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published in(发表于) 2016/11/22 11:09:09
China began “frozen mode“, where this cold wave coming from?



China began "frozen mode" this cold waves come from? | | | cold air China _ cold wave news
After the snow city

21st, the strong blast of cold air since the second half of this year, China will usher in the first snow of the year. (For details, see: cold cold cold! East on "freezing" mode 30 over the same period the coldest week hits! ), Cooling rate, feeling cold, one of the main characteristics of cold. Today 18 o'clock, Orange cold wave warning was issued by the Central meteorological station.

  5 provinces such as Anhui, Henan local cooling Super 16 c

Is expected, under the influence of cold waves, the night of 21st to 24th, most of East-Central China from North to South has widespread strong wind weather, temperatures falling to 6~10℃.

Among them, Huang Huai Central and Western, Eastern, southern Shaanxi, Central and Western, jianghan, South Central and Western regions, South China Northern and northeastern Sichuan, Chongqing East, East, temperatures will drop 12~14℃ in Guizhou, Henan to the South, West, Central and eastern Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Guangxi and other places in the Northeast part of cooling up to 16 above.

The area accompanied by 4~6 northerly, Eastern and southern sea level wind 7~8, gust 9~10 level.

  The cold wave in the end how "cold"?

From the Meteorological Department, the cold snap should not be underestimated. How fierce is then?

In addition to local cooling will exceed 16 degrees Celsius, the temperature will be the lowest since the beginning of winter. The cold weather will lead China to appear since this winter minimum temperatures in some areas may also be broken history. 24th, minimum temperatures in the North of North China plain to reach-10 ℃, minimum temperature 0 ℃ line north of Jiangnan, South South and South North lowest temperature will reach 4~8℃! By then, recently also show small southern partners with short sleeves long Johns (even long Johns, pants) upper body!

North Blizzard, heavy precipitation in the South. Since yesterday, encountered widespread rain and snow in North China, Beijing, Tianjin and other places in this early winter snow. As cold air continues to the South to "walk", under the influence of the warm, humid air of common, Shaanxi in the North, Huang-Huai and the South, jianghan and huaihe River and other places may be welcome in the current round of snow this winter.

Moreover, in addition to low temperatures, rain and snow, a cool area above with 4~6 northerly, Eastern and southern wind, Xinjiang. Intense cold, coupled with rain (snow), water, high winds as "accomplices", body temperature is colder, the "cool acid", think of shivering!

  "Freeze you cry" where cold wave coming from?

When it comes to cold snap where it came from, there must be many smaller partners mouth: Siberia! Because the impression in the cold air seems to have come from there. As in the weather forecast, you often hear "a unit from the Siberian cold front arrived this morning in North Xinjiang......" in that case. And cold as the cold air of the highest level, is certainly no exception.

The answer on the right, but not accurate. In simple terms, the cold wave came to China, usually after three "nest", a "gas stations", four "ordinary".

  The three "the nest"

Are three main source of cold air: first, Iceland South Ocean, new sea west of the island is the second, third, new ocean east of the island.

These three sources are in the high latitudes, year-round Sun slanted or rarely see the Sun, the ground receives less solar heat, the temperature is very low, such as the Arctic winter temperatures below-20 c, minimum up to -60~-70 ℃, the average temperature in January is often below-40 c, cold air can be said to be a good "base".

  A "filling station"

In these three sources of cold air in the 95% of the central region of cold air passes through Siberia, and accumulate there strengthened, can be said to be cold air South of the important "filling station" also known as "cold key area".

Siberian cold, cold winters and long, mostly at -20~-45 c mean annual temperature is lower than 0 ℃. Just three days before the cold snap arrived in China, many parts of Siberia has dropped to below-40 c.

  Four "ordinary"

After Siberia's "transit", it comes to China there are four main roads:

First path West, cold air at latitude 50 ° South, along the direction from West to East into Xinjiang, China, and then west along the river corridor, East of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau to the South;

Second path known as Xibei road (also known as road), cold air South along the great bend of the main central via Mongolia to China, reaching to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China;

Third path known as the East, cold air moving through the eastern part of Mongolia to Northeast China, North China, and then spread from the Yellow River to the South;

Fourth path known as East and West Road, East Road, cold air from the South of the Yellow River, cold air from Eastern Qinghai, West Road to the South, two along the cold front in the South of the Yellow River to the Yangtze River "realignment", then outbreaks affecting the Yangtze River and South China regions to the South.

Different paths of the cold wave, the strength and the weather conditions are very different. Specific to the cold, the cold air of "workhorse" is mainly coming from the road in the Northwest.

  "High cool" cold waves do?

1. When the temperature drops, and more clothes to keep warm in a timely manner, in particular, to note the warm hands, face, to avoid frostbite.

2. Beware of cold snap brings gales, doors and Windows and hoardings, scaffoldings, temporary structures such as wind blows structures reinforcement, proper placement of outdoor goods susceptible to wind.

3. Use coal stoves for heating (or some old community in the countryside) to keep the room ventilated, ensure that the flue gas discharge correctly into the outdoors without leaking inside, to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

4. Avoid walking on ice, in case of slippery fall drive to avoid driving on snow-covered roads, overpasses and bridges.

5. Elderly patients, especially patients with cardiovascular disease, asthma and other temperature-sensitive people try not to go out.

6. Take a rest and not excessive fatigue, the body has enough energy to keep warm.

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Cold cold air China

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中国开启“速冻模式” 这股寒潮究竟从哪来?|寒潮|冷空气|中国_新闻资讯
△ 雪后的紫禁城

  21日开始,今年下半年以来最强冷空气来袭,中国多地将迎来今年的第一场雪。(详情见:冷冷冷!中东部开启“速冻”模式 30年同期最冷一周来袭!)降温幅度大、体感湿冷是这次寒潮的主要特点。中央气象台今日18时继续发布寒潮橙色预警。















  这三个源地都在高纬度,常年受太阳光的斜射或很少见到太阳光,地面接收太阳光的热量较少,温度很低,如冬季北冰洋地区气温经常在-20℃以下,最低时可达-60~-70℃,1 月的平均气温常在-40℃以下,可以说是冷空气良好的“生产基地”。













  2。谨防寒潮带来的大风,将门窗、围板、棚架、临时搭建物等易被大风吹动的搭建物加固, 妥善安置易受大风影响的室外物品。






寒潮 冷空气 中国


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