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published in(发表于) 2016/12/2 10:19:24
Hit the vans men’s father denied the defense: they say I deliberately smashing cars



Hit the vans men's father denied the defense: they say I deliberately smashing cars | truck | man | I _ news

> Original title: hit man truck was killed his father in Dongguan: completely disagree with the defense of such claim

> Scene

> Cover reporter Zhou Haojie

> Today afternoon, Dongguan police released October 27 man Hwang hit the truck event details, reported Huang, smashing armored car for the first time, both routes have nothing in common, excluding truck collision, friction with the Hwang situation. Police identified the case involved a supercargo beams causing injury death for Defense, on December 1, the investigation of the case, and shall be transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution.

> Cover news (thecover.CN) contacted in Shangrao, Jiangxi province of the deceased father Huang 奀qing. He said at present has not yet received notification of Dongguan police gave them. "It is not known, no one let us know. ”

> Informed the police that he touched shocked. "It is out of the question, the local people have so many people see, and truck records. "For a social vehicle driving recorder, said he completely disagreed. "Announced that we will go to Dongguan with their complaints. ”

> Huang 奀qing said, do not agree with said beam causing injury deaths is a defense. "This is my son was deliberately smashed his car. ”

> He said that at present, taken care of by his first son two years old youngest son.

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Excessive truck man

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper

>  原标题:东莞砸运钞车被击毙男子父亲:完全不同意防卫过当这种说法


>  封面新闻记者 周浩杰

>  今日下午,东莞公安公布了10月27日男子黄某砸运钞车事件细节,通报称在黄某第一次打砸运钞车前,双方行进路线没有交集,排除运钞车与黄某发生碰撞、摩擦的情况。警方认定此案涉案押运员梁某为防卫过当致人伤害死亡,12月1日,该案侦查终结,并依法移送检察机关审查起诉。

>  封面新闻(thecover.cn)记者联系上在江西省上饶的死者父亲黄奀清。他表示,目前仍未收到东莞警方给他们的通知。“现在还不知道,没有人通知我们。”

>  对于警方通报的说法,他感动震惊。“这是不可能的事,当地老百姓有这么多人看到,还有运钞车有记录。”对于有社会车辆的行车记录仪,他表示完全不同意。“这样宣布我们一定会去东莞跟他们申诉。”

>  黄奀清表示,也不同意通报说梁某是防卫过当致人伤害死亡。“这样说就是我儿子故意砸他的车。”

>  他表示,目前,儿子两周岁的幼子由他先照顾着。


运钞车 男子 过当


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