Metro to determine, on the city's subway stations all the security instrument for large-scale, systematic testing. In front of the official test, check also in the most intensive flow of people thoroughly testing the xinjiekou, the results are better.

  National norms

  Security instrument required the school after using, it is recommended that annual inspection

Yesterday, "@ Jiangning police online" post said security instrument that is a very low radiation dose. According to the national standard GB 15208.1-2005 provides that leakage radiation dose of x-ray security instrument from the outer surface of the device anywhere in the 5cm (including the equipment inlet and outlet) should be less than 5 μg Gy/h.

Nevertheless, the security instrument in use still needed after school. According to the calibration specification for x-ray security screening calls, recommended security instrument school time intervals of not more than 12 months, this represents a required one inspection per year. In fact, many failed to do. Wang revealed that test the security instrument, needs to perform security work does not affect the normal security instrument. For example, the security instrument for detection of the Metro station, is about 21 o'clock to 23 o'clock at night.

On May 27, the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of quality and technical supervision issued the key management of measuring instruments for verification of Jiangsu Province supervision and management, implement policy (hereinafter referred to as the method), and was implemented from July 1 this year. Modern express reporter noted, clearly the 11th article of the approach, focusing on management of verification period of measuring instruments, by the Executive institution determined in accordance with metrological measurement and testing technology, should be reasonable arrangements for initial verification before using, there are plans to carry out the verification work.

  Detection of

  More than more than 60 detector no x-ray excessive leak

According to Wang Peng introduced, security instrument inaccurate will caused two aspects of risk: while is security instrument image of tell force and clarity reduced, individual passenger carry of dangerous items on has may became "slip through the", to on public security caused threat; on the, import and export of lead curtain wear deformation, and machine more long time of using, and after maintenance or replaced had internal devices of, are has may to security instrument of image performance and leak radiation brings problem, For years dealing with the security instrument screeners and bring hazards to the health and safety of passengers.

Since mid-August, Nanjing city has tested more than more than 60 security instrument. Wang Peng said test results so that the general public be assured that problems occurred mainly in the security instrument on image quality, x-ray does not appear excessive leaks.

At present, Jiangsu Institute of metrology was still actively promoting x ray security instrument in legal management, the importance of regular examination, will gradually develop the airports, railway stations, exhibition halls and other public places x ray security instrument testing. In addition, the detection of ionizing radiation also gives priority to nuclear power plants, environmental monitoring stations and other units to publicize the importance of measurement method and management of ionizing radiation, and to protect the people's life and safety.

  Shuangliu airport "radiation"

2:30 P.M. September 28, strict Lady in Chengdu shuangliu airport in Guangzhou to embrace security, finds the security door there is a track about two meters long, passengers would go to the track-keep your feet still, and then was transported to the track on the other side. Ms yan memories, near security checkpoints did not see obvious hints of ionizing radiation. After entering the airport, see friends spreading the shuangliu airport in how to evaluate the use of x-ray projection of human "weak photon human security instrument", realised just after x-rays of radiation.

The shuangliu airport in this security instrument, whether radiation? According to security instrument maker Anhui road – optoelectronic technology, staff, weak photon technology is using x-rays. However, the device is using a micro-x-ray, "x-ray has a lot of class, the photon hit the body is one of the weakest, so called micro-dose x-ray. ”

  What is x-ray

What are x-rays? Reporter information that was used by the hospital for a chest-Ray, it is more dangerous to the human body. It is understood that the hospital uses x-ray imaging for about 1 second or so, and is generally carried out in closed rooms. But seen from the qiluda security demo video, man and machine were exposed in the public environment, the whole security process takes about 4 seconds and time radiation exposure is much higher than the hospital.

Long-term research body said Ma Jianhua, an expert in medical imaging, suspected of producing ionizing radiation, the human body most primarily focused on two areas. One was Ray itself with high strength and high energy radiation burns. "All of the radiation devices prescribed by the State are required to have warning signs, warned pregnant women to avoid. "Ma Jianhua said, at present, shuangliu airport equipment, estimated radiation dose is very low, but lower doses also need to be alert.

  Experts say

  Pregnant women and children should avoid direct contact with

Reporter inquiries found that radioactive rays penetrate the human body imaging at the same time, also spiral with interrupt DNA fragment, resulting in mutations, which x-rays were also proved to be leukemia, one of the main causes of thyroid cancer. For people like this, for special populations such as pregnant women, young children, the rays may have teratogenic. And because of these reasons, the State provides all of the radiation equipment requires a warning sign, warned pregnant women to avoid.

However, in a modern express reporters interview, says Kong Jiejun, head of Radiology at Nanjing thorax hospital security radiation different from medical radiation standards, quality inspection departments this mainly to see the requirements and standards set. In his view, the dose should be lower than security. And only scattered lines passing by, fewer doses, without special attention and concern. Of course, pregnant women and children should also try to avoid direct contact. Because pregnant women in pregnancy, children in a period of growth, immunity and resistance of all the weak.

For screening higher-frequency station, Wang reminded passengers, try not to lift the security instrument lead curtain. Package, do not rush to squeeze; when you get a package, don't rush to put his hand in. (Edit Li Weiwei)

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
Radiation health security instrument, Chengdu, Nanjing

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中国现有安检设备对人体有影响吗?专家这样说 |安检仪|辐射|健康_新闻资讯

  现代快报讯(记者 刘伟娟 / 文 马晶晶 / 摄)昨天,在机场、地铁过安检的你是不是有些犹犹豫豫呢?现代快报记者了解到,成都双流机场的 “ 弱光子人体安检仪 ” 被指有 X 射线辐射或影响健康,这使得大家一直担心的安检辐射问题又引起关注。而大家最担心的,正是大量安置在公众场合,与自己接触频率较高的行包 X 射线安全检查仪。


  南京机场 没用 “ 弱光子人体安检仪 ”

  昨天,在微信朋友圈里刷到 “ 成都双流机场安检陷入‘辐射门’ ” 的帖子后,不少人的第一反应是:南京机场有没有这种安检仪?现代快报记者调查发现,南京机场目前使用的安检设备主要是行包 X 射线安检仪和金属检查安全门,没用弱光子人体安检仪。

  那么,现有的安检设备对人体有影响吗?南京机场工作人员表示,机场使用的安检仪型号和参数等信息不便透露,以防被不怀好意的人钻空子,造成安全隐患。但可以肯定的是,使用的安检仪是符合国家民航局规定的。对此,一民航业内人士打趣道:“ 乘客一年才过几次机场安检啊,过得多的还是机场的工作人员。”

  据江苏省计量科学研究院电离辐射检测室主任王鹏介绍,机场的 X 射线安检仪主要是用来检测行李物品的,至于旅客通过的安全门,是探测金属的,不发出 X 射线,主要是检测乘客身上有没有携带金属等违禁物品。

  南京地铁 121 个车站的安检仪做检测

  与机场安检相比,接触频率较高的地铁安检更让大家关注。昨天,网友 “@微笑汤姆土豆斯 ” 发帖称:南京地铁全线安检,每天背包至少过 2 次安检仪,请问背包是否会有残留辐射物对人体造成危害?是否有相关检测证明?

  现代快报记者了解到,南京地铁使用的主要是 X 射线安检仪,还有手持金属探测器、危险液体检测仪。据王鹏介绍,地铁站的 X 射线安检仪和机场的一样,所发出的 X 射线是用来检测行包通道内的行李物品。而手持金属探测器、危险液体检测仪,在检测时都不会发出 X 射线。

  王鹏表示,今年 8 月中旬开始,江苏省计量科学研究院就对南京全市公共场所的部分安检仪进行检测,包括机器的性能、图形分辨力、穿透力、材料分辨力、泄漏辐射等。

  检测之初,南京地铁仅 23 个重点站设有安检仪。而从 9 月开始,121 个车站全面开始安检。为此,南京地铁新增了 209 台安检仪。目前,江苏省计量科学研究院已与南京地铁确定,将对全市地铁站内所有的安检仪进行规模化、系统性的检测。在正式检测前,检定员还在人流量最密集的新街口进行了摸底检测,检测结果比较理想。



  昨天,“@江宁公安在线 ” 也发帖表示:安检仪那点辐射剂量是很低的。而根据国家标准 GB 15208.1-2005 规定,X 射线安检仪的泄漏辐射剂量在距离设备外表面 5cm 的任意处(包括设备入口、出口处)应小于 5μGy/h。

  尽管如此,安检仪在投入使用后仍需进行复校。据《X 射线安全检查仪国家计量校准规范》提出,建议安检仪复校时间间隔不超过 12 个月,这相当于是要求一年一检。实际上,很多单位都没做到。王鹏透露,对安检仪进行检测,需要在不影响安检仪正常执行安检工作的时候。例如,对地铁站的安检仪进行检测,就是在夜间 21 点到 23 点左右进行的。

  今年 5 月 27 日,江苏省质量技术监督局下发《江苏省重点管理计量器具检定监督管理实施办法》(以下简称《办法》),并规定于今年 7 月 1 日起执行。现代快报记者注意到,该《办法》第十一条中明确,重点管理计量器具的检定周期,由执行计量检定的技术机构根据计量检定规程确定,应当合理安排使用前的首次检定,有计划地开展检定工作。


  60 多台检测仪未见 X 射线泄漏超标

  据王鹏介绍,安检仪失准会造成两方面的风险:一方面是安检仪图像的分辨力与清晰度降低,个别旅客携带的危险物品就有可能成为 “ 漏网之鱼 ”,从而对公共安全造成威胁;另一方面,进出口的铅帘磨损变形、机器较长时间的使用、经过维修或者更换过内部器件的,都有可能给安检仪的图像性能和泄漏辐射带来问题,将给常年与安检仪打交道的安检员和乘客的健康安全带来隐患。

  8 月中旬至今,南京全市已有 60 多台安检仪接受检测。王鹏表示,检测结果可以让广大市民放心,出现的问题主要在安检仪的图像质量上,没有出现 X 射线泄漏超标的情况。

  目前,江苏省计量院仍在积极宣传 X 射线安检仪的法制管理、定期检测的重要性,将逐步开展对机场、车站、展馆等公众场所 X 射线安检仪的检测。此外,电离辐射检测室还重点向核电站、环境监测站等单位宣传电离辐射计量法制管理的重要性,竭力保障群众生命安全。

  双流机场 “ 辐射门 ”

  9 月 28 日下午 2 点半,广州市民严女士在成都双流机场接受安检时,发现安检门有一条大约两米长的履带,乘客要登上履带保持双脚静止,然后被运输到履带的另一端。严女士回忆,安检口附近并未看到明显的电离辐射提示。进入机场后,严女士看到朋友圈流传的《如何评价双流机场等地采用 X 射线投射人体的 “ 弱光子人体安检仪 ”》一文,才意识到自己刚刚经过了 X 射线的辐射。

  双流机场的这个安检仪,到底有没有辐射?据安检仪的生产商——安徽启路达光电科技有限公司的工作人员介绍,弱光子透视技术确实是使用 X 射线。不过,该设备使用的是微剂量 X 射线,“X 射线有很多等级,光子打在身上是最弱的一种,所以叫微剂量 X 射线。”

  什么是 X 射线

  什么是 X 射线?记者查询资料得知,就是医院照胸透所使用的射线,它对人体的危害性极大。据了解,医院采用 X 射线成像的时间大约在 1 秒左右,而且一般是在封闭房间进行。但从启路达安检机的演示视频看,人跟机器都裸露在公共环境,整个安检流程耗时大约 4 秒,辐射照射的时间远高于医院。

  长期研究人体医学成像领域的专家马建华表示,涉嫌产生的电离辐射,对人体最主要的危害集中于两个领域。其一就是射线本身带有的高强能量可导致放射性灼伤。“ 国家规定所有带辐射的设备都需要有警示标志,提醒孕妇等回避。” 马建华表示,目前双流机场应用的设备,估计辐射剂量是很低的,但再低剂量也需要警示。


  孕妇和儿童 应避免直接接触

  记者查询资料发现,由于放射性射线在穿透人体成像的同时,还能附带着打断 DNA 的螺旋片段,导致基因突变,而 X 射线也被证实是白血病、甲状腺癌的主要诱因之一。对普通人尚且如此,对孕妇、幼儿等特殊人群,射线则有可能致畸。也正是因为这些原因,国家规定所有带辐射的设备都需要有警示标志,提醒孕妇等回避。


  对于过安检频率较高的地铁站,王鹏提醒乘客们,尽量不要掀起安检仪的铅帘。放包时,不要急着往里塞;取包时,也不要急着伸手进去拿。(编辑 李蔚蔚)


安检仪 辐射 健康 成都 南京


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