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published in(发表于) 2016/10/21 9:55:34
Russia hackers are United States FBI arrested: mental breakdown after his arrest,



Russia hackers are United States FBI arrested: mental breakdown after his arrest-IT information

Czech authorities on October 18 to disclose, and the United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) in Prague, on October 5, the joint was arrested for an attempted attack United States Russia hacker Yevgeniy n.

Source: interface

According to the Prague daily monitor (Prague Daily Monitor) reported that the hackers in the United States FBI after an exchange of information with the Czech authorities within 12 hours, was arrested in a hotel in Prague. Czech Police spokesman, Yevgeniy together with his girlfriend at that time, some mental breakdown after his arrest, was taken to hospital for treatment. At present, the Czech Republic has not yet decided whether to extradite him to the United States.

Russia's Embassy in Prague demanding the release of the hacker and transfer it to Russia. Russia and the United States have no extradition agreement.

There are sources, the man was arrested not because of United States Democratic Party County Committee (DNC) involved in cyber attacks, but suspected in 2012 to United States companies including LinkedIn, cyber-attacks, were leaked by 100 million users of data.

However, the arrests in just two days, the Obama administration formally accused Russia stole and leaked the confidential files of the democratic County Committee.

The Christian Science Monitor newspaper said the arrests Russia hackers actions by the United States and the Czech Republic combined, also shows that countries still face many difficulties in international cyber attacks.

United States at George Washington University and head of the Center for national security fulanke·xilufu (Frank Cilluffo) said: "a lot of Russia supported network attacks are carried out outside its territory, so it is not the first among international agencies to catch hackers. I think that the Czech Republic could serve as a springboard, then such cooperation should be stepped up. ”

Ponemon Institute specializing in information security (Ponemon Institute) Lali·Bo President cast (Larry Ponemon) said: "usually network attacks, countries and organizations are reluctant to tell others what happened, for fear of exposing their lack of security systems. This lets other people does not stop after the hacker attack, or find the source of the attack. ”

俄罗斯黑客被美国FBI抓获:被捕后精神崩溃 - IT资讯

捷克当局10月18日披露,与美国联邦调查局(FBI)在10月5日于布拉格联合逮捕了一名企图攻击美国的俄罗斯黑客Yevgeniy N。


据《布拉格每日观察》(Prague Daily Monitor)报道,这名黑客在美国FBI与捷克执法机构交换信息后的12小时内,就在布拉格一座酒店被捕。捷克警方发言人称,当时Yevgeniy与女友在一起,被捕后精神有些崩溃,被送往医院接受治疗。目前,捷克还未决定是否要把他引渡至美国。





美国乔治华盛顿大学网络和国内安全中心负责人弗兰克·西鲁夫(Frank Cilluffo)表示:“很多俄罗斯支持的网络攻击行为都是在其境外进行的,所以这并不是国际机构之间第一次联合抓捕黑客。我认为捷克可以作为一个跳板,之后应该逐步加强这种合作。”

专门研究信息安全的波耐蒙研究所(Ponemon Institute)主席拉里·波耐蒙(Larry Ponemon)分析说:“通常遭受网络攻击的国家和组织都不愿跟其他人讲述发生了什么,害怕会暴露出自身安全系统的不足。这就让其他人无法在之后阻止同样的黑客攻击,或者发现攻击的源头。”

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