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published in(发表于) 2016/12/19 8:45:38
Built sluice affect migratory birds wintering in Poyang Lake, official says survival of the fittest



Built sluice affect migratory birds wintering in the Poyang Lake official says survival of the fittest _ | | migratory birds winter in Poyang Lake news

> End of 2015, Yugan in Poyang Lake levees near the illegal fishermen using "grid" electric fish, then the cormorant collecting dead fish. Zhou Haixiang photography

Volunteers worried about water raise ecological impacts of environmental protection; local officials respond, can change the feeding of migratory birds adapt to the environment

Beijing is one of the birds in Poyang Lake each year hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to winter in winter, the Lake also is home to rare fish such as the finless porpoise. About Lake dry season water storage news, many volunteers are worried about water raise ecological impacts.

Recently, the Lake Water Conservancy project construction Office ("Po to establish and operate") Ji Weitao, Deputy Director said in an interview, "even if grass ate enough, survival of the fittest, Baihe will also catch fish, or go to the farmer's field to eat corn, sweet potato" effect for finless porpoises migrating, he said "2 meters will be able to swim." This statement also sparked controversy.

End of the EIA public notice for the first time

On November 23, the water resources Department website of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province water conservancy project public participation in environmental impact assessment information disclosure for the first time, publicity for 10 days. Public notice for the first time has ended. Yesterday from the environmental assessment unit at the China Institute of water conservancy and hydropower-related staff learned that General EIA work and the end of next March.

Public display, in recent years, the prolonged dry season in Poyang Lake area, leading to water in the Lake District and the trend of deterioration of water environment, irrigation, water supply difficulties. For integrated and solve the problems of dry season of Poyang Lake, proposed the construction of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province water conservancy project.

On November 27, the Jiangxi provincial water resources Bureau's website released a descriptive article in order to "a Lake of water"-project introduction of Poyang Lake, Poyang Lake Dam further explanation. "Expanding the area of Lake waters during dry season, increasing water depths, eliminate dry season (especially the continuous low water level) resulting in Lake bed bottom, dry on aquatic animals and fish habitat damage and impact increase winter food of the finless porpoise, to improve their living conditions. ”

Experts say the gate at least 30 meters high

Jianjun Zhou, Professor of Tsinghua University, water conservancy, said, most of the time is within in the Poyang Lake outflows, when only high flood peak of the Yangtze River, floods of the Yangtze River will be pumped into the Lake. Sluice after the completion of the flood season will form a certain backwater effect, obviously, but if current operations, Gates full in the flood season, impact will not be significant.

"Although there is no detailed construction plans, but it is worth noting is that the Hukou levees control water level of 22.5 meters, then brake must be even higher than the 22.5 m, at least more than 30 meters, or will affect flood control. "Jianjun Zhou says," is the gate built much higher, so later stopped the water without any difficulty, once the gate down, will form a high head difference. Installed power generation is also possible even before there are so many things that change the mode of operation after completion of the works. ”

Last year, the Jiangxi province and the official launch of the water conservancy project water resources demonstration of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi province water conservancy Planning Institute engineer Liu Ming said, "design is able to meet the original intention of flood control, power generation, irrigation, navigation and other benefits. "But since then, the dam more power to resist the sound, Po was built on November 23 when the EIA public, responded by saying that before the project has carried out a number of adjustments, including works by" flood control "were replaced by" controlled blight ", by the" dam "to" full brake ".


Dongting Lake to build gates do?

Last year raised in Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province water conservancy project construction scheme, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, 5 provinces have expressed concerns. This year, shortly before the environmental assessment public notice issued, Po to establish and operate the works by "flood control" were replaced by "controlled blight", by the "dam" to "full brake" on the ecological environment more good than harm, the current Su Shanghai, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui and endorse.

Jianjun Zhou, Professor of Tsinghua University, water conservancy, caused by a building gate, control of water resources could lead to regional conflict.

"Now works in Poyang Lake, if it gets built, according to the plan could stop billions of cubic meters of water, downstream effects are not very serious, but Lake was built to keep Dongting Lake building is difficult. "Jianjun Zhou said.

Jianjun Zhou introduced, built, after the Poyang Lake, core that runs from September to October two lakes during the impoundment of three Gorges reservoir water. Due to and upstream of the three Gorges reservoir, water level of Yangtze River during this time falling the fastest. At present, the water can also flow in the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake, and mitigate the effects of water downstream of the Yangtze River and the estuary of the Yangtze River. If two lakes were built gates at the Yangtze River water level dropped even more. If so, the cities of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be affected.

At present, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River is the Datong hydrological monitoring data show, in October has reached more than 7,000 lower than a normal year. The end of September beginning of October, just in time for mid-August 15 astronomical tide, sea level is very high, is the most worst of saltwater intrusion. If Poyang and Dongting Lakes have water storage, Shanghai qingcaosha reservoir in the Yangtze River would be threatened by flooding with sea water.

Question 1

White crane really fishing: shrimp?

White crane is a national kind of wildlife in 2012, listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union. According to charity was Habitat by migratory birds fly project leader Zhang Yunbo said that almost all of the world's cranes are wintering in the Poyang Lake.

The crane eats mainly plant tubers, some bird lovers are concerned that dry season water in Poyang Lake will let the crane without food, especially cranes like the grass roots. In this regard, the Po Jian Ji Weitao, Deputy Director said in a media interview earlier, cranes are omnivorous animals, when there is no edible roots, and fishing, or go to the farmer's field to eat corn and sweet potatoes. "We rescue crane eats small fish, are also eaten. "And suggested that survival, in the face of environmental changes, and birds may be able to change the diet to find survival method.

Zhou Haixiang, Vice Chairman of the China Wildlife Conservation Association, said, as far as he tracked for several years on the crane, crane in breeding season may end up eating fish and other protein supplement, but during the winter in Poyang Lake, is not to eat the fish.

Zhang Yunbo said that according to current data, building water storage in the Poyang Lake will increase by two hundred or three hundred square kilometres of water. White crane is a wading bird, not a swimming bird, foraging only at depths of 10 to 20 cm tubers, impounded water level rises, the depth where can't go, shallow not necessarily sprouting the tuber, is bound to affect white cranes feeding.

 Question 2

Finless porpoises in the wild can pass the gate?

According to 2012, Yangtze finless porpoises has 1040. According to finless porpoise conservation action network said Jiang Yi, one of the sponsors, at present, the living territory of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise is extremely fragmented, only pan Yang Hu to Anhui film distribution. Built brakes may be of the finless porpoise in Poyang Lake migratory species affect Exchange.

Po Jian Ji Weitao, Deputy Director responded, "We recognize in the works during the construction of the finless porpoise migratory obstacles, but after the building of the gates, migration is not a problem. We have designed especially for finless porpoises 4 holes of each orifice width of 60 meters of the sluice, swimming is not a problem of the past. "He also said," aquatic of the finless porpoise in Wuhan, in the case of human temptation, through the most narrow, narrow 2-meter-wide gate. 60 meters to spare. If migration is blocked, we can also take into account human intervention, fishing the finless porpoise population-oriented Exchange. ”

Zhou Haixiang says very little current research on porpoises in the wild, was not as marked birds do location research, no detailed understanding of finless porpoises when spawning, when out of the Poyang Lake Migratory, they do not know is it time to just open the finless porpoise and out of Poyang Lake, and finless porpoise in captivity habits cannot be compared.

"Dam for the exchange of genes of the finless porpoise is also detrimental. If finless porpoises could not communicate with the Yangtze Finless Porpoise in Poyang Lake, can lead to inbreeding, negative impact on the species. According to my observation, finless porpoise in Poyang Lake has been slower than the Yangtze finless porpoise swim. And the capture of wild porpoises finless porpoises will be health hazard, finless porpoises in the wild is very afraid of, as far as I know, finless porpoise deaths caused each time artificial fishing. "Jiang Yi said.

Question 3

Poyang Lake dam in order to "a Lake of water"?

Zhou Haixiang opinion of Betula ermanii and environmental volunteers, Poyang Lake is indeed a problem, but the problem is not dry, but sand and overfishing.

Official EIA public mention, Poyang Lake is China's largest freshwater lake and wetlands of international importance, with distinct wet and dry hydrological rhythm. Zhang Yunbo said that it is this abundant and unique rhythm, and only made the current ecosystem in Poyang Lake, attracted a large number of migratory birds come to the winter. At present, the official data for the winter for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds feathers, many years more than 500,000 plume. After the construction of water storage, wet and dry rhythms fluctuations decreases, is bound to affect the ecosystem.

Zhou Haixiang said that the Yangtze River in 2000 after the ban on sand mining, sand mining along the Poyang Lake high. Related studies 2001-2010 sand field about 260.4 sq in Poyang Lake, which leads to destruction of benthic plants, water turbidity, affecting aquatic life. On November 17, Central Jiangxi environmental protection not as informed the environmental protection Inspectorate have, new sand in the reserve of whitebait production field.

Zhou Haixiang said: "fishermen's extensive use of short wall, such as bottom trawling, grid, a vast network, leading to depletion of fish resources, and problem management. ”

In addition, Jianjun Zhou said building sluice Lake region in Poyang Lake formed relatively close, prone to pollution problems, at present five major tributaries of the Poyang Lake pollution related reports. But pollution is not easy to discharge, eutrophication of water quality problems are also cause for concern, after such as chaohu, Taihu Lake eutrophication, bloom breeding, decays into a "soy sauce soup".

Interview/Beijing News reporter Li Yukun

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Poyanghu migratory birds in winter

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The Beijing News
鄱阳湖建水闸影响候鸟过冬 官员称适者生存|鄱阳湖|候鸟过冬_新闻资讯
>2015年底,鄱阳湖余干大堤附近,渔民在违法使用“电网”电鱼,而后用鸬鹚收电死的鱼。周海翔 摄


  新京报讯 鄱阳湖是候鸟迁徙地之一,每年冬季几十万只候鸟前来越冬,湖内还是江豚等珍稀鱼类栖息地。关于鄱阳湖枯水期建闸蓄水的消息传出后,许多环保志愿者担心水面升高影响生态。





  11月27日,江西省水利厅官网又发布了说明性文章《为了“一湖清水”——鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程介绍》,对鄱阳湖建坝做了进一步解释。“可扩大湖区枯水期 水域面积,增加水深,消除枯水期(尤其是持续低水位)造成的湖床见底、干裂等对水生动物及鱼类生境带来的破坏和影响,有利于增加江豚的越冬食物,改善其生 存条件。”



  “虽然目前没有详细的施工方案,但是值得注意的是,湖口段堤坝设计的控制水位为22.5米,那么闸提得肯定要比22.5米还要高,至少三十多米,不然会 影响防洪。”周建军说,“也正是闸建得比较高,所以以后拦水没有任何困难,闸一旦放下,就会形成很高的水头差。甚至装机发电也有可能,此前工程完成之后转 变运营方式的事有很多。”

  去年,江西省有关部门正式启动《鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程水资源论证》,江西省水利规划设计院工程师刘明说,“设计 的初衷是能达到防洪、发电、灌溉、航运等多重效益。”但此后,建坝发电抵制声音较多,鄱建办在今年11月23日环评公示时,回应称,该工程之前已进行了多 方面的调整,包括将工程由“控洪”改为“控枯”,由“大坝”改为“全闸”。






  周建军介绍,鄱阳湖建闸后,运行的核心在9月到10月三峡水库蓄水期间两个湖泊兜住水。由于三峡及其上游水库蓄水,长江干流水位在这段时间下落最快。目 前,洞庭湖、鄱阳湖中的水还可以流出,缓解了长江蓄水对下游和长江口的影响。如果两个湖泊都建闸,长江水位下降更大。如果这样,长江中下游的城市就会受到 影响。





  白鹤主要是植物块茎为食,一些爱鸟人士担心鄱阳湖枯水期蓄水会让白鹤没有食物,尤其是白鹤喜欢的苦草根茎。对此,鄱建办副主任纪伟涛此前接受媒体采访时 说,白鹤是杂食性动物,没有植物根茎可食时,也会捕鱼,或者到农民田里去吃玉米、番薯。“我们救助时给白鹤吃小鱼,也都是吃的。”并提出,适者生存,面对 环境改变,鸟类还是可以通过改变饮食结构寻找到生存方法。






  鄱建办副主任纪伟涛此前回应,“我们承认在工程修建期间会对江豚洄游产生阻碍,但是闸门修建之后,洄游是没有问题的。我们特别为江豚设计了4孔的,每个 孔口宽60米的大水闸,游过去是没有问题的。”他还说,“武汉水生所养的江豚,在人为诱惑的情况下,能够通过最窄2米宽的窄门。60米绰绰有余。如果到时 候洄游受阻,我们还可以通过考虑人工干预,捕捞江豚来进行种群定向交换。”


  “建坝对于江豚的基因交流也是不利的。如果鄱阳湖江豚无法跟长江干流江豚交流,会导致近亲交配,对物种产生不利影响。据我观察,鄱阳湖的江豚已经比长江 干流江豚游得慢。并且,捕捞野生江豚会对江豚健康产生危害,野生江豚十分怕人,据我了解,每次人工捕捞都会造成江豚死亡。”蒋忆说。




  官方环评公示提到,鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖泊,也是国际重要湿地,具有独特的丰枯水文节律。张云博说,正是这种独特的丰枯节律,才造就了目前鄱阳湖的 生态系统,吸引了大量候鸟前来过冬。目前,官方数据每年过冬候鸟为几十万羽,多的年份超过50万羽。建闸蓄水后,丰枯节律波动减小,势必影响原有的生态系 统。

  周海翔说,2000年长江禁止采砂后,鄱阳湖采砂量居高不下。有关研究认为2001年-2010年鄱阳湖的采砂场范围大约为 260.4平方公里,这导致底栖植物被破坏,水质变浑浊,影响水生生物生存。今年11月17日,中央环保督察组曾通报江西环保不作为,在银鱼产场保护区内 新批采砂区。



  采写/新京报记者 李玉坤


鄱阳湖 候鸟过冬


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