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136907 霍金警告人类不要登月,外星人就在月球背面? 假的! - 霍金,外星人,月球 159 0
135483 霍金本色出演喜剧短片:我要换声音 - 霍金 187 0
130320 Hawking’s new book warns: humans leave Earth, there is no future,(霍金新书发出警告:人类不离开地球,就没有未来,) 228 0
130006 Trump claims to withdraw from the Paris agreement, 375 scientists oppose such as hawking,(特朗普主张退出《巴黎协定》,霍金等375名科学家反对,) 208 0
129785 Hawking says Moon will eat moon cakes, user: never nuts,(霍金称中秋必吃月饼,网友:绝对不要五仁的,) 170 0
127570 He personally designed “ZHUANG Zhou’s Butterfly Dream“ models: the myth of reality and fantasy,(霍金亲自设计“庄周梦蝶”模型:真实和梦幻的迷思,) 267 0
125523 United States woman threatened to kill Stephen Hawking: was sentenced to prison for 4 months probation(美国女子威胁杀死霍金:被判囚禁4个月缓刑,) 256 0
122171 Micro bozhu college entrance examination students pass the examination made by the Hocking, netizens exciting: all the blessings of the universe,(霍金发微博祝高考学子金榜题名,网友激动:得到全宇宙祝福,) 256 0
119538 Ads hawking Sina weibo? Duly completed thousands of forwarding,(霍金新浪微博发广告?妥妥上万转发量,) 236 0
119409 I didn’t know you are hawking: open microblogging advertising,(没想到你是这样的霍金:开微博后竟然发广告,) 220 0
117979 Hawking’s good and bad,(霍金的幸与不幸,) 239 0
116610 We are living in a dream or is it real? Hawking’s micro-blog to answer,(我们生活在梦里还是真实存在?霍金微博给出答案,) 258 0
88755 英特尔兑现承诺:开源霍金使用的语音系统 - 英特尔,霍金 268 0
84707 “宇宙之王”霍金神语录大盘点:外星人在看着你 - 霍金 266 0
84308 霍金联手俄富豪展开ET搜寻计划:投资1亿美元 - 外星人,霍金 265 0
75749 扎克伯格对话霍金:我想知道如何才能长生不老 - Facebook,扎克伯格 310 0
59384 霍金不愿做累赘,表示将来会考虑安乐死 - 霍金,安乐死 288 0
56893 霍金:科研经费短缺将扼杀第二个霍金的诞生 - 霍金,万物理论,时间简史 319 0
20129 霍金:人工智能很快就能玩死人类 - 霍金,人工智能,机器人 278 0
15834 Stephen Hawking: artificial intelligence could lead to human destruction, but(霍金:人工智能可能导致人类灭亡,) 618 0
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