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published in(发表于) 2016/12/9 9:00:15
Beijing Miyun rivers hundreds of acres of scars: sand profiteering crazy exploitation



Beijing Miyun rivers hundreds of acres of scars: sand profiteering exploitation madness | groups | | dredging _ the Government news and information

> Dredging site

> November 30, flat head South-East corner of the village, Miyun, 500-meter aerial footage showed a giant sand pit as "scars" like attached to the South-East River, this trans-Miyun and shunyi districts. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photography

> Miyun Flathead River about 200 meters east of the village of concrete dam across the northern and southern shores of different scene: dam North of green winter wheat seedlings; South of the dam, 260 metres long, 60-meter-deep sand pit, gravel when rolled.

> On November 12, the flat number of villages with villagers found in chaobai River left beside the road, sand fork, its containment. This forklift is flat for all villagers to Wang Lizhong, current Party Secretary Wang Xiangzhong's younger brother.

> 2010, located in the flat village, Henanzhai town, Miyun district had led to social concerns, a group of 18 people because all the year round in chaobai River, and to exploitation of persons sentenced by the Court. After 6 years, the village of gravel has not subsided, still there were truck sand pit in the village.

> Hundreds of acres of "scar"

> Flat village, Henanzhai town, Miyun district under the jurisdiction of administrative villages, located in the junction of Miyun, Huairou, shunyi district. The chaobai River from flowing through the West Village as a gift to the village rich sand resources.

> Hold mining permits from the very beginning of sand and gravel pits, and later to "grow" a cover of "black sand", 77 years old flat village Yao Junru has witnessed many changes here. Yao Junru and many elderly villagers in mind, from the 80 's of the last century, has been doing in the chaobaihe River sand business.

> Change occurred in 2001.

> End of 2001, the Beijing Municipal Government issued document on closure of gravel pits within the city limits of implementation of the programme. The programme stipulates that before the end of December 2001 recovery of the river channel sand mining license, and gradually close in Beijing before the end of 2003 within all of the gravel pits.

> 73 flat village of Wang Lifa (not his real name) said, after the file is published, in chaobai River sand and gravel pits and moved to River, gravel pits and the village Committee signed a land lease contract, lease land for "parking lot and plant", but actually change, or in the sand. At the time, in the Government's "no dig", the sand has been characterized as "exploitation".

> Number of flat village to Beijing News reporter that, after 2001 in the village of flat "black sand" was up to 12.

> A villager who served in flat village many years ago, in 2002, several villages, village and flat village signed a land lease contract. Has retained a copy of the lease contract in a flat village hands.

> A contract shows: in order to develop collective economy, increasing the collective income and crew-Brigade by tender, Southeast river flood lands contract to XX villagers to Katie. Contract period for the entry into force on April 15, 2002, valid for two years, Contracting costs of 890,000 yuan.

> Although contract lease contracts, but no contractor operating in growing on the land, but to continue digging sand for sale.

> Now left-East River crew, only dozens of meters deep, hundreds of acres of sand pit, and rings for trucks entering and leaving pit road.

> Cement is about 200 metres long dam across the North and South two pieces different scene: dam North of green winter wheat seedlings; South of the dam, not stood looking out to the dam end sand pit, gravel when rolled. Under the aerial footage, dozens of metres deep bunkers as a "scar" on the Southeast River.

> Rounded sand pit next to a cornfield about 260 meters in diameter, base about 60 meters from the ground, the upper walls perpendicular to the ground. Calculated on this basis, the capacity of about 1.24 million cubic metres of sand-pit.

> Grub villager Wang Lifa and Liu Dongsheng (not his real name), introduced, only southwest corner part the sand pit is located in Miyun district, the remainder belonging to the shunyi district, this can also be seen on the satellite image.

> "Here is a small two-meter-deep river in the past, you see now, dozens of metres deep pit. "Once this is deplored.

> Villagers to contain sand truck

> "Injured" not only South-East of the river.

> Flat village West of chaobai River, sand pits close to the left road, about 30 metres in diameter, can be seen by satellite, extending from the sand pit to the Southwest, has a length of about 400 m, maximum width about 100 metres from the sand pit.

> Noon on November 23, chaobai village left beside the road in the flat sand pits, a yellow wheel forklift roaring rush to the sand pile, shovel, bucket filled with sand. Forklift and then reverse turn, bucket high, red sand pours to dock beside the truck. But this time, the gravel in the truck had got out of the car, two car on the way back to "facilitate" sand-digging.

> Liu Dongsheng provided a copy of the 2005 Henanzhai town land-use map copy of copies shows that land of the southwest corner of the South-Eastern sand pit locations as "forest land", is the nature of their land "forest land". Chaobai River Dam near sand pit is located about 30 metres in diameter "irrigated" edge nature of their land as "land".

> State Council order No. 257 of the regulations for the protection of basic farmland and the People's Republic of China land management act has provisions: prohibition of land to build kilns, building, built, sand-digging the grave, quarrying, mining, soil, pile up solid waste or undermine the activity of basic farmland. People's Republic of China forestry law of 23rd article: forbidden land reclamation and deforestation, gravel, sand, soil, and other activities.

> Flat gravel event of the village actually has a long history. According to media reports, in 2010, then flat village director Wang Xiaolei (Ray) and his brother Wang Hui (two mined), led by 18 people groups in the second trial. Prosecutors allege, the gang suspected of illegal mining, blackmail, wounding, affray, impairing such crimes, and Wang Xiaolei also admitted that there is no sand mining license.

> Wang Hui and Wang Xiaolei after prison, was sentenced to 17 years and 8 years, grub village "sand" has not subsided.

> Wang Lizhong, grub village, current Party Secretary Wang Xiangzhong's brother, known as the "little six". Flat head villagers to reflect to the Beijing News, Wang Lizhong his forklift, after 2010 he also in the sand.

> On November 30, the Beijing News reporter-East River sand pit by crew-cut way back, Wang Lizhong caught alone driving forklift trucks on the road, which was to sail to the sand pit. Subsequently, the Beijing News reporter reentrant and uses drones to shoot. Drones returned images showed Wang Lizhong driving yellow tire forklift trucks parked in the sand pit. About two minutes later, Wang Lizhong drives around return.

> This forklift, on November 12, villagers surrounded the village with flat head in the sand.

> On November 12, the flat number of villages with villagers in chaobai River left beside the road, found the ongoing operations of forklifts, and containment. Live video taken from villagers, a yellow tire forklift truck was parked beside the gravel pile, filled with sand shovel arm hovering in mid-air, Wang Lizhong appeared on the scene. After fiddling with a cell phone, sitting in a white BMW.

> Number of crew introduced village, 12th, the villagers alarm and reflected to the Miyun Bureau of land exploitation.

> Sand profiteering

> 2010 Beijing News had stolen sand on flat village of interest have been reported.

> A flat village introduced, his own son has mined sand, dug up sand-gravel mixture in early 2000 at 40 Yuan to 150 yuan per car, after simple processing is separated into water-sand (sand), and stone, sand and gravel mixture of finished material, a swift sell for 600 to 800 Yuan.

> After 2001, grub village "black sand" by Contracting more land to dig sand, excluding rental of land 800 yuan per MU, utilities and mechanical impairment and other costs, large gravel pits a day profit up more than 100,000 yuan.

> A crew who had been involved in stealing sand village said the haul trucks are generally the buyer, if you own your own truck, nothing costs. Tasted the sweetness of sand, generally will not easily let go. Now more valuable, a forklift dug a bed and breakfasts, net profit of ten thousand or twenty thousand Yuan.

> On December 6, interviewed by reporters in the village of flat that day, villagers said, Beijing Municipal Bureau of land and resources of Miyun branch after receiving the villagers ' reports, has sent staff to the village to investigate to dig sand, responsible for investigating criminal (sound) caste villagers were also contacted.

> On December 7, the reporter called the Beijing land resources Bureau of Miyun Bureau telephone contact to a staff surnamed XING, village of flat, he says under investigation. It said villagers reported the gravel on the roadside, is high speed rail piers of stone store, then to backfill the excavated soil and rocks, and the existence of exploitation in acts, requires further inquiry to determine, as to the nature of the road, said verification.

> Grub villagers have repeatedly told he Nan Zhai police station to report unauthorized mining. Journalist, contacted police in charge of police, said, repeatedly received reports from villagers about the exploitation of: "do fall within the ambit of exploitation is not a police station, case has been handed over to the national land agency, ultimate behavior by them to confirm. ”

>, Sand formed a huge sand pit next to the road, Tai Hang from the left road, just a few metres.

> Left road and close proximity to the chaobai River, villagers fear that flood came, suddenly entered the village.

> Beijing News reporter Zhang Wei

> Source: crime, 37th

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Groups the Government digging sand exploitation

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The Beijing News

>  11月30日,北京市密云平头村东南角,500米航拍画面显示,一处巨型砂坑如同“疮疤”般贴在东南河河道,此坑地跨密云、顺义两区。新京报记者 王飞 摄

>  密云平头村东南河一道长约200米的水泥坝隔出南北两岸不同景象:坝北,冬小麦苗一片新绿;坝南,260米长、60米深的砂坑,时有碎石滚落。

>  11月12日,平头村数位村民在潮白河河堤左堤路旁发现正在挖砂的铲车,将其围堵。这辆铲车的所有人正是平头村村民王立忠,现任村支书王响忠的弟弟。

>  2010年,位于密云区河南寨镇的平头村曾经引发过社会关注,一个18人的团伙因为常年在潮白河两岸等地盗采而被法院判刑。时隔6年,这个村庄的盗采砂石活动并未平息,如今仍有铲车出没在村内各个砂坑。

>  数百亩“伤疤”难平

>  平头村,密云区河南寨镇下辖行政村,地处密云、怀柔、顺义三区交界。潮白河从村西流过,馈赠了这个村丰富的砂石资源。

>  从一开始执采矿许可证采砂的砂石场,到后来以“堆物种植”打掩护的“黑砂场”,今年77岁的平头村村民姚俊如见证了这里的变迁。在姚俊如和很多上了年纪的村民印象里,从上世纪80年代起,就已经有人在潮白河的河道里做着挖砂的营生。

>  变化发生在2001年。

>  2001年底,北京市政府发布文件《关于关停本市范围内砂石场的实施方案》。该方案明确规定:要于2001年12月底前收回已发放的《河道砂石开采许可证》,并于2003年底前逐步关闭北京市范围内所有的砂石场。

>  73岁的平头村村民王立发(化名)称,文件发布后,在潮白河河道内挖砂的砂石场搬到了河岸上,这些砂石场和村委会签订租地合同,租赁土地用于“堆物和种植”,但实际上换汤不换药,还是在挖砂。彼时,在政府的“禁挖令”下,挖砂已经被定性为“盗采”。

>  多位平头村村民向新京报记者表示,2001年后平头村内的“黑砂石场”一度多达12个。

>  一位多年前在平头村村委会任职的村民介绍,2002年,村委会与平头村在内的多个村庄签订了土地租赁合同。这些租赁合同的复印件至今保留在平头村村民手里。

>  据当中的一份合同显示:为了发展集体经济,增加集体收入,平头大队以投标形式,将东南河河滩地承包给××村村民李某某。合同生效期为2002年4月15日,有效期两年,承包费用89万元。

>  虽然是承包租赁合同,但村民未见承包者在土地上种植经营,而是继续挖砂贩卖。

>  现如今,留给平头村东南河的,只有一个深数十米、面积数百亩的砂坑,以及供卡车进出的环坑土路。

>  一道长约200米的水泥坝隔出南北两片不同的景象:坝北,冬小麦苗一片新绿;坝南,不站到坝上望不到底的砂坑,时有碎石滚落。航拍画面下,数十米深的沙坑如一片“疮疤”贴在东南河河道。

>  这个紧邻麦田的圆形砂坑直径约260米,坑底距地面约60米,上部坑壁基本与地面垂直。依此计算,该砂坑的容量约124万立方米。

>  平头村民王立发和刘东升(化名)介绍,该砂坑仅西南角部分位于密云区境内,剩余部分则属于顺义区,这一点从卫星云图上也可看出。

>  “过去这里就是个两米深的小河道,你看现在,几十米深的大坑。”王立发说到这很是痛惜。

>  村民围堵挖砂铲车

>  “受伤”的不只有东南河。

>  平头村村西潮白河边,一直径约30米的砂坑紧贴左堤路,通过卫星云图可以看到,自该砂坑向西南方向延伸,有一条长约400米、最宽处宽约100米的砂坑带。

>  11月23日中午,潮白河平头村左堤路旁的砂坑内,一辆黄色胶轮铲车轰鸣着冲向砂石堆,一铲下去,铲斗被砂石填满。铲车随即倒车调转车头,铲斗高高扬起,将里面的砂石倾泻至停靠在旁边的红色卡车内。而此时,卡车内的砂石已经冒出了车斗,两车就这样一来一回地“配合”挖砂。

>  刘东升提供了一份《2005年河南寨镇土地利用现状图》的复印件,复印件显示,东南河砂坑西南角位置的土地为“有林地”,其土地性质是“林地”。潮白河堤坝旁直径约30米的砂坑也位于“水浇地”的边缘,其土地性质为“耕地”。

>  中国国务院第257号令《基本农田保护条例》和《中华人民共和国土地管理法》均有规定:禁止占用耕地建窑、建房、建坟、挖砂、采石、采矿、取土、堆放固体废弃物或者进行其他破坏基本农田的活动。《中华人民共和国森林法》第二十三条规定:禁止毁林开垦和毁林采石、采砂、采土以及其他毁林行为。

>  实际上平头村采砂石活动由来已久。据媒体公开报道,2010年,以时任平头村村主任的王晓雷(大雷)及其弟弟王辉(二雷)为首的18人团伙在二中院受审。检方指控,该团伙涉嫌非法采矿、敲诈、故意伤害、寻衅滋事、妨害公务等罪,而王晓雷本人也承认没有采砂许可证。

>  后王晓雷和王辉入狱,分获有期徒刑17年和8年,平头村的“采砂”则不曾平息。

>  王立忠,平头村现任村支书王响忠的胞弟,人称“小六子”。多位平头村村民向新京报反映,王立忠自己有铲车,2010年以后他还在采砂。

>  11月30日,新京报记者在由平头村东南河砂坑现场返回途中,路上撞见了独自驾驶铲车的王立忠,其正向砂坑方向驶去。随后,新京报记者折返并利用无人机进行了拍摄。无人机传回的画面显示,王立忠驾驶的黄色胶轮铲车停在了砂坑内。约两分钟后,王立忠又驾驶铲车返回。

>  正是这辆铲车,11月12日,被平头村多位村民围堵在挖砂现场。

>  11月12日,平头村数位村民在潮白河河堤左堤路旁发现正在进行作业的铲车,并将其围堵。从村民拍摄的现场视频看,一辆黄色胶轮铲车停在砂石堆旁,装着砂石的铲臂悬停在半空,王立忠出现在现场。在摆弄了一阵手机后,坐进了白色宝马轿车。

>  多位平头村村民介绍,12日当天,现场村民报警并向密云国土局反映盗采。

>  挖砂暴利

>  2010年新京报也曾对平头村盗砂利益链进行过报道。

>  一位平头村村民介绍,自己的儿子也曾开采砂石,2000年初挖出的砂石混料每车在40元到150元,经简单加工后被分离为水砂(细砂)和石子,水砂和石子混合而成的成品料,一车转眼便卖到了600元至800元。

>  2001年后,平头村的“黑砂场”多通过承包土地挖砂,刨除每亩土地800元租金,水电费和机械折损等费用,规模大的砂石场一天的利润可达十余万元。

>  一名曾参与盗砂的平头村村民称,运料的卡车一般都是买方出,如果自己有铲车,基本没啥开支。挖砂的尝到了甜头,一般不会轻易放手。现在的料更值钱,一台铲车挖一宿,纯利润一两万元。

>  12月6日,记者在平头村采访的当天,村民们表示,北京市国土资源局密云分局在接到村民举报后,已派工作人员到村内调查挖砂,负责调查的邢(音)姓工作人员也与部分村民进行了联络。

>  12月7日,记者拨通北京市国土资源局密云分局电话联系到了邢姓工作人员,就平头村的情况,他表示正在调查核实。其称,村民举报的盗采砂石行为发生在路边,是高铁桥墩土石料存放地,之后还要将挖出的土石料进行回填,而此中是否存在盗采行为,需进一步询问才能确定,至于该路段的性质,其表示也在核查之中。

>  平头村村民也曾多次向河南寨派出所举报盗采。记者联系到了负责出警的派出所民警,其表示,确实多次接到村民有关盗采的举报:“是否属于盗采不是派出所的职权范围,已将案件移交给国土局,最终的行为性质由他们确认。”

>  如今,采砂形成的巨大砂坑就在路旁,大坑距离左堤路仅数米。

>  左堤路又紧邻潮白河河道,村民担心,洪水一来,一下子就能进村。

>  新京报记者 张越 王巍

>  来源:重案37号


团伙 政府 挖沙 盗采


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