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published in(发表于) 2016/10/13 6:27:48
Nanjing more than 1000 pieces of COBRA will be transferred to the remaining qualified farm



Nanjing more than 1000 pieces of COBRA will be transferred to the remaining qualified farm Cobra | | | farms Nanjing _ news

Liuhe district, Nanjing more than more than 200 Bengal Cobra juvenile snakes flee attention

Original title: Nanjing Cobra flight the following: qualifications of thousands of live snakes will be transferred to the farm

  In recent days, liuhe district, Nanjing more than more than 200 Bengal Cobra juvenile snakes flee the event concerned . Related departments have identified operators hiring illegal farming of Qin Naja kaouthia, baby snakes flight has for more than a month ago, more than 50 articles are still unaccounted for. Yangtse evening post reporter had asked in an interview: the remaining more than 1000 pieces of living-how it will dispose of the Cobra? Responsibility will do? Yesterday, liuhe district agriculture Bureau gives response: no handling of Qin culture living in violation of the relevant regulations of the Cobra, the confiscation of their illegal gains and fines, the remaining live snakes will be transhipped to Taizhou, a qualified farm. Yangtse evening post reporters Ren Guoyong

12th at noon, reporters found Chun yi-Shan bei Wu Zu residents in communities West of the farm recently started House of lime powder at home, some residents in the home wall crack filling with lime powder. Residents said the lime water fever, perhaps to ward off snakes.

Aquaculture operators of COBRA Qin told reporters that he farmed these Cobras do not think relevant formalities, on August 26, the young Cobra snake fled more than 200 articles, capture itself and in the surrounding inhabitants were caught and killed with the help of more than 150 articles, there are more than 50 articles could not be found, just thought of events is small, trivial, not reported. Liuhe district, according to an official statement on October 8, a Cobra juvenile snakes into homes nearby were killed, 10th among community cadres after news reports, government departments can tell.

12th, the Farm Bureau policy and regulations section of the Fan Yuquan, liuhe district, told reporters, this farm is no wild animal domestication and breeding licenses, and engaged in processing authorizations, nor in the agriculture and forestry departments, be illegal breeding. Xiongzhou Street cadres had said earlier, Qin has been consulting bid, the Agriculture Council know the Qin in the illegal breeding Bengal Cobra? Chief, Fei said, Qin has not received a declaration, he did not know until October 10, just know there are undocumented breed. As a regulator, usually whether the inspections? Said Fan Yuquan district between the Government and the town and all plantations have responsibility, in accordance with the principle of territorial management, street, town and all plantations all forest resources in the area of protection, including forest and wildlife management with inspection responsibilities.

Fan Yuquan introduces certified, Qin a breed of snake is Naja kaouthia, belongs to the country "three" protect animals, that national protection of useful or important economic or scientific value of terrestrial wildlife. At present, they have contacted a qualified farm in Taizhou, it qianyutiao Cobra will be diverted in the past, Qin will be fined accordingly.

Lime really snake? Journalists access to information found on the Internet, some experts think that lime can the snake, because the lime will stimulate the Snake's eyes, and the snake cannot crawl on the lime. But a study showed that the snakes don't fear the lime, in General, snake skin and dry lime cannot produce heat.

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Cobra farm in Nanjing

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The Yangtze evening news network



  连日来,南京六合区200余条孟加拉眼镜蛇幼蛇出逃事件备受关注。相关部门已查明经营者秦某租用场地非法养殖孟加拉眼镜蛇,发生幼蛇外逃距今已经一个多月,仍有50余条下落不明。扬子晚报记者曾在采访中追问:剩余的一千多条眼镜蛇活体将如何处置?责任人将如何处理?昨天,六合区农业局相关人士给出了答复:秦某无手续养殖眼镜蛇活体违反相关法规,将没收其违法所得并进行罚款,余下的活蛇将转运至泰州一家有资质的养殖场。 扬子晚报全媒体记者 任国勇







眼镜蛇 养殖场 南京


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