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published in(发表于) 2016/12/14 9:43:41
Italy international pole dance competitions are not flying the flag of China, Chinese race



Italy international pole dance competitions are not flying the flag of China in China out of the race _ | | | flag pole dancing team news

> 2016 international pole dance championships in Italy in Florence, the Organizing Committee but was not flying the Chinese flag, pole dance, China National team and their anger and mass retirements, and carried their flag around the stadium, China.

[Observers network] "no flag, we are out of the race. "Beijing time on December 11, 2016 international pole dance championships in Italy in Florence, has arrived in China for pole dance team competitions of the local organizing Committee has not hoisted the Chinese national flag, collective renouncing the finals.

According to CCTV sports channel official Micro-Blog @CCTV5 reported that former Chinese team in the semi-final having regard to communication with the event, the tournament promises will hang the national flag after the semi-finals, but before the finals have not yet seen the flag. Then the final China renounced the finals. Currently finals over the past two days, the Organizing Committee still did not "flag incident" should be interpreted.

  Pole dance team?

As competitive pole dancing in the global popularity, promotion of pole dancing in China in recent years, competitive pole dancing achievements in the international arena, China is getting better.

In 2011, the fan into the pole dancing world competition, Chinese players after the top 24, athletic pole dance began to receive attention in China.

In October 2012, pole dance team was set up in Tianjin City, China, authorized by the World Championships first team championships of China selected.

On April 12, 2015, world pole dance championships held at Tianqiao Theatre, China Team 7 people attended the event, including men's singles Ke Hong third, women's Fang Yi the last eight, He Bi double of the werewolf and Sun Wenzhu partner won the best vision award.

In 2016, Ke Hong of China in the World Championships men's singles first-place finish.

In September this year, Chinese pole dance performance in the national team at the World Championships, received Italy international pole Dance Federation competition invitation, decided to lead travel Italy. After 3 months of intense preparations for the Chinese team arrived in Florence on December 9, 5 are allowed to qualify for the final contestants were: men's singles Ke Hong (2016 world pole dance championships), women's singles Chen Dandan, Zhou Xun (2016 world pole Dance Championship finals of the 5th, 9 times respectively); double Chen Dandan and Wang Jieer combination Huang Doudou children's group (the first time).

December 9 after the Chinese team arrived in the final scene, the team found, venue outside a corridor that all participants must pass through, hanging on the side of each participating country's flag, but the waving flag in the air, but can't see the Chinese national flag. China then pole dancing team leader Yuan Biao and IPSFA (international pole dance Sports Association) President David communicate requirements organizers fly flags, which indicated that they could not fly China's national flag was because "boom is broken", and pledged to resolve the issue in the semifinals.

Do not see the Chinese national flag, 5 players of the Chinese team are very angry, the players brought their flags hung from the side of the channel on the fence, waiting for the Organizing Committee's resolve.

It is understood that on December 10, after the semifinals ended, still have not hoisted the Chinese flag, team leader Yuan Biao again communicate with the Organizing Committee, David responded by saying: "not all the flags of the participating countries are flying".

However, according to Yuan Biao introduced, at 25 participating countries, only China's national flag is hoisted by the Organizing Committee. Subsequently, the Chinese pole dance team issued a statement giving up for the final.

Chinese player Ke Hong said, "in any game, I think the flag is a very serious matter, because the national flag represents a country's image. For this time there is no flying Chinese flags, we felt very angry. "Then his personal social networking platforms (Facebook) expressed anger over the matter, a move that drew complaints from David, he told team leader Yuan Biao told Chinese team not to bring the matter public.

Up to now, the finals in the past two days, team leader Yuan Biao says, David is still on the "flag incident" should be interpreted.

On Twitter, as the observer press time, more than 3,600 users praise, the girls won the majority of users praise.

>: Tang Zheng Xueyou

Article keywords:
Flag pole dancing team

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意大利国际钢管舞大赛未悬挂中国国旗 中方退赛|钢管舞|国旗|国家队_新闻资讯
>  2016国际钢管舞运动锦标赛在意大利佛罗伦萨进行,组委会唯独未悬挂中国国旗, 中国钢管舞国家队愤而集体退赛,并且把自己携带的中国国旗插在场馆周围。


  据央视体育频道官方微博@CCTV5 报道,在半决赛前中国队曾就此事与赛事方进行沟通,赛事方承诺半决赛后会挂上国旗,但到了决赛前仍未见到国旗。随后闯入决赛的中国队宣布放弃决赛资格。目前决赛已经过去两天,组委会仍没有对“国旗事件”进行解释。
















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