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published in(发表于) 2016/12/19 8:45:53
Official in xinyang city, Henan province, wounding a teacher and municipal discipline Inspection Commission to intervene



Official in xinyang city, Henan province, wounding teacher Municipal Commission for discipline inspection in Henan xinyang | | | officials _ beatings news

> Shihe District of xinyang city, Henan province, the people's Government of site personnel.

China Youth Network Beijing, December 19 (trainee journalists Zhao Jiaqi Li Yongpeng) December 18, SINA weibo user @ xinyang, Henan xinyang tweets high school high school class 35 class Lee due to handling of students violating the rules were beaten by parents, batterers are xinyang Shihe District Taurus logistics industry cluster district Huang, Deputy Director of the Management Committee. 18th afternoon, an interview with the China Youth NET to the parties, they restored the site for journalists happened. 19th xinyang high school office workers described to reporters this morning, have to appoint staff to look into the matter.

Slapped Li on the afternoon of December 18 interview with the reporter of China Youth NET, 17th, second class, his normal Chinese class in the class, hear ringtones classroom, and let students leave the classroom. Yellow students active at that time out of the classroom, teacher Huang criticized the students after class and allow students to inform parents of school communication. Li said, the students admitted the error but did not want their parents to come to school, but his attitude is responsible for notification to students student WONG's father Wong.

17th 4:50 P.M. Teacher Li, Huang alcohol fumes all over, parents came to the school. His yellow x with students and parents talking to three people in the Office, Huang students changed to deny that mobile phones themselves, therefore considers that Wong was the teacher in "let sleeping dogs lie", followed by wine opening abusive teachers. Mr Li said his dispute with yellow for about an hour after giving up communication, formal treatment for another. Not just out of the Office stopped by yellow, a cheekbone is a punch and knocked my glasses. "It was not far from the classroom, scenes that were hit were also seen by the students. "Mr LI told reporters.

Li xinyang city, then ambulances rushed to the Central Hospital, judged to be his right ear by the inspection of traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane. Li said to the reporter for the China Youth NET, is over 24 hours, Huang has never apologized for their behavior, but on the morning of 18th to the hospital for children admitted to the error, your attitude towards yellow x very dissatisfied.

> Injury of authenticity. Teacher images

China Youth NET 18th contact the parents Huang XX, parents admitted to reporters in 17th, drink, but if the afternoon wine already fully awake. Huang told reporters that the teacher asked the children to close for one week under, child claimed did not violate rules, fearing that suspension would seriously affect children third year review, we had an argument with Lee teachers. Huang said although there may be some agitated, but did not say swear words. Is first hand, teacher's glasses is their own against Lee when he accidentally knocked off.

Huang said themselves that evening went to the police station to be interviewed, finished 18th, at one o'clock in the morning after recording yellow so and so went to the hospital to visit Li, Li had already went to bed. In 18th at nine o'clock in the morning and his wife to the hospital to visit Li, and apologized and acknowledged his misconduct. Huang explained that their teacher has always been respected, children still inside the Li class to read and hope that this matter can be resolved properly.

Huang confirmed to the reporter for the China Youth Network your current Shihe District Taurus logistics industry cluster district, Deputy Director of the Management Committee.

The morning of December 19, China Youth Network reporter calling xinyang high school confirmation, "Although there are monitoring student corridor, but where physical confrontation on both sides is dead so there's no live pictures. "The teacher on duty described to reporters, then students smell hit parents alcohol, all the students will be lying. Today already have discipline inspection staff to the school to investigate the matter, the school will take a positive attitude to cooperate with the investigation, maintain the legitimate rights of teachers.

According to earlier media reports, 18th Shihe District four-Member Disciplinary Committee had informed to the hospital and said Shihe District leaders have given instructions, requires a serious investigation into this matter.

Source: China Youth Network

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Officials in xinyang, Henan beat

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河南省信阳市一名官员打伤老师 市纪委介入|河南信阳|打人|官员_新闻资讯

  中国青年网北京12月19日电 (实习记者赵加琪 记者李永鹏)12月18日上午,新浪微博用户@河南信阳高中 发微博称信阳高中高三五班班主任李老师因处理学生违反校规的行为遭学生家长殴打,打人者是信阳市浉河区金牛物流产业集聚区管理委员会副主任黄某某。18日 下午,中国青年网记者采访到当事双方,他们为记者还原了现场事情经过。19日上午信阳高中办公室工作人员向记者介绍,已有到纪委工作人员到校调查此事。

  被打的李老师在12月18日下午接受中国青年网记者采访时称,17日下午第二节课时,他在 班级内正常上语文课,听到教室里传来手机铃声,于是就让学生自己离开教室。当时黄同学主动走出教室,李老师课后对黄同学进行了批评教育,并让学生通知家长 到校沟通。李老师称,学生当时承认了错误但并不想让家长到校,但自己出于对学生负责的态度还是通知了黄同学的父亲黄某某。

  李老师称17日下午4时50分许,学生家长黄某某满身酒气来到学校。自己与学生和家长黄某 某三人在办公室交谈,此时黄同学改口否认手机是自己的,黄某某因此认为是老师在“找事”,随后借着酒劲开口辱骂老师。李老师称自己与黄某某争执了约一个小 时后放弃沟通,想改天再做正式处理。没想到刚出办公室就被黄某某拦住,一回头颧骨就被打了一拳,还打落了眼镜。“当时离教室不远,被打的场面也被学生们看 到了。”李老师向记者介绍。



  中国青年网记者18日下午联系到学生家长黄某某,家长对记者承认自己确实在17日中午饮 酒,但下午到校时酒已经完全醒了。黄某某告诉记者,因对老师要孩子做出停课一周的处罚不满,孩子又声称并没有违反校纪,担心停课处理会严重影响孩子高三复 习,所以便与李老师起了争执。黄某某称自己虽然当时情绪可能有些激动,但并没有说出辱骂的字眼。是老师先动了手,李老师的眼镜则是自己抵挡时不小心碰掉 的。

  黄某某称,自己当晚还到了派出所做笔录, 18日凌晨一点钟做完笔录后黄某某前往医院探望李老师,但当时李老师已经就寝。自己和妻子在18日上午九时许到医院再次探望李老师,并表达了歉意,承认自 己行为不当。黄某某解释道,自己对李老师一直很尊重,孩子也还在李老师班级内读书,希望这件事情能妥善解决。


  12月19日上午,中国青年网记者致电信阳高中求证,“学生走廊 中虽然有监控,但因双方肢体冲突的地方是死角所以并没有现场画面。”值班老师向记者介绍,当时周围的学生都闻到了打人家长身上的酒气,所有在场的学生不会 一同撒谎。今天已经有纪委的工作人员到校调查此事,校方也一定会采取积极的态度配合调查,维护老师的正当权益。




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