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140634 巴菲特十二项投资定律 127 0
139677 巴菲特想买A股,特朗普帮忙砍价 279 0
138072 苹果股价大涨,巴菲特一天就靠投资赚10亿美元 - 巴菲特,苹果,股价 220 0
136535 尘埃落定:巴菲特午餐最终拍得267.9万美元 - 巴菲特,巴菲特午餐 187 0
136484 最贵试睡员?巴菲特和比尔·盖茨一同试睡床垫 - 巴菲特,比尔盖茨 208 0
136094 Warren Buffett’s successors to the open condition: first of all, he is very rich, and secondly not to make more money,(沃伦•巴菲特开接班人条件:首先他得非常有钱,其次不是为了多赚钱,) 199 0
135202 比尔盖茨微信公众号发文:谈与巴菲特的友谊 - 比尔盖茨,巴菲特,公众号 238 0
135013 巴菲特发布2016年度致股东信:创新会让经济向好 - 巴菲特 160 0
134747 人生最美好的事是什么?巴菲特:被哈佛大学拒绝 - 巴菲特,哈佛大学,比尔盖茨 162 0
134293 巴菲特纪录片透露其简朴生活:早餐不超过3.17美元 - 巴菲特 252 0
134093 IBM’s share price rebounded to bid: Buffett recovered $2.6 billion paper loss,(IBM股价反弹至买入价:巴菲特收复26亿美元账面损失,) 208 0
133360 Vicki 3 billion yuan into “family culture“ shareholder “women’s Warren Buffett,“ is how to get into? ,(赵薇30亿元成“万家文化”最大股东,“女巴菲特”是怎么养成的?,) 238 0
132137 All the property was donated by Buffett shouted, he answered: I am 80 years old to donate,(被巴菲特喊话捐出全部财产,马云回答:我80岁也捐,) 187 0
128929 He convinced, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg accounted for 26 million Yuan a day,(巴菲特服气,Facebook创始人扎克伯格每天入账2600万元,) 245 0
127979 Down bottom: Buffett’s holdings at the end of the second quarter 5.4 million shares of Apple stock,(下跌时抄底:巴菲特第二季度末增持540万股苹果股票,) 266 0
127175 Buffett and he refuses the temptation: the top five listed companies were technology companies,(巴菲特和他拒绝的诱惑:美前五大上市公司均为科技公司,) 250 0
126927 Sitting on US $ 65.05 billion: Amazon founder Bezos beyond Buffett as the world’s third richest,(坐拥650.5亿美元:亚马逊创始人贝索斯超越巴菲特成全球第三富豪,) 267 0
126489 Buffett, the Gates Foundation donated $ 2.2 billion worth of stocks,(巴菲特向盖茨基金会捐赠价值22亿美元股票,) 233 0
122980 Warren Buffett lunch 22.67 million Yuan this year: don’t talk about the next investment options,(巴菲特今年午餐拍得2267万元:不谈下个投资选择,) 254 0
122965 Lunch with Warren Buffett Chinese said: he didn’t say anything,(和巴菲特共进午餐的中国人表示:他什么都不说,) 209 0
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