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published in(发表于) 2016/10/31 9:50:51
Men use computers every day 10 hours 99% sperm deformity, his wife 5 years of infertility,



Men use computers every day 10 hours 99% sperm deformity, his wife 5 years of infertility-IT information

Mr Wang, 34, is a designer, to computer work more than 10 hours a day, your career going after children, but over the years my wife has no movement. Yesterday was world men's health day, experts caution that IT on the computer for a long time men, designers have become urban infertility and high-risk groups, for men who are ready to have children, computers no more than 4 hours a day.

Man to computer 10 hours a day

"When first married, I always wanted to work, kids can't wait until successful wanted children, but can't do it. "Wang 5 years of marriage, his wife has been unable to conceive, the couple found a hospital in Jiangsu Province, male Professor Zeng Qingqi. On examination, the woman everything, Mr Wang is the problem. Originally, sperm density and vitality while normal, but sperm deformity rate of 99%, diagnosed with abnormal sperm. Asked Mr Wang's life, he said: "I don't smoke or drink, however, because I am engaged in computer design and use computers for more than 10 hours a day. "Coincidentally, the same day at the same time another and oligospermia patients attending to Mr Wu, 29 years old, he said he monitors the engine room in the unit work, computer for about 12 hours a day ... ...

Professor Zeng Qingqi introduction, effects of radiation on human health have been identified explicitly , with the widespread use of computers, cell phones and other electronic products, its effects on male infertility doctors pay more attention. High doses of radiation can cause structural changes in testis, sperm deformity rate increases, reduced sperm count, sperm density and other important indicators. However, whether smaller doses of radiation can cause infertility, there is no conclusive research results. Electronic devices we use every day, such as mobile phones, computers will cause infertility, there is a lot of controversy. But he said, admissions by the clinical situation, like King of prolonged exposure to radiation devices such as computers and more and more sterile, men usually should try to reduce your exposure to radiation sources, shorten the time of contact with the computer.

"For this part of the sterile people, to gave birth to the next generation, it is imperative to adjust lifestyles, reducing exposure to computer time. "Professor Zeng Qingqi told reporters that through the development of individualized treatment programmes, improved lifestyle, reduce computer use time, and exercise, using experience in activating blood and spermatogenic Fang combined with radiation treatment. Five months later, Mr Wang during his visit told the doctor that his wife was pregnant.

Computer long belly adverse reproductive

With the seasonal transition temperatures stepped down, lay in bed, watching movies, playing games on the computer and put it in the stomach, is that many Otaku, the home girls ' favorite pastime. Recently, a "computer play cannot have a baby belly rather often" post in the Internet sensation. Holding the computer to play would really do cause infertility?

"For men, in such a position for a long time to play computer does have some effects on testicular spermatogenic function and long-term computer radiation can lead to infertility. "Zeng Qingqi professor said, testicular on hot is sensitive, testicular produced sperm process in the of suitable temperature is 33.5 ℃-35.5 ℃, if often put computer put in belly Shang, continued time had long, computer radiation and its distributed of heat easy led to Yin SAC of temperature high, plus long-term lying with or long sat, also not conducive to Yin SAC of thermal, to effect testicular of health fine capacity.

He reminded the men, often for their own cell phones and computers, "a holiday", try to control myself not to look down to see a mobile phone. Computers can set the timer Standby Hibernate, about two hours on the Internet should take a rest, to relax the body into an outdoor or open. Urban white-collar workers, staying up late and sedentary are two common factors that affect sperm quality, should be avoided.

Preparation of sterile male computer time too long

Zeng Qingqi said that sperm is very "fragile", sedentary affects scrotal cooling effect of testicular spermatogenic capability. Men often are exposed to radiation, sedentary, full bladder, and other State, testicles local temperature increase, which affects fertility. These days, many male white-collar workers, from the work had been sitting at my computer in the morning before work, and overtime, which is an important cause of male infertility.

At present, the computer has become an essential tool for work and life, and men go from here? In this regard, the experts suggest that computer-oriented men of childbearing age if unable to avoid all kinds of electromagnetic radiation sources, that as far as possible and maintain the appropriate distance, do not put your laptop on lap, when in operation, the human body and the computer screen distance of not less than 70 cm. When choosing a computer, buying small radiation as possible models. Men who want children, using computers to not more than 4 hours a day.

男子每天用电脑10小时99%精子畸形,妻子5年不孕 - IT资讯













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