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published in(发表于) 2016/10/13 6:27:51
Qujing, Yunnan officials reportedly hooking up online about married female room



Yunnan Qujing officials revealed about married women hooking up online room | circle | hooking _ news

Original title: Yunnan Mayor net exposure app "hooking up" the party has been suspended

Xinhua News Agency, Reuters, October 12 the new media (reporters Bai Jingli Yue slowly) for network exposure in luliang County, Yunnan province, Mayor of tiny letters "hooking", responded in luliang County Commission for discipline inspection has been involved in the investigation, the Mayor has been suspended.

Pictures from the network.

The evening of 11th, friends in the Yunnan local forum post saying that, big mo in luliang County, Yunnan province, people near the town mayor's search through the app initiative Netizen's wife. During several times asking for a meeting and asked to bring friends wife drives to go for a drive, open room.

According to the users upload the screenshot app to chat show, the man who claimed to work in the Agriculture Council, "is a very good person", the car was gold Tiguan. In the case of knowing each other's husbands, still want to see each other, because of "opposites attract" and "feel".

NET post show, the two sides have agreed to a hotel room, eventually did not take place. Friends said after their verification surveys, Farm Bureau did not have the people, the man for the big mo town mayor. 12th in luliang County Department head told reporters that the net post pictures for big mo town mayor Chen Ziwen. Friends broke the news of the situation in luliang County Commission for discipline inspection has been involved in the investigation. Meanwhile, Chen Ziwen luliang County has given suspended punishment.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Circle of friends hooking up

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云南曲靖官员被曝网上猎艳 约已婚女开房|朋友圈|猎艳_新闻资讯

  原标题:网曝云南一镇长微信“猎艳” 当事人已被停职检查

  新华社昆明10月12日新媒体专电(记者白靖利 岳冉冉)针对网络曝光的云南省陆良县一镇长微信上“猎艳”,陆良县回应称纪委已介入调查,该镇长已经被停职检查。





责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

朋友圈 猎艳


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