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published in(发表于) 2016/10/13 6:27:37
Counterfeits cost 5 cents selling 12 Yuan, Chinese police found 100,000 tablets



Counterfeits cost 5 cents selling 12 Chinese police found 100,000 capsules | | health care _ counterfeit drugs news
? Made from counterfeit drugs
Making fake Drug dens. Police photo


Nanjing qinhuai river police after nearly a year of investigation, successfully knocked out a system, leave the pill, viagra gang. Cost only 5 cents of fake medicines, hands down, sold to consumers is as high as 12. Counterfeit drugs, police in Nanjing, Henan, Anhui and other places have raided more than 100,000.

Correspondent Qin Gongxuan Zhao Xiang/ZAKER Nanjing modern Express Reporter Tao Weizhou

  Adult stores sell out counterfeit drugs counterfeiting gangs

Last November, Nanjing qinhuai said police have received reports from the public, sold in adult stores in the alley next to the community medicine may be fake. After verification found that police officers, drug store has a problem, and these drugs are not a sale, surrounding adult stores sell and purchase channels, too.

Police analysis, behind the adult stores, there may be a special sale of gangs. However, the investigation was difficult. Police found that these stores purchase channels is very subtle, all one-way links. So the police decided to follow these shops completely dug up this system, the gang sold counterfeit drugs.

Headache for police is that these shops often purchase separate contacts and transactions are not in the shop. Until April this year, the police locked the couple, they do in qinhuai district health products business, because the price is cheap, so many adult stores owners to purchase from them. They are counterfeits nor in Nanjing, but purchases from Henan, Anhui and other places.

All the signs indicate that, the production base of large-scale manufacturing and selling fake drugs gangs in both Henan and Anhui.

Flour and sugar fake drugs cost only 5 cents

Through the investigation of the couple, Anhui and Henan police have a counterfeiting den locations. Subsequently, the police went to the two investigations. Both counterfeiting in the country, and the production site is very small, is the black mill. Police later found in the investigation, both counterfeiting dens have a role similar to the broker. Contact for people selling counterfeit drugs, and by him to give orders to small workshops, sales ended, he took some wouldn't.

In those small workshops, police found the suspects bought real medicine for secondary processing, add lots of sugar and flour, make counterfeit drugs. A grain of fake drugs cost only 5 cents, but layers of hands into the hands of consumers to pay 12 Yuan. On September 20, the qinhuai police on three separate roads, in Nanjing, Anhui, and Henan as well as catch, 9 caught suspects and seized more than 100,000 counterfeit drugs in suspect warehouses more than grain.

  Those who owed a huge gambling debt risk

Upon examination, the counterfeiting suspect Zhou confessed after committing. Previously, local and others fought for weeks round, many small workshops have been shut down. However, Zhou that owed a large gambling debt, so in desperation. At first, he had to rely on the so-called intermediary business, due to contact more people with drugs, shipped directly on his own looking for drug traffickers.

In order to attract more of the drug traffickers, he said as long as the customer requires, he can strengthen the efficacy and reduced side effects, and the drug, prices tend to be 1 time, but production methods are in fact makes no difference.

Currently, 9 suspects was arrested for production and sale of fake medicines. Police also have been combined with related departments on more than more than 30 adult stores that use the fake drugs were punished.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Counterfeit drugs and health products

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假药成本5毛卖12元 中国警方查出10万粒|假药|保健品_新闻资讯



  通讯员 秦公轩 赵祥 现代快报/ZAKER南京记者 陶维洲







  通 过对这对夫妇的调查,警方掌握了安徽、河南两个制假窝点的位置。随后,民警分赴两地调查。两个制假点都在乡下,而且生产场地非常小,就是黑作坊。警方在后 期的跟踪调查中发现,这两个制假窝点都有一个类似经纪人的角色。此人负责联系出售假药的人,并由他来给小作坊下订单,销售结束后,他从中拿一些好处费。

  在 制假小作坊内,民警发现,嫌疑人买来真药进行二次加工,加入大量面粉和糖,做成假药。一粒假药的成本仅5毛钱,但层层转手到消费者手中则要12元。9月 20日,秦淮警方兵分三路,在安徽、南京、河南三地同时进行抓捕,共抓获嫌疑人9名,并在嫌疑人仓库内搜出假药10万余粒。





责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

假药 保健品


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