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published in(发表于) 2016/10/24 8:22:02
Former NSA contractors face the death penalty: stolen 50TB confidential, far more than snow



Former NSA contractors face the death penalty: stolen 50TB confidential, far more than the snow-IT information

IT information while the snow "Prism" event has left the Obama administration battered speechless, but the number of snow's confidential information, he and the paper on to say this is not an order of magnitude. Are NSA contractor, Harold Thomas Martin III could have stolen a total of more than 50TB gigabytes of data.

, Now 53 years old, Martin has a top secret access permission, also worked in the snow by Booz Allen Hamilton company (it seems this company is rich in inner demons ... ... ), Who serve NSA. He was arrested for theft of Government property and confidential information, federal investigators have seized at least 50TB of data, which has found a "national defense information", if all the data is confidential, the stolen data is far ahead of his colleagues Snowdon.

In addition, Martin was also charged on the computer running the Tor, VPN, anonymous or TAILS the operating system to access the Internet, so as not to leave digital traces on the computer. In August of this year, claiming Shadow Brokers hackers leaked the NSA developed a malicious program, the New York Times claimed that the contractor is suspected of stealing the NSA intrusion from China, Russia, and Iran and North Korea, the country code of the computer system. If confirmed, he may be the Shadow of Brokers behind the leakers.

Prosecutors say Martin is accused of violating United States law, this law has been used to charge manning and Lord Snowdon, the maximum penalty will be death . Currently there is no definitive conclusion in the present case, given that Martin had been arrested, it appears that he was not as lucky as Snowdon.

前NSA合同工面临死刑:盗取50TB机密文件,远远超过斯诺登 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 虽然斯诺登“棱镜门”事件曾经让奥巴马政府焦头烂额无言以对,但从斯诺登掌握的机密情报数量来看,他和本文要说的这位根本不在一个量级上。同样是NSA合同工,Harold Thomas Martin III可能已经窃取了总量超过50TB的数据。

现年53岁的Martin拥有最高机密访问许可,也在斯诺登工作过的Booz Allen Hamilton公司任职(看来这公司盛产内鬼……),他的服务对象是NSA。目前他涉嫌窃取政府财产和机密信息,联邦调查人员扣押了至少50TB的数据,其中已经发现了“国防信息”,如果所有数据都属于机密信息,那么他盗取的数据远超前同事斯诺登。

另外,Martin还被控在电脑上运行了Tor、VPN,或者TAILS操作系统来匿名访问互联网,以便不在电脑上留下数字痕迹。今年8月,自称Shadow Brokers的黑客组织泄漏了NSA开发的恶意程序,《纽约时报》声称这位合同工被怀疑窃取了NSA用于入侵中国、俄罗斯、伊朗和朝鲜等国计算机系统的代码。如果得到确认的话,他可能就是Shadow Brokers背后的泄密者。


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