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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/10/8 11:26:55
Zebra being fed cause disease, the Beijing Zoo visitor ticket



Zebra by Beijing Zoo visitor feeds pathogenic | ticket a ticket | | Beijing Zoo _ the Festival News

Legal evening news (by Geng Xueqing) seven-day national day holiday, the Beijing Zoo has welcomed 450,000 tourists. In response to the uncivil behavior of visitors to feed the animals, and during the holidays this year, Beijing Zoo visitors feeding first on 4 out of the ticket. This reporter has learned, it was open to the media reports, China's domestic tourists to feed the animals for the first time makes a fine case.

Experts urge adults visiting the Zoo when such young children more, be sure to "pipe stop" for the kids set up correct and civilized way to love animals.

  Holiday visitors feed the zebras, "Festival"

Beijing Zoo 465 6,666 total animals, species, quantity of large, ranked in the forefront both in China and around the world. Every holiday, there will be a large number of visitors flock to the Beijing Zoo, visitors bring their own food and feed the animals also occur. Height glass walls, increasing the warning signs, park staff battle to persuade ... ... Zoo did a lot of work, but still a sucker for some visitors to the animal "excessive love".

"Normally discharged Zebra stool is formed, it is excreted directly. "Zebra Beijing Zoo keeper Wang Chong told reporters that the exhaust waste can be seen from October 6 many Zebra, Zebra has diarrhea and other symptoms. According to Wang Chong introduced Zebra everyday food mainly to dry ingredients, and tourists feeding is vegetables, carrots and other food containing of water weight, so it is easy to cause intestinal infections at the Zebra.

Beijing Zoo veterinary hospital, experts say most animals can't know enough not to eat like a human, "as long as tourists feeding them to eat so late holiday and after the holiday is over, many animal is being fed, prone to holiday, much as indigestion, bloated belly, diarrhea and other intestinal diseases. ”

"In addition to throw vegetables, more serious is that some tourists also feed they eat bread, ham. "Veterinary hospital, experts say many visitors think that their food is" good ", fed to animals but not a right, but the" us "easily lead to greater damage. Experts say that compared with to heal people, to treat animals in the operation more difficult, "such as temperature of animals is difficult, maybe it will give rise to stress. ”

 Zoo open 4 tickets each for 50 Yuan

Repeated advice not only feeding, Zoo "Festival": law enforcement. This year during the national day holiday, enforcement of the Beijing Zoo fed members out of a total of 4 tickets.

Reporter learned that, according to the relevant provisions of the regulations of the parks in Beijing, the Beijing Zoo, yuyuantan Park, Beijing Municipal Park in 2014, Beijing city landscaping commissioned law enforcement by law enforcement.

The Beijing Municipal Parks Ordinance provides that intimidation, vote, injury to animals or feed the animals in the non-feeding area, correction and fines of between 50 Yuan and 100 Yuan; losses caused shall bear liability, constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Reporter noted that, out of 4 tickets at the Zoo, had three penalties in the herbivore area, West of a zebra, to 14:30 to 15:50 tourists during peak periods, the penalty amount is 50 Yuan.

Law enforcement member Yang Bo introduce the Beijing Zoo, at the time of first time visitors to feed the animals, law enforcement team will come up with recorder making it discouraging. When you found the same feed again, law enforcement team will come up with a record fine "punishment 4 visitors are aware of the error, so with low amounts of the penalties. ”

  Law enforcement officers forced feeding left

October 6 at 15 o'clock, journalists at the Beijing Zoo African animal Zebra fence on the edge of the Park, two tourists from a red plastic bag out of cabbage leaves, one of the tourists beat the fence brought to the attention of Zebra and a horse close to the back, out of the leaves in the hands of meddling with the Zebra and take photos.

It is worth mentioning that, reporters on the scene, in which two tourists around less than 1 metre barrier, hung with striking yellow and black warning signs at the end of that read "for animal health, clear you don't feed the animals."

"The two tourists, please take away food, Beijing banned throughout the Zoo feed the animals. "Uniformed Park law enforcement players Yang Bo with recorder, to dissuade the two tourists," the animals all have professional breeders in the deployment recipes, your feed will disrupt recipes, Zebra health hazard. ”

Two tourists have no intention to drop leaves, Yang Bo said: "according to the Beijing Municipal Parks Ordinance article 56th, feed the animals in the non-feeding area, will be fined 50 to 100 Yuan. If you found you feed the animals, we will punish you. "Hear the fine, two tourists picked leaves out of Zebra.

"Treatment of feeding visitors, the main means of dissuasion, education. "Yang Bo told reporters that fed many of the visitors are taking children with, generally after persuasion will stop feeding," only more than tourists and fed many times to repeated advice, we will open a ticket. ”

  Urge parents to take the lead in establishing civilized love animals

"We understand tourists ' love for animals, but do not understand ' feed the animals ' way of expressing love. "Journalists from the Beijing Zoo enforcement team discovered during Park visits, alpaca, deer, zebras and other tourist love feeding sites, most parents are" guidance "kid feeding.

"The key factor to feed the animals appear in the parent. "Zoo animal expert in Beijing said Zhang Chenglin, to visit the Zoo for children, the world is almost a blank slate," if at first you don't boot, does not lead to their feed, kids do not offer to feed the animals. ”

Meanwhile, ordinary tourists encounter feed the animals, the initiative to discourage units or to the zoo management reporting. Eighth in the Beijing City Park Ordinance provides that any units and individuals have the obligation to protect the Park, right to discourage, for violations of this Ordinance reports and charges.

  Link several zoo animals are fed to death

In 2012, the Beijing Zoo was a precious Golden monkeys "Spring" accidental death. After the autopsy found that "Spring" stomachs were tourists feeding foods such as bread, carrot, resulting in lesions, although the Zoo made a lot of first-aid measures, but "Spring" final "gastric peristalsis induced by gastric ulcer, hemorrhage, pain slow down, stomach gas, abdominal pressure increases pressure heart and lung, respiratory difficulties", died of heart failure.

Earlier, the Shantou Zhongshan Park an ostrich is fed by tourists, packed the bread stuck in throat, suffocating; a sika deer from the Zoo in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province died after eating plastic products, staff the autopsy found that food bags, rope or something twisted together, forming lumps in its stomach, weighing about three pounds.

This year national holiday during, Wuxi Zoo lift staged has once "alternative" animal parade: 4 only "animal" in parade square in the a still to fixed in floats Shang, they respectively is Giraffe, and hippo, and black langurs and Kangaroo--this 4 only animal are is this years for visitors mess feeding and death of, now was made has specimens, warning visitors MO to "hair love".

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Tickets Festival Beijing Zoo

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Legal evening news
斑马遭乱喂食致病 北京动物园给游客开罚单|罚单|节日病|北京动物园_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 耿学清) 国庆七天假期,北京动物园共迎来游客45万人次。为应对游客乱投喂动物的不文明行为,今年长假期间,北京动物园首次对4起游客乱投喂现象开出了罚单。记者了解到,这是媒体公开报道中,中国国内首次出现对乱投喂动物的游客进行罚款的案例。


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