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published in(发表于) 2013/12/9 13:34:42
Administrative measures on Bank certificates of deposit

Administrative measures on Bank certificates of deposit: the interest rate marketization way _ | | | management approach interest rate News

December 8, the rules of the provisional rules on the management of 7th interbank certificates of deposit, since December 9, 2013, clearly the purposes of that approach.

Following is the full text of the way:

  Provisional administrative measures on interbank certificates of deposit

First for standard interbank deposit business, expansion of banking deposits in financial institutions financing channels, and promote the development of money markets, according to the People's Republic of China people's Bank of China law and related laws and regulations, these measures are formulated.

Inter-bank deposits are those referred to in article II hereof by the banking deposit financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as class of deposit financial institutions) in Bank of China issued book-entry time deposit certificates on the market, is a kind of money market instruments.

Deposit financial institutions referred to in the preceding paragraph, including policy banks, commercial banks, rural cooperative financial institutions and other financial institutions approved by the people's Bank of China.

Third class of deposit financial institutions issuing certificates shall satisfy the following conditions:

(A) are members of the market interest rate pricing self-regulatory mechanisms;

(B) the institutional measures for Administration of inter-bank deposits have been developed;

(C) the people's Bank of China for other conditions.

Article fourth interbank certificates of deposit, investment and trading as a member of nationwide inter-bank borrowing market, fund managers and fund products.

Fifth deposit interbank certificates of deposit issued by financial entities, should first interbank certificates of deposit issued only a year ago, reported to the people's Bank of China issued annual plan.

Sixth deposit-taking financial institutions can issue record amount in the year, interbank certificates of deposit to determine for each period the amount, duration, but the single amount shall not be less than RMB 50 million Yuan. Balance management about issue record amount, issuer interbank certificates of deposit balances at any time during the year shall not exceed the record amount that year.

Article seventh interbank certificates of deposit issued an electronic approach, public offering or targeted at a national interbank market release. China's interbank borrowing Center (hereinafter referred to as inter-bank lending Center) provide interbank certificates of deposit issuance, trading, and information services.

Article eighth interbank certificates of deposit issued by market mechanism, such as interest rate, issue price is determined. Among them, the fixed-rate certificates of deposit, in principle, the term not exceeding 1 year, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 1-year reference period with the Shanghai interbank offered rate pricing. Floating rate certificate of deposit to the Shanghai interbank offered rate to floating interest rate benchmark interest, in principle, the term more than 1 year, including 1-year, 2-year and 3-year.

Nineth interbank deposits in the interbank markets Clearing Corporation registration, trusteeship, and settlement.

Tenth public release flow of interbank certificates of deposit can be traded, and could serve as a subject matter of the repo transaction.

Redirect interbank certificates of deposit can only be issued in the inter-bank deposits an initial investors who transfer within the circulation.

Interbank certificates of deposit secondary market transactions carried out through inter-bank lending Center's electronic trading system.

11th issuer shall not interbank certificates of deposit issued by subscription or subscription in disguise themselves.

12th building inter-bank deposit market maker system. Interbank deposit market maker by market interest rate pricing core members of self-regulatory mechanisms, according to developments in the interbank deposit market, people's Bank of China will adjust the scope of market makers. Market makers through Center of interbank trading system continuously the corresponding certificates to buy and sell prices of bilateral, and according to their price and other market participants to make a deal.

13th conventions of the certificate of the issuer shall, in accordance with issue documents, arranging honour certificates of principal and interest, are not allowed to change payment date.

14th class financial institution issuing certificates of deposit in the interbank market and China currency clearing company limited disclosure of information on the official website. Disclosure of information should follow the principle of good faith, there shall be no false record, misleading statement or material omission.

Pedestrians should be made by the 15th the first interbank certificates of deposit issued only a year ago, disclosure of the annual distribution plan to the market. If significant or substantive changes occurred in the year, the issuer shall, without delay, disclose again updated the release plan.

Pedestrian 16th article should be issued on interbank certificates of deposit in each phase respectively before and after the release of disclosed elements of the interbank certificates of deposit issued notice and release announcements.

Acquired during the 17th interbank certificates of deposit, and any major events affecting the issuer's debts, an issuer shall disclose in a timely manner.

18th interbank certificates of deposit in accounts set up separate accounts on managed accounts; issued separate certificates of deposit and investment statistics reflect statistical indicators.

19th China in keeping with this approach and other relevant provisions, to supervise and manage the interbank deposit certificate issuance and trading.

Interbank borrowing centres and clearing company limited market per month respectively total interbank certificates of deposit issuance, registration, custody, settlement, payment transactions and cases, presented to the people's Bank of China.

The 20th article of the way interpreted by the people's Bank of China.

21st article this way shall enter into force on December 9, 2013.

(Original title: administrative measures on Bank certificates of deposit interest rate by market mechanism determine)

December 08, 2013 China News Network

  中新网12月8日电 中国人民银行7日发布《同业存单管理暂行办法》,明确自2013年12月9日起施行该办法。



  第一条 为规范同业存单业务,拓展银行业存款类金融机构的融资渠道,促进货币市场发展,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》及相关法律法规,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称同业存单是指由银行业存款类金融机构法人(以下简称存款类金融机构)在全国银行间市场上发行的记账式定期存款凭证,是一种货币市场工具。


  第三条 存款类金融机构发行同业存单应当具备以下条件:




  第四条 同业存单的投资和交易主体为全国银行间同业拆借市场成员、基金管理公司及基金类产品。

  第五条 存款类金融机构发行同业存单,应当于每年首只同业存单发行前,向中国人民银行备案年度发行计划。

  第六条 存款类金融机构可以在当年发行备案额度内,自行确定每期同业存单的发行金额、期限,但单期发行金额不得低于5000万元人民币。发行备案额度实行余额管理,发行人年度内任何时点的同业存单余额均不得超过当年备案额度。

  第七条 同业存单发行采取电子化的方式,在全国银行间市场上公开发行或定向发行。全国银行间同业拆借中心(以下简称同业拆借中心)提供同业存单的发行、交易和信息服务。

  第八条 同业存单的发行利率、发行价格等以市场化方式确定。其中,固定利率存单期限原则上不超过1年,为1个月、3个月、6个月、9个月和1年,参考同期限上海银行间同业拆借利率定价。浮动利率存单以上海银行间同业拆借利率为浮动利率基准计息,期限原则上在1年以上,包括1年、2年和3年。

  第九条 同业存单在银行间市场清算所股份有限公司登记、托管、结算。

  第十条 公开发行的同业存单可以进行交易流通,并可以作为回购交易的标的物。



  第十一条 发行人不得认购或变相认购自己发行的同业存单。

  第十二条 建立同业存单市场做市商制度。同业存单做市商由市场利率定价自律机制核心成员担任,根据同业存单市场的发展变化,中国人民银行将适时调整做市商范围。做市商应当通过同业拆借中心交易系统连续报出相应同业存单的买、卖双边价格,并按其报价与其他市场参与者达成交易。

  第十三条 同业存单发行人应当按照发行文件的约定,按期兑付同业存单本息,不得擅自变更兑付日期。

  第十四条 存款类金融机构发行同业存单应当在中国货币网和银行间市场清算所股份有限公司官方网站上披露相关信息。信息披露应当遵循诚实信用原则,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。

  第十五条 发行人应当于每年首只同业存单发行前,向市场披露该年度的发行计划。若在该年度内发生重大或实质性变化的,发行人应当及时重新披露更新后的发行计划。

  第十六条 发行人应当于每期同业存单发行前和发行后分别披露该期同业存单的发行要素公告和发行情况公告。

  第十七条 同业存单存续期间,发生任何影响发行人履行债务的重大事件的,发行人应当及时进行披露。

  第十八条 同业存单在会计上单独设立科目进行管理核算;在统计上单独设立存单发行及投资统计指标进行反映。

  第十九条 中国人民银行依据本办法及其他相关规定,对同业存单的发行与交易实施监督管理。


  第二十条 本办法由中国人民银行负责解释。

  第二十一条 本办法自2013年12月9日起施行。

(原标题:央行公布同业存单管理办法 利率等以市场化方式确定)


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