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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/11/24 9:56:03
Chinese child labor work from home families allow wage remittances to parent accounts



Chinese child labor working from home was the family allows payroll remittances to parents account Changshu | | the worst _ news
Information chart

Since network exposed Changshu garment processing mill employed child labor, has 10 Changshu city, less than 16 years of child labour by law enforcement personnel away from the workplace. From Yunnan, Guizhou, and Henan child was placed in the hotel room. In addition, two processing mills boss, and an adult employees was detained.

Children wait for wage settlement, also needs to cooperate with the civilian police record. Once the evidence discovered working these workshops allow child labour to carry out extra strong or dangerous work, the boss will face legal sanctions.

News knews correspondent was informed that almost all the children are followed countryman and friend offered to Changshu. Even many children behind are parents allowed and encouraged. Feng surnames Mills told reporters, were detained, all child labour is he followed to recruit villagers to Yunnan and the village. Work, wages and salary and the children's parents agreed, part of wage income also will play to the end of the parent's account.

Black agent exists on the market of interest in Changshu? Von surnames Mills said he did not come into contact with the Lord, he felt that black agents than fellow introduced do not fly too much. Upon introduction, fellow, neighbors know each other, easy to generate trust, minors often from mediation there flight and always want to do.

Investigation in recent days, civilian police have not yet found the interest of the Public Security Bureau of Changshu. Ever dug up the industry chain, will have to wait for.

However, no signed labor contracts, low pay, overtime is the norm in a small workshop. Whether it is a child or an adult worker, in the face of hundreds of processing orders, had to eight o'clock, 10 o'clock in the evening to work just one day off each month. This has gone far beyond the work eight hours a day under the terms of China's labor law, work 40 hours a week, a standard work procedure. Such a high load of work for very low wages. Surnamed feng's workshop in the main introduction, in his shop, one of unskilled labour in the first year salary of about 2500, with increasing age, technology grows, you can get up to more than 5,000.

Changshu city, according to the latest wage, workers cannot be paid less than 15.5 Yuan per hour. According to this criterion, the monthly wages of these workers should be more than 5000 Yuan.

However, these obvious violations of labour-related laws and regulations and have not been punished in a timely manner. It is understood that the thousands of workshops in huaxi village in Changshu, few business license with the production workshops. Such license missing workshop just found 10,000 ways to combat child labour penalties, the effect is not obvious.

In addition, under the guidance of many parents of child labour in the workshop owner, lied about his age, refused to report, also makes labor supervision departments to deal with more difficult. Changshu Society Bureau Deputy Director Shen Jianxin introduction, even asked the police station, where suspected child birth to provide a child's identity is not easy, "local is not willing to cooperate, confirming a child leave the campus, working illegally, local government departments should be eaten".

Source: News

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Changshu child labour

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China NET
中国童工离家打工获家人允许 工资汇款到父母账上|常熟|童工_新闻资讯



  看看新闻knews记者得知,几乎所有的孩子都是跟着老乡、朋友主动来到了常熟。甚至有不少孩子的背后,是爹妈的允许和鼓励。这次被拘的冯姓作坊主告诉记 者,所有的童工都是他亲自跟随老乡到云贵村庄里去招聘。工作的内容、工资薪酬都和孩子们的爸妈谈妥,一部分的打工收入也会在年底打到这些父母的账上。



  不过,不签署劳动用工合同,工资过低,超时劳动是小作坊里的常态。无论是童工还是成年工人,面对成百上千的加工订单,不得不早八点,晚十点地工作,每个月仅 仅休息一天。这已经远远超出了中国劳动法所规定的每日工作八小时,每周工作四十小时这一标准工时制度。这样的高负荷劳动换来的劳动报酬却很低。这位姓冯的 作坊主介绍,在他的作坊里,一名不熟练的童工在头一年的工资约为2500元,随着年龄增加、技术渐长,最多可以拿到五千多。



  此外,众多童工在作坊老板、父母的引导下谎报年龄,拒绝举报,也使得劳动监察部门的查处难上加难。常熟市人社局副局长沈建新介绍,就连要求疑似童工出生所在 地派出所提供孩子的相关身份证明,都并非易事,“当地不愿意配合,一旦证实童工离开校园,非法打工,当地的政府部门也要吃批评”。



常熟 童工


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