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published in(发表于) 2013/12/6 12:10:57
Court cases of infant girls fall in Chongqing, the plaintiff claims 300,000 temporary-Chongqing-changshou

Chongqing Court girls slam the infant plaintiff claims 300,000 temporary Chongqing | | | Court _ longevity news

Legal daily in Chongqing on December 6 the legal daily reporter Xu Wei said today that Chongqing's Changshou District people's Court the sole was informed that the social concern, "10-year old girl, 25/f, throwing child" case which has on December 4 admissible according to the law. Court official disclosure of longevity, the case for the plaintiff Yuanyuan (nickname, male, born May 2012) and their parents sued defendants Lee (female, born in December 2002), Lee's parents, East View property management Ltd, Chengdu city health disputes.

Plaintiff's claim, the afternoon of November 25, 2013, defendants Lee beat the original in the elevator and later at home in veranda (level 25) the original dump to the downstairs, original injured critically. Currently original at the Chongqing children's Hospital for treatment. Due to accused Lee a unprovoked using violence violations original original of life health right, guardian is not do guardianship duties, property tube company on elevator of run is not do security guarantees obligations, plaintiffs requests Decree Lee a and parents compensation plaintiffs medical, and hospital life supplement, and nursing fee, and transportation, and nutrition fee, 300,000 yuan (tentative), disability compensation gold, and nursing fee, and continued medical fee, and spirit soothes gold waiting identification Hou determines corresponding amounts; Chengdu city East King property management limited on above compensation paragraph bear corresponding of compensation responsibility.

Xinhua learned from Changshou District authorities, changshou attached great importance to the "10-year old girl, 25/f, throwing child" case, police, hospitals, education and other relevant government departments had been fully involved, is now actively deal with the matter. Longevity police:, November 25, Changshou District Public Security Bureau area "pengyun left bank" communities and security alarm, saying the neighborhood children fell from 25. After the alarm, the police immediately rushed to the scene to dispose of. Survey visits, community regulating video surveillance tapes, police had a preliminary identification.

The investigation, on November 25, the community residents ' homes 10 years old girls Lee came home from school, into the community, building 2, unit elevator, original (nickname, male, age 1) out with Grandma. Lee in the original Grandma out of the elevator, hold the original, the elevator door shuts. Elevator surveillance video showed Lee in the lift beat the original.

According to the statement, she would lift and hold him to 25 stories original homes, imposed on the original assault on the sofa in the living room, original after holding to make playing on the balcony railing, Yuanyuan by fall from the balcony railing.

Public security organs promptly report its findings to inform the parties and their guardians, actors Lee was 10 years old, before the legal age of criminal responsibility, the public security organs shall not State investigation of criminal cases.

Changshou District Court official said, the Court will organize a capable force, according to law, timely, open and fair hearing of the case, identified on the basis of the facts of the case, in accordance with the law and relevant standards, properly try cases effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.

(Edit: SN098)
December 06, 2013 Legal daily
重庆法院受理女孩摔婴案 原告暂索赔30万元|重庆|长寿|法院_新闻资讯

  法制网重庆12月6日电 记者徐伟 《法制日报》记者今天从重庆市长寿区人民法院独家获悉,备受社会关注的“10岁女孩25楼抛童”案该院已于12月4日依法受理。长寿法院有关负责人披露,该案为原告原原(乳名,男,2012年5月生)及其父母诉被告李某(女,2002年12月生)、李某的父母、成都市东景物业管理有限公司健康权纠纷。


  记者从长寿区相关部门了解到,长寿区高度重视“10岁女孩25楼抛童”案,警方、医院、教育与政府其他相关部门此前已全面介入,现正积极妥善处理此事。长寿警方通报: 11月25日16时许,长寿区公安局接辖区“鹏运左岸”小区保安报警,称该小区一幼童从25楼坠落。接警后,民警立即赶往现场进行处置。经调查走访、调看小区视频监控录像,警方已初步查明事件情况。






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