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published in(发表于) 2016/12/13 10:00:07
An interview with Bill Gates: clean energy is the future focus,



An interview with Bill Gates: clean energy is the future focus-Bill Gates-IT information

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) has always been one of the optimists, he always believed that to succeed means you need to take risks, invest huge amounts of money and taking a long-term view of looking at things. He decided years ago to a Microsoft operating system to "authorize", rather than direct sale of cooperation agreements with IBM's ulterior motives, and also was a deal made today of gates and Microsoft Empire.

A few days ago, including gates, Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos), Virgin Group founder Richard Branson (Richard Branson), the Fund of hedge fund giant Bridgewater (BridgewaterAssociates) founder of Rey-Dario (Ray Dalio), Kleiner full partners, "venture capital" King of John Doerr (John Doerr), LinkedIn co-founder Reid-Hoffman (ReidHoffman), Jack Ma, Alibaba's Executive Chairman, Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal (Alwaleed Bin Talal), SOFTBANK Chief Executive Masayoshi Son (Masayoshi Son) and a number of other well-known investors founded a to reach 1 billion dollars of "breakthrough Energy Fund" (BreakthroughEnergy Ventures) funds , major investment for clean energy technologies.

In response, Gates said he never obstructed by a little shaken the established goals. United States President-elect Donald Trump (Donald Trump) has said he isn't interested in global warming topic, but Gates still hoped that allowing the former to fully recognize that clean energy can play an important role in economic development.

A few days ago, Gates is taking the Re/code INA, a senior editor-Fred (Ina Fried) interviews, and in an interview, talked a lot about the environment, energy, as well as the next United States President, Trump's topic, here is the interview part of the excerpt:

Fred: our next President has said he does not believe that climate change and human activities, you will be very concerned about it?

Gates: we are very much looking forward to see this administration in this regard as, I want to be able to see some innovation in energy things appear, and hope to get unanimous support for this subject the two parties. Whether in terms of employment and global leadership, (clean energy) research will produce higher returns. And no matter what you think of this issue, undoubtedly is a very important topic of energy.

We are a leader in scientific research, so I believe this is the perfect time to invest in this area. Meanwhile, we also need from a macro-perspective on the energy market as a whole, and feedback the truth to Congress. Of course, these are the Government's efforts. How and whether the Government's energy research and development budget will change, breaking the energy funds will be responsible for exploring the best energy solutions on the market, if we can get government support in terms of basic research and development is even more icing on the cake.

Fred: with Trump in your phone when you encourage him more serious about the energy problem, or give him what advice?

Gates: that is not a long time on the phone, and I look forward to the future with more opportunities to communicate with him. Our communication on innovation, and innovation is the theme of preventing epidemic diseases and building plays a huge role in the education-related software. Of course, I also touched on the subject of energy.

Because we call not for long, so there is no clear conclusion on this topic. But it is evident that, including energy Minister appointed as the Congress plays an important role in the future development of energy budgets.

Fred: establishment of breakthrough energy funds one of the advantages is that this time, the investment fund was not confined to any one country or a Government. So, whether the Government sees clean energy as important administration tasks there are a number of great importance?

Gates: India, the emergence of clean energy not only improve people's lives and can even save lives, since the emergence of this energy will be able to bring local people such as air conditioning, electricity, as well as other life elements that we think things should be. In pursuing this work, you may face some challenges, but our goal is always to have a low cost, reliable source of clean energy.

Fred: we can learn from the previous failure of the clean energy investments to what lessons?

Gates: it is clear that set itself a 5-10 years of observation time window is limited. Also, if you are not selected from the outset its strategic investor is more likely to find their research and development investments into a blind alley.

Of course, the clean energy investment and there have been many success stories. Venture capitalists Vinod-Khosla (Vinod Khosla) will be located in San Francisco's accident insurers Weather Climate Corp sold the United States giant multinational agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto in Missouri, Khosla himself much from profit. While the return on investment other than Scola Technology Fund's performance, but this is notable enough, I'm afraid.

比尔盖茨专访:清洁能源是未来工作重心 - 比尔盖茨 - IT资讯

微软联合创始人比尔-盖茨(Bill Gates)从来都是一名乐观主义者,他始终相信要取得成功就意味着需要承担风险、投入巨资以及以长远的眼光来看待事物。这正是他在多年前决定将微软操作系统以“授权”,而不是直接出售的方式同IBM达成合作协议的背后动机,而也正是这一协议的达成成就了如今的盖茨和微软帝国。

日前,包括盖茨、杰夫-贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)、维珍集团创始人理查德-布兰森(Richard Branson)、对冲基金巨头布里奇沃特基金(BridgewaterAssociates)创始人雷伊-达里奥(Ray Dalio)、凯鹏华盈合伙人、“风险投资之王”约翰-杜尔(John Doerr)、LinkedIn联合创始人里德-霍夫曼(ReidHoffman)、阿里巴巴执行董事长马云、沙特王子阿尔瓦利德-本-塔拉尔(Alwaleed bin Talal)、软银集团首席执行官孙正义(Masayoshi Son)等一批知名投资者联合创办了一只规模达到10亿美元的“突破能源基金”(BreakthroughEnergy Ventures)基金,主要投资方向为清洁能源技术。

对此,盖茨表示自己绝对不会因为一些小小的阻碍动摇既定目标。虽然美国新当选总统唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)多次表示自己对全球气候变暖的话题没兴趣,但盖茨依旧希望让前者充分认识到清洁能源能够对经济发展起到的重要作用。

日前,盖茨就抽空接受了Re/code高级编辑伊娜-弗莱德(Ina Fried)的专访,并在采访中谈及了许多有关环境、能源以及下一届美国总统特朗普的话题,以下是本次专访部分内容节选:











当然,此前的清洁能源投资也有过不少成功的例子。风险投资家维诺德-科斯拉(Vinod Khosla)就将位于旧金山的意外天气保险公司Climate Corp成功出售给了美国密苏里州的巨型跨国农业生物技术公司Monsanto,科斯拉本人也从其中获利良多。虽然这一投资的回报率不及斯科拉其他科技基金的表现,但这恐怕也足够引人注目了。

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