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published in(发表于) 2016/12/22 2:23:21
Two survivors of the Nanjing massacre death registration incumbent left 104



Registered two survivors of the Nanjing massacre died 104 | left | | survivors of the Nanjing massacre Japanese invading army _ news

> Yi Cuilan elderly.

> Old Yan Baozhen.

Yangtze evening news network, December 21 (reporter Yu Yingjie) end of the year, two of the tragic history of the Nanjing massacre survivors and witnesses did not survive the winter. On December 21, informed the Japanese invading troops killed in the Nanjing massacre Memorial Hall, Nanjing Yi Cuilan elderly Holocaust survivors of sudden heart failure, rescue an invalid, died at 56 hours on the same day, at the age of 94. A few days earlier, Yan Baozhen and Zhang Xiuhong the elderly survivors of the Nanjing massacre and death. At this point, registered only 104 survivors of the Nanjing massacre.

The 1937 Nanjing massacre occurred, Yi Cuilan is only 14 years old, with his family away from the Nanjing Shanghai Road (Mount) near the "five lane" in a housing. At one point, she saw Japanese troops dragged a young man more than 20 years to the pond's edge, stabbed with bayonets alive in advance the pond. Later, Japanese troops broke into their temporary home searched for "flower girl", but Yi Cuilan hide in inconspicuous stairs covered with stuff in the corner, has not been found, but together with the original "country army" unfortunately fall into the clutches of 88 division officer wife, sister-in-law because his face touched the bottom ash and escaped unscathed.

In the original old neighbors help, Yi Cuilan and his family fled to the refugee shelter ginling College. Saw a lot of bodies on the road, also met the Japanese, got a butt. But the shelter is not safe, "Miss China" to help refugees, but Yi Cuilan remembers, the Japanese broke away over more than 10 girls. On October 14, 2014, on the eve of the first National Memorial Day, Memorial unveiled Yi Cuilan oral testimony to the refugee shelter, I saw the Japanese rape of women.

Yi Cuilan before the old man died on December 15, the Nanjing massacre survivor Yan Baozhen unfortunately passed away, at the age of 94. The Nanjing massacre occurred, Yan Baozhen was only 14 years old, together with her mother, older brother, younger brother at home. City broke that day, the family suddenly heard the window shouting "help, run", and heard gunfire, so the family fled. Jinling girls ' secondary school, fled into the refugee shelter. However, only holding women and children in the school at that time, Yan Baozhen, mother and brother all got asylum, fled together brothers only as people continue to flee, later Yan Baozhen learned that brother Yan Baohe was killed by the Japanese. Since then, every time I talk about the experience, the old man is always in tears.

With the death of two elderly people, as of now, registered only 104 survivors of the Nanjing massacre, on average older than 85 years of age! Once again, let us cherish the memory of the Holocaust and left for dead, thanks to those who are willing to stand up and fight back pain under scar restore survivors of that period of history. While blessing the survivors can have a peaceful and serene life, also hope that society can better care for them and respect! (Edit: Wang Yuxin)

>: Tang Li Weishan

Article keywords:
Survivors of the Nanjing massacre Japanese invading army

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The Yangtze evening news network
两位南京大屠杀幸存者去世 登记在册者剩104位|南京大屠杀|幸存者|侵华日军_新闻资讯



  扬子晚报网12月21日讯(记者 于英杰)岁末,两位南京大屠杀历史惨剧的幸存者和见证者没能挺过这个冬天。12月21日,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆通报,南京大屠杀幸存者易翠兰老人突发心衰,经抢救无效,于当天零时56分离世,享年94岁。此前几天,南京大屠杀幸存者阎保贞老人、张秀红老人也不幸辞世。至此,登记在册的南京大屠杀幸存者仅剩下104位。






南京大屠杀 幸存者 侵华日军


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