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published in(发表于) 2016/12/4 11:20:36
End of the Inner Mongolia coal mine blast rescue, 32 victims ’ bodies out of mine



End of the Inner Mongolia coal mine blast rescue 32 victims ' bodies out of mines | | | coal mines in Inner Mongolia coal mine explosion _ news

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Xinhua News Agency, Huhehaote, December 4 (reporters Xu Bo and and Zou Jianpu)-4th in BMW mining limited, chifeng city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region "12·03" mine gas explosion accident scene command understands that as of 4th, at 10 o'clock, rescue work has ended.

At present, all 32 bodies of the victims of the accident have been up, and sent to a funeral home. Urban governments 32 respectively docked with the families of the victims, comfort is in progress.

Are on-site guidance work of the disposal of the national State administration of work safety Director Yang Huanning requirements, mine violations, to immediately shut down according to law.

Yang Huanning requirements around the accident exposed the problem, immediately take firm and effective measures to mobilize all levels of coal mine safety supervisory departments and coal industry administrative departments, as well as other forces, all coal mines in the area include General and complete inspection has shut down shut down coal mines.

>: Tang Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Coal mine explosion in coal mines in Inner Mongolia

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Xinhua News Agency
内蒙古煤矿爆炸救援结束 32名遇难者遗体运出矿井|煤矿爆炸|内蒙古|煤矿_新闻资讯

  新华社呼和浩特12月4日电(记者徐博、邹俭朴) 记者4日在内蒙古自治区赤峰市宝马矿业有限公司“12·03”煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故现场指挥部了解到,截至4日10时,事故救援工作已经基本结束。





煤矿爆炸 内蒙古 煤矿


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