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published in(发表于) 2016/11/11 10:04:34
Released Tobii eye tracking equipment, what about mouse and keyboard? ,



Released Tobii eye tracking equipment, what about mouse and keyboard? -IT information

The traditional keyboard , and mouse , and if you feel in the game control is not enough, try eye aided in the view of the game world, and view the enemy or treasures . Tobii launching new eye tracking device Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, more on head tracking , and unlike other devices must be all caps, you can enjoy the convenience of eye-tracking equipment.

Despite the limited structure of the eye,Tobii Eye Tracker Launches infrared rays, and receiver to detect eye direction of attention, can't be too fine drill disappeared. Comparison of mouse high precision mobile, the degree of eye-tracking is a thumb, and sophistication than the mouse, but highly qualified for auxiliary devices. After the experience, shows that very well, without distraction with the keyboard or the mouse to move the Visual.

Tobii eye tracking equipment on the bottom of the screen and is equipped with an infrared transmitting and receiving equipment, track eye movement.

Tobii eye tracking is currently shooting, action, flight simulation needs more keys game most suited, and now players can TobiiGaming.com search eye tracking upgrade over 40 games, including " Hacking: the Division of mankind" (Deus Ex:Mankind Divided), "Tom Clancy territory blocked" (The Division) And the upcoming "watchdog 2" (Watch Dogs 2) , added several eye tracking games every month. Tobii is expected at the end of 2017, support eye tracking games will increase to 100, including several about to ask city AAA level games.

Tobii eye tracking currently supported games, estimated to increase to 100 by the end of next year.

VR recently hot topic, Tobii has slightly involved, but could not reveal much, known in cooperation with Acer's investment in StarVR. Tobii at present Tech for Tobii technology research and development center of the group, provides technology of other companies of the group. Tobii eye equipment for Tech in the game belong to 100% shares, almost, and parent group responsible for consumer behavior tracking company Tobii Pro 50% market share. Medical use of Tobii assistive technology Dynavox, also have a good play.

Game not loading heavy equipment, you can keep track of eye direction.

Tobii is new the Tobil Eye Tracker 4 c is the second product to replace the Tobii EyeX prior game, brings gamers a better gaming experience. Tobii Eye Tracker 4C priced at $149, is currently accepting pre-orders, expected on November 25 shipping.

Tobii发布眼动追踪设备,鼠标键盘将何去何从? - IT资讯

传统的键盘鼠标、在游戏上如果你觉得操控性还不够,那来试试追踪眼球辅助在游戏世界的视角,更快看到敌人宝物Tobii推出新的眼动追踪设备Tobii Eye Tracker 4C,更加上头部追踪功能,而且不像其他的设备必须把整个头套住,就可以享受眼动追踪设备带来的便利性。

尽管受限眼睛的结构,Tobii Eye Tracker发射红外线,再用接收器侦测眼睛注目的方向,没办法做到太精细的操踪。对比鼠标可以高精密的移动,眼动追踪差不多是一个姆指的程度,精密程度比不上鼠标,不过做为辅助设备相当称职。实际体验过后,发现反应相当好,不必分神用键盘或是鼠标移动视觉。


Tobii眼动追踪目前以射击、动作、飞行模拟类等需要多个按键的游戏最适合了,而目前玩家可以在TobiiGaming.com搜索超过40款的眼动追踪升级游戏,包括“黑客入侵:人类分裂”(Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)、“汤姆克兰西全境封锁”(The Division)和即将推出的“看门狗2”(Watch Dogs 2)等,每个月新增数款眼动追踪游戏。Tobii预计在2017年底前,支持眼动追踪的游戏将增加到100种,包括数款即将问市的AAA级游戏。


最近热门的VR议题,Tobii也有涉略,不过能透露的不多,已知与宏碁投资的StarVR合作。目前Tobii Tech为Tobii集团的技术研发重镇,提供集团其他公司技术。Tobii Tech目前在游戏用眼动设备属于几乎100%的市占,而在母集团负责消费行为追踪的公司Tobii Pro有50%市占。而医疗用辅助科技的Tobii Dynavox,也有不错的发挥。


Tobii新出的Tobil Eye Tracker 4C是第二代的产品,要取代先前推出的Tobii EyeX游戏周边,带给游戏玩家更贴切的游戏体验。Tobii Eye Tracker 4C订价149美元,目前接受预购,预计11月25日出货。

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