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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/10/1 7:29:09
Network red micro-public interest: v year into thousands, cost 60%,



Network red micro-public interest: v year into thousands, cost-NET 60% red, micro-letters-IT, public information

As readers increasingly difficult public content found on the constant stimulation points, brush reading seems to be public, means of maintaining sources of income.

The day before yesterday evening, in the system after the upgrade to real reading, many of the so-called v-public exposure, dared at last night's post has become a big v the scalp of another standard.

Taobao search platform "micro brush read the letter", reporters saw yesterday's 19-page has only one page of records, most of the products have been cleared off the shelves, leaving most of the products aimed at the general public, is designed.

From an open secret in the industry, everyone knows, reticulocyte in the past the public, the business model on which are surfaced. Many micro-letter v is income to tens of millions, but their costs are up to 6, 70%.

After swimming naked, big v and go from here?

Annual income do not dream?

"Years into the millions" this is public micro-v the most visual impression, and these signals are almost the only source of income.

According to press reports, some fans number in the tens of thousands of micro-signal to the public, advertising rates are generally in the headline article 5000 jump, but the public won't meet v levels .

By definition, level v is the number of fans to more than 500,000 people. These headlines, articles generally cost a lot of money.

In block e on a public platform, these micro-size price tag. Reporters noted that the platform is priced on average reading, number of fans, in addition to these two required to outside public awareness also affects the price.

A number more than 400,000 fans, average reading headlines, more than 100,000 public quotes ranging from 16,000 to 30,000, press browse, found that public awareness in General.

In this level, high visibility public, non-headline prices at more than 100,000 yuan. And more than 2 million fans have a certain reputation, large fees jump at 100,000 yuan.

According to journalist simple calculations, as of 30th, if they place ads a day, headlines had $ 3 million in revenue, annual income of tens of millions is not impossible.

However, for some of the big v, headlines ads cautious. "Usually has a certain reputation, the public would not accept too low pricing, and for advertising to control, they are also afraid of the bad market. "People in the industry said to reporters.

That also means it's actually front-page articles may not be priced cheaper as platforms. "I've had some chicken soup for the soul Queen, over 3, 4 million followers, headlines articles 3, 400,000. "One entrepreneur told reporters.

While annual income do not dream, but for many large v, public, and scarcely enough to stay in business, profit margins are small.

These cost up to 6 per cent, 70%, major costs from traffic buy, l can't do large profits . Large costs from traffic to keep buying. For big v to ensure reading you need to make every day an average 100,000 plus.

It is understood that the brush machines currently on the market price of 1000 fans for 50 Yuan, artificial price of 250 brush 1000 fans around. In accordance with the prices, if brushed out a 100,000 + reading every day, the machine cost 150,000 yuan, labor costs of 750,000 yuan, and the rise in prices according to the number of brush review.

At first glance, the advertised price profit objective, however, does the big v, public, headlines advertising is not the every day.

"Swimming naked" after

Data source: AI Media Advisory

From the whole industrial chain, last pay is paid to advertise the company, however, for these companies, it is difficult to determine whether these ads can really achieve the desired effect.

These entrepreneurs, told reporters: "the professional public, will send you a form, there are very detailed, including headline reading each article, as well as information such as population, the percentage of women and men, back. "However, the founders also told reporters:" those are made out of them, you really are difficult to see. ”

Brush on most platforms like the Emperor's new clothes, in this context, only out of viciousness, brush is our first big v to get advertising revenue.

However, this event reflects the amount of brush, public facing increase powder difficult, users open low rate limits.

According to Tencent 2016 Q1 earnings data, micro-and Wechat for 762 million monthly active accounts, 39% more than last year. According to CNNIC figures, by the end of 2015, China's number of Internet users was 688 million.

This means that the vast majority of Internet users in China had written into the user public, it's hard to find new sources of traffic. "Skinny dip", how can you find new profit growth is the app to the public, need to think about the problem.

网红微信公众号利益链:大V年入千万,成本占60% - 网红,微信,公众号 - IT资讯




























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