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published in(发表于) 2016/11/24 9:56:17
Jiangxi province collapsed power plant electricity projects, with total investment of 7.67 billion



Collapsed power plant of Jiangxi province Jiangxi fengcheng power project with total investment of 7.67 billion | | collapsed _ news
Cooling tower is the scene of the accident.
Rescue workers carried a body.
Cooling tower of an accident.
The rescue site

Cover news News (reporter Bo Liang) as of noon on November 24, according to Xinhua, fengcheng, Jiangxi fengcheng power plant construction site collapse has killed 40 people. Cover news from multiple authoritative sources informed that the power station site for the third-phase expansion project in fengcheng power plant, Department of Jiangxi electric power construction project.

According to fengcheng Government introduced, Tong Gu mountain is located in the stone village West of fengcheng city in Jiangxi fengcheng power plant, factory of fengcheng city 8 kilometers from 60km, Nanchang, Gan Jiang Yue, South 0.5km, East of 0.6km high road, South of fengcheng cement factory of 2.8km.

According to Jiangxi daily December 28, 2015 reported, Feng electric three period expansion project by Jiangxi province investment group holding of Jiangxi Gan can Corporation investment built, total investment for 7.67 billion yuan, will construction two Taiwan has international advanced level of million kW level super super critical two times again hot coal-fired power unit, engineering is high parameter, and big capacity, and low energy, and energy-saving environmental of new unit, in province within power energy construction is is first. On July 6 this year the project was approved by the national development and Reform Commission of China, began on July 28.

Phase III after the completion, fengcheng power plant's total installed capacity will reach 4.6 million-kilowatt, became the province's largest thermal power plant in electricity, will further improve the structure of power in the province, is conducive to energy saving and emission reduction, increase energy efficiency, enhance the peak capacity of the grid within the province make up the western Jiangxi power grid and power shortage, ease the contradiction between supply and demand of electricity market. Meanwhile, three-phase load Center power within the province can be further improved support capability, improving the security of network stability and ability to withstand natural disasters risks. The first generating unit of the project is expected to put into operation generating the end of 2017.

Jiangxi fengcheng power plant, the third-phase expansion project funded by the Jiangxi company building, is the focus of Jiangxi electric power construction project. Construction of this phase of the project has advanced international level 2x1000MW level secondary reheat ultra-supercritical coal-fired generating units, in accordance with the requirement of national emission standards for clean, synchronized ancillary construction of flue gas desulfurization facility and flue gas denitration equipment and electrostatic dust and other environmental protection facilities, overall contracting of engineering EPC construction mode.

For this project, scheduled for 2017 #1 unit. On November 28, put into operation power, will optimize the structure of power in Jiangxi province after the completion of the project layout, promote local economic and social development have a major and far-reaching impact.

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Collapse of fengcheng, Jiangxi

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
江西倒塌电厂系省内电力重点项目 总投资76.7亿|江西丰城|倒塌事故_新闻资讯

  封面新闻讯(记者 梁波)截止11月24日中午,据新华社消息,江西丰城的丰城电厂工地倒塌事故已造成40人遇难。封面新闻从多个权威渠道获悉,事发电厂工地为丰城电厂三期扩建工程,系江西省电力重点建设项目。


  据江西日报2015年12月28日报道,丰电三期扩建项目由江西省投资集团公司控股的江西赣能股份有限公司投资兴建,总投资额为76.7亿元,将建设两台具 有国际先进水平的百万千瓦级超超临界二次再热燃煤发电机组,工程属高参数、大容量、低能耗、节能环保的新机组,在省内电力能源建设尚属首次。该项目于今年 7月6日获省中国国家发展改革委员会核准,7月28日正式开工。

  丰电三期建成投产后,丰城电厂的总装机容量将达到460万千瓦,成为全省发电量最大的火力发电厂,将进一步改善省内电源结构,有利于节能减排,提高能源利用 效率,增强省内电网的调峰能力,弥补江西电网及西部电力缺口,缓解电力市场供需矛盾。同时,丰电三期还可进一步提高省内负荷中心电源保障能力,提高电网安 全稳定性和抵御自然灾害风险能力。该项目首台机组预计2017年底投产发电。

  江西丰城电厂三期扩建工程由江西赣能股份有限公司出资建设,是江西省电力建设重点工程。本期工程建设具有国际先进水平的2×1000MW等级超超临界二次再 热燃煤发电机组,按照国家超净排放标准的要求,同步配套建设烟气脱硫设施、烟气脱硝装置和静电除尘等环保设施,工程采用EPC总承包建设模式。

  本期工程#1机组按计划将于2017 。年11月28日投产发电,项目建成后将对优化江西省电源结构布局、推动地方经济社会发展产生重大和深远的影响。


江西丰城 倒塌事故


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