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published in(发表于) 2016/12/14 9:43:52
The NIE Shubin family submit applications for State compensation, claims of 13.91 million Yuan



The NIE Shubin family submit applications for State compensation claim national compensation of 13.91 million Yuan | the NIE Shubin | _ news

> December 2, 2016, China's Supreme People's Court of the second circuit court overrules the NIE Shubin was innocent. After the trial ended, Nie Mu interviewed outside the Court. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photography

[The NIE Shubin family submit applications for State compensation 7 claims totaling more than 13.91 million Yuan] 14th, the NIE Shubin's mother Zhang Huanzhi to the Hebei provincial higher people's Court, the NIE Shubin's case the criminal State compensation applications submitted. According to the lawyers, the State compensation application including death compensation and funeral expenses, compensation for personal freedom, raising the cost of living and compensation for mental damage, total more than 13.91 million Yuan.

According to another report in the China daily, the Hebei provincial higher people's Court decided today to "the NIE Shubin judgment of acquittal is applying for State compensation" case. According to lawyer introduced, the NIE Shubin Nie Xuesheng mother Zhang Huanzhi, father applied for State compensation of more than 13.91 million Yuan, including compensation for death and compensation for mental damage. 21 years ago, the NIE Shubin murder case was the death penalty for rape. On December 2, the unclear facts, insufficient evidence of China's Supreme People's court case overrules the NIE Shubin was innocent. (Reporter Cao Yin)

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
The NIE Shubin State compensation

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聂树斌家属递交国家赔偿申请书 索赔1391万元|聂树斌|国家赔偿_新闻资讯
>  2016年12月2日,中国最高人民法院第二巡回法庭改判聂树斌无罪。庭审结束后,聂母在法院外接受媒体采访。新京报记者王飞 摄

  [聂树斌家属递交国家赔偿申请书 7项索赔共计1391万余元]14日下午,聂树斌的母亲张焕枝前往河北省高级人民法院,递交聂树斌一案刑事国家赔偿申请书。据律师透露,这一国家赔偿申请主要包括死亡赔偿金、丧葬费、人身自由赔偿金、抚养生活费和精神损害赔偿等,合计1391万余元。

  另据中国日报报道,河北省高级人民法院今日决定就“聂树斌改判无罪申请国家赔偿”立案。据代理律师介绍,聂树斌母亲张焕枝、父亲聂学生共申请国家赔偿1391万余元,包括死亡赔偿金和精神损害赔偿。21年前,聂树斌因强奸杀人一案被执行死刑。今年12月2日,中国最高人民法院因此案事实不清、证据不足改判聂树斌无罪。(记者 曹音)


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