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published in(发表于) 2016/10/31 9:49:23
Shaanxi weinan, former Vice Mayor of 2 million Yuan Junxiao bribery, and sentenced to 7 years



Shaanxi weinan, former Vice Mayor of 2 million Yuan Junxiao bribery, sentenced to 7 years | officials taking bribes | Deputy Mayor _ news
Yuan Junxiao bribery case trial scene photo network

On October 31, former Vice Mayor of tongchuan, weinan city, publicly Yuan Junxiao bribery case, finds Yuan Junxiao bribery of the accused sentenced to seven years and fined 500,000 yuan; retired pay bribery money, booty, recovered by law.

Court by trial identified: 2005 to 2012, accused Yuan Junxiao in served as Baoji city country funding Board Director, and Baoji City Government Deputy Mayor during, using positions Shang of convenience, for about personal in positions promotion, matters Shang seek interests, has 21 times received and obtained Zhang Suoxiang, and high waves, and Chen Kechuan, and Hao Hailu, and Ding Jimin Yuan 1.71 million Yuan, and dollars 30,000 yuan, has returned Ding Jimin 200,000 yuan, which, obtained high waves Yuan 300,000 Yuan; received Ding Jimin value 91,100 Yuan watches a, and High value of 15,800 per 50 grams of gold bullion medal piece. Is equivalent to a total of 2,016,936 Yuan.

Tongchuan argues that defendant Yuan Junxiao's behavior constituted the crime of taking bribes, punishable by law. Its bribe plot should be punished. Yuan Jun Xiao truthfully the bribery crime and bribery crimes voluntarily confesses the authorities which handle their cases are not available, has a plot frankly positive pay back all the illicit money and goods, repentance, on the lesser punishment according to law. Hence the decision was made in accordance with law. (Shaanxi Ko Tao)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Deputy Mayor of officials taking bribes

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袁军晓受贿案一审庭审现场 图片来源网络


  法院经审理查明:2005年至2012年,被告人袁军晓在担任宝鸡市国资委主任、宝鸡市人民政府副市长期间,利用职务上的便利,为有关个人在职务晋 升等事宜上谋取利益,先后21次收受和索取张锁祥、高波、陈克川、郝海录、丁济民人民币171万元、美金3万元,已退还丁济民20万元,其中,索取高波人 民币30万元;收受丁济民价值9.11万元手表一块、高波价值1.58万元50克黄金金条纪念章一块。共折合人民币201.6936万元。

  铜川中院认为,被告人袁军晓的行为已构成受贿罪,依法应受处罚。其有索贿情节,应从重处罚。袁军晓如实供述了受贿犯罪事实并主动交待办案机关尚未掌握的受贿罪行,具有坦白情节;积极退缴全部赃款赃物,有悔罪表现,对其可依法从轻处罚。遂依法作出上述判决。(陕西站 高涛)

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

官员受贿 副市长


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