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published in(发表于) 2016/11/3 8:21:58
Water levels in Poyang Lake fell below 11 metres, turned “Prairie“



Water levels in Poyang Lake fell below 11 metres turn "Prairie" (photo) | | water levels in Poyang Lake _ news
Cattle in Lushan city in the Poyang Lake region "Prairie" graze (on November 2). Hu Chen Huan Xinhua photo

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, November 3 (reporter Wu Zhonghao)-following the September 19 xingzi station of Poyang Lake water levels fell below 12 m mark, compared with the same period after 54 days in advance entered a period of low water levels, lake water levels continued to fall. According to Jiangxi provincial hydrological Bureau monitoring, 3rd, at 8 o'clock, stars for water level falling to 10.6 meters, tongjiang area of 924 square kilometers of water, lack of water time of one-eighth, Poyang Lake is turning into "Prairie".

Duchang County, in Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province, out of the water on the Poyang Lake marshland, tourists walking in the old lake bottom, polygonum hunkered down in the purple-red flowers, like in "Prairie". It's hard to imagine a couple of months ago, there is still water fishing. With the adjacent city of Lushan mountain in duchang County, falling star remnants of ancient piers are also completely out of the water. This pagoda and small little stone island in a lake in the attic was used as a buoy and lighthouse, now the natural ruler of the considered judgment of Poyang Lake were mixed. Reporters saw falling star Pier and surrounding marshland into a pasture on one side, on the narrow main channel, only a small number of aircraft carriers sailing.

This is not the first dry season ahead of Poyang Lake. Jiangxi provincial hydrological Bureau on hydrological statistical analysis of historical records shows that since 1952, Poyang Lake dry ahead of time, extended dry period, intensified. "Spring river plumbing duck prophets", despite the early arrival of the low water level of China's largest freshwater lake, presents a different kind of splendor, but its negative impact was that feeling lived for generations fishermen have been.

"Fewer and fewer fish, now with the screen play to a few. "57 mountain roll Dong Zhang Shi Liao yan Chi village fishermen told reporters that from March 20 to June 20 every year is the Poyang Lake fishing ban period, they respond to national policies not fishing the Lake, if times are good, the water receded slowly in Poyang Lake, after the fishing period can play 4 months before the dry season to fish. End of September this year dropped out of the water, so they missed 2 months of fish.

Lushan cadre Zhang Guanghua municipal fishery Bureau believes that fishery resources of Poyang Lake has been reduced in the last more than 10 years, but low water levels will come earlier this year, makes the problem more clearly exposed. He explained that although the overall number of fishery resources of Poyang Lake is slowly reduced, but the structure has a great diversity of species, and fewer and fewer fish.

A ship ran aground in Lushan city in Poyang Lake area (on November 2). Hu Chen Huan Xinhua photo

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Poyang Lake

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鄱阳湖水位跌破11米 变身“大草原”(图)|鄱阳湖|水位_新闻资讯
牛群在鄱阳湖庐山市区域的“大草原”里吃草(11月2日摄)。新华社记者 胡晨欢摄

  新华社南昌11月3日电(记者 吴锺昊)继今年9月19日鄱阳湖星子站水位跌破12米大关,较历史同期提前54天进入低水位期后,鄱阳湖水位持续走低。据江西省水文局监测,3日8时,星子站水位跌至10.6米,通江水体面积924平方公里,不足丰水时期的八分之一,鄱阳湖正变成“大草原”。





一艘大船搁浅在鄱阳湖庐山市区域(11月2日摄)。 新华社记者 胡晨欢摄


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